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提出了在高能,高多重性最终状态中进行搜索以寻找标准模型以外的物理证据的方法,例如黑洞,弦球和弱电闪体。 数据样本对应于2016年在LHC质子-质子碰撞,质心能量为13 TeV的质子碰撞中通过CMS实验收集的35.9 fb-1的综合光度。标准模型背景为多喷嘴生产 从数据中的控制区域确定,而不依赖任何模拟。 没有观察到超出预期背景的过量证据。 在这些最终状态下,超出标准模型信号的横截面的与模型无关的95%置信度上限被设置,并根据半经典黑洞,弦球和sphaleron生产的限制进一步解释。 在具有较大额外尺寸的模型的上下文中,此搜索不包括最小质量高达10.1 TeV的半经典黑洞和质量高达9.5 TeV的弦球。 提出了首次专门搜索电弱闪蒸器的结果。 在所有夸克-夸克相互作用的分数高于9 TeV的标称阈值能量的分数上,将0.021的上限设置为95%的置信度,从而导致了闪体的过渡。
Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: May 15, 2018
Revised: August 28, 2018
Accepted: October 27, 2018
Published: November 7, 2018
Search for black holes and sphalerons in
high-multiplicity final states in proton-proton collisions
s = 13 TeV
The CMS collaboration
E-mail: cms-publication-committee-chair@cern.ch
Abstract: A search in energetic, high-multiplicity final states for evidence of physics
beyond the standard model, such as black holes, string balls, and electroweak sphalerons,
is presented. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb
with the CMS experiment at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy
of 13 TeV in 2016. Standard model backgrounds, dominated by multijet production, are
determined from control regions in data without any reliance on simulation. No evidence for
excesses above the predicted background is observed. Model-independent 95% confidence
level upper limits on the cross section of beyond the standard model signals in these final
states are set and further interpreted in terms of limits on semiclassical black hole, string
ball, and sphaleron production. In the context of models with large extra dimensions,
semiclassical black holes with minimum masses as high as 10.1 TeV and string balls with
masses as high as 9.5 TeV are excluded by this search. Results of the first dedicated search
for electroweak sphalerons are presented. An upper limit of 0.021 is set at 95% confidence
level on the fraction of all quark-quark interactions above the nominal threshold energy of
9 TeV resulting in the sphaleron transition.
Keywords: Beyond Standard Model, Hadron-Hadron scattering (experiments)
ArXiv ePrint: 1805.06013
We dedicate this paper to the memory of Prof. Stephen William Hawking,
on whose transformative ideas much of this work relies.
Open Access, Copyright CERN,
for the benefit of the CMS Collaboration.
Article funded by SCOAP
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Microscopic black holes 2
1.2 Sphalerons 3
2 The CMS detector and the data sample 5
3 Event reconstruction 5
4 Analysis strategy 7
5 Simulated samples 8
5.1 Black hole and string ball signal samples 8
5.2 Sphaleron signal samples 10
5.3 Background samples 10
6 Background estimate 11
6.1 Background composition 11
6.2 Background shape determination 11
6.3 Background normalization 13
6.4 Comparison with data 14
7 Systematic uncertainties 14
8 Results 17
8.1 Model-independent limits 17
8.2 Model-specific limits 20
9 Summary 21
The CMS collaboration 30
1 Introduction
Many theoretical models of physics beyond the standard model (SM) [1–3] predict strong
production of particles decaying into high-multiplicity final states, i.e., characterized by
three or more energetic jets, leptons, or photons. Among these models are supersymme-
try [4–11], with or without R-parity violation [12], and models with low-scale quantum
gravity [13–17], strong dynamics, or other nonperturbative physics phenomena. While the
final states predicted in these models differ significantly in the type of particles produced,
their multiplicity, and the transverse momentum imbalance, they share the common feature
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of a large number of energetic objects (jets, leptons, and/or photons) in the final state. The
search described in this paper targets these models of beyond-the-SM (BSM) physics by
looking for final states of various inclusive multiplicities featuring energetic objects. Fur-
thermore, since such final states can be used to test a large variety of models, we provide
model-independent exclusions on hypothetical signal cross sections. Considering concrete
examples of such models, we interpret the results of the search explicitly in models with
microscopic semiclassical black holes (BHs) and string balls (SBs), as well as in models
with electroweak (EW) sphalerons. These examples are discussed in detail in the rest of
this section.
