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Inverse-designed photonic fibers and metasurfaces for nonlinear ...
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Typically, photonic waveguides designed for nonlinear frequency conversion rely on intuitive and established principles, including index guiding and bandgap engineering, and are based on simple shapes with high degrees of symmetry. We show that recently developed inverse-design techniques can be applied to discover new kinds of microstructured fibers and metasurfaces designed to achieve large nonlinear frequency-conversion efficiencies. As a proof of principle, we demonstrate complex, wavelength
Inverse-designed photonic fibers and metasurfaces
for nonlinear frequency conversion [Invited]
Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA
John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
*Corresponding author: arod@princeton.edu
Received 22 November 2017; revised 19 March 2018; accepted 20 March 2018; posted 21 March 2018 (Doc. ID 313902);
published 20 April 2018
Typically, photonic waveguides designed for nonlinear frequency conversion rely on intuitive and established
principles, including index guiding and bandgap engineering, and are based on simple shapes with high degrees
of symmetry. We show that recently developed inverse-design techniques can be applied to discover new kinds of
microstructured fibers and metasurfaces designed to achieve large nonlinear frequency-conversion efficiencies. As
a proof of principle, we demonstrate complex, wavel ength-scale chalcogenide glass fibers and gallium phosphide
three-dimensional metasurfaces exhibiting some of the largest nonlinear conversion efficiencies predicted thus far,
e.g., lowering the power requirement for third-harmonic generation by 10
and enhancing second-harmonic
generation conversion efficiency by 10
. Such enhancements arise because, in addition to enabling a great degree
of tunability in the choice of design wavelengths, these optimization tools ensure both frequency- and
phase-matching in addition to large nonlinear overlap factors.
© 2018 Chinese Laser Press
OCIS codes: (050.1755) Computational electromagnetic methods; (060.4370) Nonlinear optics, fibers; (190.2620) Harmonic
generation and mixing; (190.4360) Nonlinear optics, devices; (350.4238) Nanophotonics and photonic crystals.
Nonlinear frequency conversion plays a crucial role in many
photonic applications, including ultra-short pulse shaping
[1,2], spectroscopy [3], generation of novel optical states
[4–6], and quantum information processing [7–9]. Although
frequency conversion has been studied exhaustively in bulky
optical systems, including large ring resonators [10] and etalon
cavities [11], it remains largely unstudied in micro- and nano-
scale structures where light can be confined to lengthscales of
the order of or even smaller than its wavelength. By confining
light over long a time and to small volumes, such highly com-
pact devices greatly enhance light – matter interactions, enabling
similar as well as new [12] functionalities compared to those
available in bulky systems but at much lower power levels.
Several proposals have been put forward based on the premise
of observing enhanced nonlinear effects in structures capable of
supporting multiple resonances at far-away frequencies
[13–21], among which are micro-ring resonators [22,23]
and photonic crystal (PhC) cavities [24,25]. However, to date,
these conventional designs fall short of simultaneously meeting
the many design challenges associated with resonant frequency
conversion, chief among them being the need to support multi-
ple modes with highly concentrated fields, exactly matched
resonant frequencies, and strong mode overlaps [26]. Recently,
we proposed to leverage powerful, large-scale optimization
techniques (commonly known as inverse design) to allow
computer-aided photonic designs that can address all of these
Our recently demonstrated optimization framework allows
automatic discovery of novel cavities that support tightly local-
ized modes at several desired wavelengths and exhibit large non-
linear mode overlaps. As a proof-of-concept, we proposed
doubly resonant structures, including multi-layered, aperiodic
micro-post cavities and multi-track ring resonators, capable of
realizing second-harmonic generation efficiencies exceeding
[27,28]. In this paper, we extend and apply this op-
timization approach to design extended structures, including
micro-structured optical fibers and PhC three-dimensional
metasurfaces, as shown in Fig. 1, for achieving high-efficiency
(second- and third-harmonic) frequency conversion. Harmonic
generation, which underlies numerous applications in science,
including coherent light sources [29], optical imaging and
microscopy [30,31], and entangled-photon generation [32],
is now feasible at lower power requirements thanks to the avail-
ability of highly nonlinear χ
and χ
materials such as III–V
semiconductor compounds [33,34] and novel types of
chalcogenide glasses [35]. In combination with advances in
materials synthesis, emerging fabrication technologies have also
Vol. 6, No. 5 / May 2018 / Photonics Research
Research Article
2327-9125/18/050B82-08 Journal © 2018 Chinese Laser Press
enabled demonstrations of sophisticated micro-structured
fibers [36] and metasurfaces [37–44], paving the way for
experimental realization of inverse-designed structures of
increased geometric and fabrication complexity, which offer
orders-of-magnitude enhancements in conversion efficiencies
and the potential for augmented functionalities.
