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我们重新构造七边形簇自举以利用Steinmann关系,该关系需要一定幅度的某些双不连续性才能消失。 这些约束极大地减少了在平面N $$ \ mathcal {N} $$ = 4超对称Yang-Mills理论中自举七个点幅度所需的函数数量,从而使对这些幅度的更高环路贡献更易于计算。 特别地,双重超共形对称性和定义明确的共线极限足以确定三环NMHV和四环MHV七点幅度的符号。 我们还显示,在三个循环中,放宽双重超共形Q \ $$ \ left(\ overline {Q} \ right)$$关系,并强加二面对称性(对于NMHV,不存在虚假极点)只会在其中产生一个模糊性。 七边形振幅。 这些结果表明振幅的共线特性与Steinmann关系之间存在强烈的张力。
Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: January 5, 2017
Accepted: February 6, 2017
Published: February 28, 2017
Heptagons from the Steinmann cluster bootstrap
Lance J. Dixon,
James Drummond,
Thomas Harrington,
Andrew J. McLeod,
Georgios Papathanasiou
and Marcus Spradlin
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA 94309, U.S.A.
School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton,
Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
Department of Physics, Brown University,
Providence, RI 02912, U.S.A.
DESY Theory Group, DESY Hamburg,
Notkestraße 85, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany
E-mail: lance@slac.stanford.edu, j.m.drummond@soton.ac.uk,
thomas harrington@brown.edu, ajmcleod@stanford.edu,
georgios@slac.stanford.edu, marcus spradlin@brown.edu
Abstract: We reformulate the heptagon cluster bootstrap to take advantage of the Stein-
mann relations, which require certain double discontinuities of any amplitude to vanish.
These constraints vastly reduce the number of functions needed to bootstrap seven-point
amplitudes in planar N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, making higher-loop con-
tributions to these amplitudes more computationally accessible. In particular, dual su-
perconformal symmetry and well-defined collinear limits suffice to determine uniquely the
symbols of the three-loop NMHV and four-loop MHV seven-point amplitudes. We also
show that at three loops, relaxing the dual superconformal (
Q) relations and imposing
dihedral symmetry (and for NMHV the absence of spurious poles) leaves only a single am-
biguity in the heptagon amplitudes. These results point to a strong tension between the
collinear properties of the amplitudes and the Steinmann relations.
Keywords: 1/N Expansion, Scattering Amplitudes, Supersymmetric gauge theory
ArXiv ePrint: 1612.08976
Open Access,
The Authors.
Article funded by SCOAP
1 Intro duction 1
2 Seven-particle scattering amplitudes 4
2.1 MHV: the remainder function 4
2.2 NMHV: the ratio function and R-invariants 4
2.3 The BDS- and BDS-like normalized amplitudes 7
3 The Steinmann cluster bootstrap 10
3.1 Symbol alphabet 10
3.2 Integrability 12
3.3 Symbol singularity structure 12
3.4 Steinmann relations 12
3.5 Absence of triple discontinuity constraints 15
3.6 Steinmann heptagon functions 15
4 MHV and NMHV constraints 16
4.1 Final entry condition 16
4.2 Discrete symmetries 17
4.3 Collinear limit 17
5 Results 18
5.1 Steinmann heptagon symbols and their properties 18
5.2 The three-loop NMHV heptagon 20
5.3 The four-loop MHV heptagon 21
5.4 Three loops from dihedral symmetry 23
6 The multi-particle factorization limit 25
7 Discussion 29
A The BDS and BDS-like ans¨atze 30
B A matrix approach for computing integrable symbols 33
1 Intro duction
The desire to construct general scattering amplitudes from their analytic and physical
properties has been a goal since the birth of the analytic S-matrix program (see e.g. ref. [1]).
More recently, such a procedure has been applied in a perturbative context and referred to
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as bootstrapping. Aspects of this approach have been applied to theories such as quantum
chromodynamics at one loop [2–4] and more recently at two loops [5–7]. However, the
most powerful applications to date have been to the planar limit of N = 4 super-Yang-
Mills (SYM) theory in four dimensions [8, 9]. Fueled by an increased understanding of the
classes of analytic functions appearing in amplitudes in general quantum field theories, as
well as the stringent constraints obeyed by amplitudes in planar N = 4 SYM, it has been
possible to advance as far as five loops [10–15]. These results in turn provide a rich mine
of theoretical data for understanding how scattering amplitudes behave.