1.1 Microscopic black holes
In our universe, gravity is the weakest of all known forces. Indeed, the Newton constant,
, which governs the strength of gravity, is much smaller than the Fermi con-
stant, ∼10
, which characterizes the strength of EW interactions. Consequently,
the Planck scale M
∼ 10
GeV, i.e., the energy at which gravity is expected to become
strong, is 17 orders of magnitude higher than the EW scale of ∼100 GeV. With the discovery
of the Higgs boson [18–20] with a mass [21, 22] at the EW scale, the large difference between
the two scales poses what is known as the hierarchy problem [23]. This is because in the SM,
the Higgs boson mass is not protected against quadratically divergent quantum corrections
and — in the absence of fine tuning — is expected to be naturally at the largest energy scale
of the theory: the Planck scale. A number of theoretical models have been proposed that
attempt to solve the hierarchy problem, such as supersymmetry, technicolor [24], and, more
recently, theoretical frameworks based on extra dimensions in space: the Arkani-Hamed,
Dimopoulos, and Dvali (ADD) model [13–15] and the Randall–Sundrum model [16, 17].
In this paper, we look for the manifestation of the ADD model that postulates the
existence of n
≥ 2 “large” (compared to the inverse of the EW energy scale) extra spatial
dimensions, compactified on a sphere or a torus, in which only gravity can propagate.
This framework allows one to elude the hierarchy problem by explaining the apparent
weakness of gravity in the three-dimensional space via the suppression of the fundamentally
strong gravitational interaction by the large volume of the extra space. As a result, the
fundamental Planck scale, M
, in 3 + n
dimensions is related to the apparent Planck
scale in 3 dimensions via Gauss’s law as: M
∼ M
, where R is the radius of
extra dimensions. Since M
could be as low as a few TeV, i.e., relatively close to the EW
scale, the hierarchy problem would be alleviated.
At high-energy colliders, one of the possible manifestations of the ADD model is the
formation of microscopic BHs [25, 26] with a production cross section proportional to the
squared Schwarzschild radius, given as:
+ 2
where Γ is the gamma function and M
is the mass of the BH. In the simplest production
scenario, the cross section is given by the area of a disk of radius R
, i.e., σ ≈ πR
– 2 –
26]. In more complicated production scenarios, e.g., a scenario with energy loss during
the formation of the BH horizon, the cross section is modified from this “black disk”
approximation by a factor of order one [26].
As BH production is a threshold phenomenon, we search for BHs above a certain
minimum mass M
≥ M
. In the absence of signal, we will express the results of the
search as limits on M
. In the semiclassical case (strictly valid for M
), the BH
quickly evaporates via Hawking radiation [27] into a large number of energetic particles,
such as gluons, quarks, leptons, photons, etc. The relative abundance of various particles
produced in the process of BH evaporation is expected to follow the number of degrees of
freedom per particle in the SM. Thus, about 75% of particles produced are expected to be
quarks and gluons, because they come in three or eight color combinations, respectively. A
significant amount of missing transverse momentum may be also produced in the process
of BH evaporation via production of neutrinos, which constitute ∼5% of the products of
a semiclassical BH decay, W and Z boson decays, heavy-flavor quark decays, gravitons, or
noninteracting stable BH remnants.
If the mass of a BH is close to M
, it is expected to exhibit quantum features, which
can modify the characteristics of its decay products. For example, quantum BHs [28–30] are
expected to decay before they thermalize, resulting in low-multiplicity final states. Another
model of semiclassical BH precursors is the SB model [31], which predicts the formation of
a long, jagged string excitation, folded into a “ball”. The evaporation of an SB is similar to
that of a semiclassical BH, except that it takes place at a fixed Hagedorn temperature [32],
which depends only on the string scale M
. The formation of an SB occurs once the mass
of the object exceeds M
, where g
is the string coupling. As the mass of the SB grows,
eventually it will transform into a semiclassical BH, once its mass exceeds M
> M
A number of searches for both semiclassical and quantum BHs, as well as for SBs have
been performed at the CERN LHC using the Run 1 (
s = 7 and 8 TeV) and Run 2 (
s =
13 TeV) data. An extensive review of Run 1 searches can be found in ref. [33]. The most
recent Run 2 searches for semiclassical BHs and SBs were carried out by ATLAS [34, 35]
and CMS [36] using 2015 data. Results of searches for quantum BHs in Run 2 based on
2015 and 2016 data can be found in refs. [37–42]. The most stringent limits on M
set by
the Run 2 searches are 9.5 and 9.0 TeV for semiclassical and quantum BHs, respectively,
for M
= 4 TeV [34, 36]. The analogous limits on the minimum SB mass depend on the
choice of the string scale and coupling and are in the 6.6−9 TeV range for the parameter
choices considered in refs. [34, 36].
