COGAIN ’18, June 14–17, 2018, Warsaw, Poland Y. Zhou et al.
In this paper, we propose to alleviate the semantic gap problem
in the framework of implicit relevance feedback using eye track-
ing data. In this framework, the retrieval is still performed based
on low level visual features. Due to its superiority in extracting
abstract features, the convolutional neural network is employed
to classify the eye tracking data to the patterns of being relevant
or irrelevant. In our work, an optimal subset of low level visual
features with 70 components are rst extracted and selected with
a feature selection method proposed in [Zhou et al
2017]. These
subset of visual features are then used for our image retrieval.
Relevance Feedback (RF) is an interactive and/or supervised learn-
ing process used to improve the performance of information re-
trieval systems [Rui et al
1998]. Explicit RF methods initially con-
sidered global-level feedback information. In [Rahman et al
a two-level strategy was proposed for image retrieval. In the lower
level, the supervised support vector machine method and the un-
supervised fuzzy c-mean clustering technique were rst combined
to prelter images in a principle component analysis (PCA)-based
eigenspace while in the ner level, images were retrieved with
a category-based statistical similarity matching technique. Upon
employing an explicit RF scheme, the user’s semantic perception
was incorporated to adjust the similarity matching function. More
recently, the analysis of explicit RF methods has shifted to a ner
level of detail and region-based RF approaches. Methods of this kind
still receive feedback information at global-level but the estimate
of the relevant local-level objects is used to rene the retrieved
results. For example, an image retrieval framework that is based on
a graph-theoretic region correspondence estimation was presented
in [Li and Hsu 2008]. Another SVM-based approach was proposed
in [Djordjevic and Izquierdo 2007] which utilizes an adaptive convo-
lution kernel to realize object-based indexing and images retrieval.
The main drawbacks of these methods are their inaccurate relevant
region identication and requiring extensive eort from the user
to provide feedback in every iteration.
Over the past few years, implicit RF has received particular at-
tention in the image retrieval community. Both advantages and dis-
advantages exist for this new technology. The advantages include
its non-intrusive time-ecient capturing of the user’s feedback and
its being more expressive than the explicitly provided feedback.
On the other hand, the drawback of this technique is the presence
of large amounts of noise in the feedback data. Among the dier-
ent types of implicit feedback data, eye tracking is of particular
importance to image retrieval applications, since it can provide
valuable information with respect to which parts of the image the
user has observed as well as cues regarding the relevance of the
latter to the query at hand. Most eye tracking methods related to
image retrieval have focused on predicting the user’s relevance
assessment at the image level. Maiorana [Maiorana 2013] proposed
an enhanced CBIR system where an eye tracking data based rele-
vance feedback component was integrated. In this system, the gaze
points were used to infer regions of interest in the query image
thus allowing for searches based on global or local features. Gaze
features such as the total xation time and the number of xations
were used to weight the relevance of the returned images. Two
images with the highest scores were then used as new queries for a
new round of retrieval. In [Liang et al
2010], a region based image
retrieval method was proposed where the eye tracking data were
used to determine the region of interests whose importance was
weighted with the xation time. With these importance weights
of image regions, contributions to image distance from dierent
image regions were updated.
The fundamental issue of the implicit RF based on the eye track-
ing data is how to discover the user’s relevance assessment of
returned images. In most existing work, gaze features such as times
an image was visited, total time the user spent on image, number
of xations, total xation time were used for discovering user’s
relevance assessment [Papadopoulos et al
2014]. Actually, the task
of user’s relevance assessment discovery is just a two-class pattern
analysis problem, i.e., to partition the patterns of the eye track-
ing data to relevance or irrelevance classes. Many recent research
results showed that deep learning (DL) performs excellently espe-
cially in pattern classication and hence attracted more and more
attention. LeCun rst proposed a set of network models called
LeNet to identify handwritten numbers [Lécun et al
1998]. In 2012,
Hinton and Krizhevsky [Krizhevsky et al
2012] used the convolu-
tion neural network to classify images in ImageNet. Zhang [Zhang
et al
Zhang et al
] proposed an image retrieval algorithm that used
the characteristics of the CNN fully connected layer and the group
cross-index. For better discovering the user’s retrieval intention
and considering the strong power in pattern classication of the
deep learning technique, the deep neural network is employed to
classify the eye tracking data to the patterns of being relevant or
irrelevant, which is then used to update the retrieval strategy. Ex-
periment results show that our method can achieve comparable
results from the explicit RF method and outperforms the results
from the implicit RF where the xation time was used to re-weight
the importance of dierent regions [Liang et al. 2010].
Figure 1: Block diagram of our image retrieval system
3.1 System Overview
The block diagram of our proposed image retrieval system is shown
in Fig.1. There are two sub-blocks in this system with one being the
RF training block and the other one being the RF based retrieval