The planar limit of a large number of colors in N = 4 SYM has received a great deal
of attention because of the remarkable properties it exhibits. In addition to superconfor-
mal symmetry it respects a dual conformal symmetry [16–20], and amplitudes are dual to
polygonal light-like Wilson loops [16, 21–26]. Dual (super)conformal symmetry fixes the
four-point and five-point amplitudes uniquely to match the Bern-Dixon-Smirnov (BDS)
ansatz [27], which captures all the infrared divergences of planar scattering amplitudes.
Starting at six points, the BDS ansatz receives corrections from finite functions of dual
conformal invariants [25, 26, 28, 29]. The correction to the maximally helicity violating
(MHV) amplitude has traditionally been expressed in terms of a (BDS) remainder func-
tion [10, 12, 25, 26, 30], while the correction to the next-to-maximally helicity violating
(NMHV) amplitude has traditionally been expressed in terms of the infrared-finite NMHV
ratio function [11, 31–35].
The cluster bootstrap program is built on the idea that certain scattering amplitudes
can be determined order by order in perturbation theory using a set of basic building blocks
known as cluster coordinates [36, 37]. Inspired by the results of refs. [38, 39], the bootstrap
approach developed in refs. [10–15] assumes that the MHV and NMHV amplitudes at each
loop order belong to a particular class of iterated integrals, or generalized polylogarithms.
More specifically, the L-loop contribution to the remainder and ratio functions is expected
to lie within the space spanned by polylogarithms of weight 2L [40] whose symbols can
be written in terms of cluster A-coordinates. A further constraint on the relevant space
of functions comes from the restriction that only physical branch cuts can appear in the
remainder and ratio functions [41].
To make use of this expectation, in the bootstrap program one first constructs a
general linear combination of the above set of functions to serve as an ansatz. Then
one tries to determine all free coefficients in the ansatz by imposing analytic and physical
constraints. This procedure becomes increasingly computationally expensive at higher loop
orders, largely due to the fact that the number of relevant functions increases exponentially
with the weight. It is hoped that one day a constructive procedure for determining these
amplitudes can be developed that does not require constructing the full weight-2L space as
an intermediate step. A promising candidate in this respect is the Wilson loop Operator
Product Expansion (OPE) [41–43] and the Pentagon OPE program [44–50] which provides
finite-coupling expressions for the amplitudes as an expansion around (multi-)collinear
kinematics. The main challenge in this framework is to resum the infinite series around
these kinematics; there has been progress recently in this direction at weak coupling [51–
53]. Another potential constructive approach could involve the Amplituhedron [54, 55]
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description of the multi-loop integrand. Perhaps one can extend the methods of ref. [56]
for reading off the branch-point locations, in order to enable reading off the entire function.
To date, six- and seven-point amplitudes have been computed in the cluster bootstrap
program through the study of so-called hexagon and heptagon functions. Both helicity
configurations of the six-point amplitude have been determined through five loops [15],
while the MHV seven-point amplitude has been determined at symbol level through three
loops [12]. The seven-point NMHV amplitude has not yet received attention in the boot-
strap program, but it has been calculated through two loops using slightly different meth-
ods [57]. Surprisingly, bootstrapping the seven-point remainder function has thus far proven
to be conceptually simpler (i.e. requiring the imposition of fewer constraints) than boot-
strapping its six-point counterpart. The collinear limit of the seven-point remainder func-
tion must be nonsingular and a well-defined hexagon function. This requirement is so
restrictive that it entirely determines the two-loop heptagon remainder function, up to an
overall scale. It similarly determines the three-loop remainder function, once the full impli-
cations of dual superconformal symmetry are taken into account [12]. The corresponding
hexagon remainder function symbols may then be obtained by taking a collinear limit.
