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Traffic Sign Recognition Using Kernel Extreme
Learning Machines With Deep Perceptual Features
Yujun Zeng, Xin Xu, Senior Member, IEEE, Dayong Shen, Yuqiang Fang, and Zhipeng Xiao
Abstract—Traffic sign recognition plays an important role
in autonomous vehicles as well as advanced driver assistance
systems. Although various methods have been developed, it
is still difficult for the state-of-the-art algorithms to obtain
high recognition precision with low computational costs. In this
paper, based on the investigation on the influence that color
spaces have on the representation learning of convolutional
neural network, a novel traffic sign recognition approach called
DP-KELM is proposed by using a kernel-based extreme learning
machine (KELM) classifier with deep perceptual features. Unlike
the previous approaches, the representation learning process in
DP-KELM is implemented in the perceptual Lab color space.
Based on the learned deep perceptual feature, a kernel-based
ELM classifier is trained with high computational efficiency
and generalization performance. Through the experiments on
the German traffic sign recognition benchmark, the proposed
method is demonstrated to have higher precision than most of the
state-of-the-art approaches. In particular, when compared with
the hinge loss stochastic gradient descent method which has the
highest precision, the proposed method can achieve a comparable
recognition rate with significantly fewer computational costs.
Index Terms—Traffic sign recognition, convolutional neural
network, extreme learning machine, kernel, color space, lab.
RIVEN by the development of driver assistance system
(DAS) and autonomous vehicles, traffic sign recogni-
tion (TSR) has received lots of attention since it is necessary
to automatically provide timely information of traffic signs
for safe driving [1]. TSR is also beneficial for tasks like
traffic sign monitoring and maintenance. In the past decade,
traffic sign recognition has become an important research topic
not only in intelligent transportation systems but also in the
pattern recognition community. Factors such as changeable
viewpoint, motion blur, partial occlusion, color distortion,
contrast degradation, etc., always make TSR a challenging
Manuscript received November 9, 2015; revised August 2, 2016; accepted
September 17, 2016. This work was supported in part by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 91220301 and
Grant 61375050 and in part by the Joint Innovation Foundation between NSFC
and Chinese Automobile Industry under Grant U1564214. The Associate
Editor for this paper was J. Zhang.
Y. Zeng, X. Xu, Y. Fang, and Z. Xiao are with the College of Mechatronics
and Automation, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha
410073, China (e-mail: xinxu@nudt.edu.cn).
D. Shen is with the College of Information Systems and Management,
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITS.2016.2614916
As a typical pattern recognition task, the accuracy of traf-
fic sign recognition mainly lies on the feature extractor as
well as the classifier. Earlier TSR methods generally share
a similar scheme which consists of hand-crafted features
and conventional classifiers. Even though many hand-crafted
features have been created and integrated with classifiers like
support vector machine (SVM) [2], [3], random forests [4], and
extreme learning machine (ELM) [5], etc., it is still difficult
to deal with the increasing diversity and variability of traffic
signs. The recognition performance is far from satisfaction.
Vondrick et al. [6] demonstrated that hand-crafted features
like histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) [7] were not
discriminative enough. Samples from different classes could
often be similar in the hand-crafted feature space.
With the growth of massive databases and high-performance
computing hardware (e.g. Graphics Processing Units, GPUs),
deep neural network (DNN) [8]–[10] has gradually shown
its outstanding feature-learning capabilities. In contrast with
hand-crafted features, the learned deep features could auto-
matically learn the potential essence stored in massive data
even better. As a consequence, the DNN-based methods have
obtained state-of-the-art results in many pattern classification
As a representative DNN model, the convolutional neural
network (CNN) was inspired from the research on creature
visual systems [11]. Representative CNN models were pro-
posed by Fukushima [12] and LeCun [13], both of which
tried to imitate the perceptual mechanism of human visual
cortex and could learn more discriminative features. Recently,
CNN has been used to tackle TSR tasks and some promising
results have been obtained [14]–[17]. However, CNN is a
deep multi-layer neural network and it is usually trained by
back-propagation (BP) algorithm. The local minima problem
of BP will cause the limited generalization capability of the
fully-connected layers in CNN. In order to obtain state-of-the-
art performance, CNN-based algorithms usually suffer from
a huge computational burden due to the need of a rather
deep single CNN or an ensemble of multiple CNNs. Besides,
current CNN-based TSR approaches usually deal with images
in RGB space. Various issues such as information coupling
and non-uniform color distribution in RGB space would have
a negative effect on the feature learning process of CNN.
In this paper, based on an investigation on the influence
that color spaces have on the representation learning of CNN,
we propose a novel TSR method named DP-KELM that uses
the kernel ELM classifier with deep perceptual (DP) features.
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