1.2 Sphalerons
The Lagrangian of the EW sector of the SM has a possible nonperturbative solution, which
includes a vacuum transition known as a “sphaleron”. This class of solutions to gauge field
theories was first proposed in 1976 by ’t Hooft [43]. The particular sphaleron solution of the
SM was first described by Klinkhamer and Manton in 1984 [44]. It is also a critical piece
of EW baryogenesis theory [45], which explains the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the
universe by such processes. The crucial feature of the sphaleron, which allows such claims
to be made, is the violation of baryon (B) and lepton (L) numbers, while preserving B −L.
– 3 –
The possibility of sphaleron transitions at hadron colliders and related phenomenology has
been discussed since the late 1980s [46].
Within the framework of perturbative SM physics, there are twelve globally conserved
currents, one for each of the 12 fundamental fermions: J
= ψ
. An anomaly breaks
this conservation, in particular ∂
= [g
]. This is because the integral
of this term, known as a Chern–Simons (or winding) number N
[47], is nonzero. The
anomaly exists for each fermion doublet. This means that the lepton number changes
by 3N
, since each of three leptons produced has absolute lepton number of 1. The
baryon number will also change by 3N
because each quark has an absolute baryon
number of 1/3 and there are three colors and three generations of quarks produced. This
results in two important relations, which are essential to the phenomenology of sphalerons:
∆(B + L) = 6N
and ∆(B −L) = 0. The anomaly only exists if there is enough energy to
overcome the potential in N
, which is fixed by the values of the EW couplings. Assuming
the state at 125 GeV to be the SM Higgs boson, the precise measurement of its mass [21, 22]
allowed the determination of these couplings, giving an estimate of the energy required for
the sphaleron transitions of E
≈ 9 TeV [44, 48].
While the E
threshold is within the reach of the LHC, it was originally thought that
the sphaleron transition probability would be significantly suppressed by a large potential
barrier. However, in a recent work [48] it has been suggested that the periodic nature
of the Chern–Simons potential reduces this suppression at collision energies
ˆs < E
removing it completely for
ˆs ≥ E
. This argument opens up the possibility of observing
an EW sphaleron transition in proton-proton (pp) collisions at the LHC via processes such
as: u + u → e
t t b c c s d + X. Fundamentally, the N
= +1 (−1) sphaleron tran-
sitions involve 12 (anti)fermions: three (anti)leptons, one from each generation, and nine
(anti)quarks, corresponding to three colors and three generations, with the total electric
charge and weak isospin of zero. Nevertheless, at the LHC, we consider signatures with
14, 12, or 10 particles produced, that arise from a q + q
→ q + q
+ sphaleron process,
where 0, 1, or 2 of the 12 fermions corresponding to the sphaleron transition may “can-
cel” the q or q
inherited from the initial state [49, 50]. Since between zero and three
of the produced particles are neutrinos, and also between zero and three are top quarks,
which further decay, the actual multiplicity of the visible final-state particles may vary
between 7 and 20 or more. Some of the final-state particles may also be gluons from either
initial- or final-state radiation. While the large number of allowed combinations of the
12 (anti)fermions results in over a million unique transitions [51], many of the final states
resulting from these transitions would look identical in a typical collider experiment, as no
distinction is made between quarks of the first two generations, leading to only a few dozen
phenomenologically unique transitions, determined by the charges and types of leptons and
the third-generation quarks in the final state. These transitions would lead to characteristic
collider signatures, which would have many energetic jets and charged leptons, as well as
large missing transverse momentum due to undetected neutrinos.
A phenomenological reinterpretation in terms of limits on the EW sphaleron production
of an ATLAS search for microscopic BHs in the multijet final states at
s = 13 TeV [34],
comparable to an earlier CMS analysis [36], was recently performed in ref. [49]. In the
present paper, we describe the first dedicated experimental search for EW sphaleron tran-
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