In a recent breakthrough [15], the classic work of Steinmann [58, 59] on the compatibil-
ity of branch cuts in different channels has been used to supercharge the hexagon function
bootstrap program. The Steinmann relations dramatically reduce the size of the func-
tional haystack one must search through in order to find amplitudes, putting higher-loop
amplitudes that were previously inaccessible within reach. In this paper we reformulate
the heptagon bootstrap of ref. [12] to exploit the power of the Steinmann relations. With
their help, we are able to fully determine the symbol of the seven-point three-loop NMHV
and four-loop MHV amplitude in planar N = 4 SYM, using only a few simple physical
and mathematical inputs. In a separate paper [60], we will investigate various kinematical
limits of these amplitudes in more detail, including the multi-Regge limit [29, 61–71], the
OPE limit [41–48], and the self-crossing limit [72, 73]. In this paper, we study one of the
simpler limits, where the NMHV seven-point amplitude factorizes on a multi-particle pole.
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we begin by reviewing the general
structure of seven-particle MHV and NMHV (super)amplitudes, and different schemes for
subtracting their infrared divergences. Section 3 discusses the essential ingredients of the
amplitude bootstrap for constructing heptagon functions, which are believed to describe the
nontrivial kinematical dependence of these amplitudes. Section 4 focuses on the additional
physical constraints that allow us to single out the MHV or NMHV amplitude from this
space of functions.
Our main results, including the analysis of the general space of heptagon symbols, and
the determination of the three-loop NMHV and four-loop MHV amplitude symbols, are
presented in section 5. Section 6 describes a sample kinematical limit, the behavior of the
NMHV amplitude as a multi-particle Mandelstam invariant vanishes. Finally, section 7
contains our conclusions, and discusses possible avenues for future study.
Many of the analytic results in this paper are too lengthy to present in the manuscript.
Instead, computer-readable files containing our results can be downloaded from [74].
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2 Seven-particle scattering amplitudes
2.1 MHV: the remainder function
In planar N = 4 SYM, n-particle amplitudes are completely characterized by the color-
ordered partial amplitudes A
, which are the coefficients of specific traces Tr(T
· · · T
in the color decomposition of the amplitudes. The MHV helicity configuration has precisely
two gluons with negative helicity and (n−2) with positive helicity (in a convention where
all particles are outgoing). The MHV amplitude is encoded in the remainder function R
which is defined by factoring out the BDS ansatz A
[27] (reviewed in appendix A):
= A
exp [R
] . (2.1)
The BDS ansatz captures all the infrared and collinear divergences [75–77] in the pla-
nar amplitude, so the remainder function is infrared finite. It is also invariant under
dual conformal transformations [16–19, 21]. Moreover, since the BDS ansatz accounts for
collinear factorization to all orders in perturbation theory [27], the n-point remainder func-
tion smoothly tends to the (n−1)-point remainder function in its collinear limits, a fact
that will prove to be an important ingredient in the bootstrap program.
In the definition (2.1), R
is the finite-coupling (or all-loop) remainder function. Here
we will be interested in its perturbative expansion. For any function F of the coupling,
we denote the coefficients of its perturbative expansion with a superscript according to
the definition
F =
, (2.2)
where g
= g
), g
is the Yang-Mills coupling constant, and N is the num-
ber of colors. Elsewhere in the literature, the coupling constant a = 2g
is often used.
The L-loop contribution to the remainder function, R
, is expected to be a weight-2L
iterated integral.
The remainder function vanishes for the four- and five-particle amplitudes, because
dual conformally invariant cross ratios cannot be formed with fewer than six external
lightlike momenta (in other words, the BDS ansatz is correct to all loop orders for n = 4
or 5) [25, 26, 28]. The first nontrivial case, the six-point remainder function, has been
successfully computed at two loops [38], three loops [10, 30, 57], four loops [78] and recently
five loops [15]. At seven points, the remainder function has been computed at two loops [57,
79–81] and its symbol has been computed at three loops [12]. The symbol of the four-loop
seven-point MHV remainder function R
is one of the main results of this paper.
2.2 NMHV: the ratio function and R-invariants
Beyond the MHV case, scattering amplitudes in SYM theory are most efficiently organized
by exploiting the (dual) superconformal symmetry [31] of the theory, as reviewed in ref. [82].
In a nutshell, one starts by packaging the on-shell particle content of the theory into a
single superfield Φ with the help of four Grassmann variables η
, whose index transforms
in the fundamental representation of the SU(4) R-symmetry group. In other words, all
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