Given a material system of intrinsic χ
or χ
coefficient, the efficiency of any given frequency-conversion
process in a resonant geometry will be determined by a few
modal parameters. The possibility of confining light within
small mode volumes over a long time or distance leads to sig-
nificant gains in efficiency (i.e., lower power requirements),
stemming from the higher intensity and cascadability of non-
linear interactions (compensating for the otherwise small bulk
nonlinearities). In particular, the efficiency of such resonant
processes depends on the product of mode lifetimes and a
nonlinear coefficient β, given by Eqs. (6) and (8) below, which
generalizes the familiar concept of quasi-phase-matching to sit-
uations that include wavelength-scale resonators [26]. For
propagating modes, leaky or guided, the existence of a propa-
gation phase further complicates this figure of merit, with
optimal designs requiring: (i) phase-matching and frequency-
matching conditions, (ii) large nonlinear mode overlaps β, and
(iii) large dimensionless lifetimes Q (low material absorption
and/or radiative losses in the case of leaky modes). The main
design challenge is the difficult task of forming a doubly res-
onant cavity with far-apart modes that simultaneously exhibit
long lifetimes and large β, along with phase and frequency
matching. To date, the majority of prior works on frequency
conversion in fibers [45–47 ] and metasurfaces [38–40,42,48–51]
have focused on only one of these aspects (usually phase match-
ing) while ignoring the others. The geometries discovered by our
optimization framework, in contrast, address the above criteria,
revealing complex fibers and metasurfaces supporting TE or
TM modes with guaranteed phase and frequency matching, long
lifetimes Q, and enhanced o verlap factors β at any desired
propagation wavevector, and resulting in orders-of-magnitude
enhancements in conversion efficiencies.
The possibility of fine-tuning spatial features of photonic de-
vices to realize functionalities not currently achievable by con-
ventional optical design methodologies based on index guiding
and bandgap confinement (which work exceedingly well but
are otherwise limited for narrowband applications) has been
a major drive behind the past several decades of interest in
the topic of photonic opt imization [52,53]. Among these tech-
niques are probabilistic Monte Carlo algorithms, e.g., particle
swarms, simulated annealing, and genetic algorithms [54–56].
Though sufficient for the majority of narrowband (single-
mode) applications, many of these gradient-free methods are
limited to typically small sets of design parameters [57] that
often prove inadequate for handling wideband (multi-mode)
problems. On the other hand, gradient-based inverse-design
techniques are capable of efficiently exploring a much larger
design space by making use of analytical derivative information
of the specified objective and constraint functions [58], dem-
onstrated to be feasible for as many as 10
design variables [59].
Recently, the development of versatile mathematical program-
ming methods and the rapid growth in computational power
have enabled concurrent progress in photonic inverse
design, allowing theoretical (and more recently, experimental)
demonstrations of complex topologies and unintuitive geom-
etries with unprecedented functionalities that would be
arguably difficult to realize through conventional intuition
alone. However, to date, most applications of inverse design
in photonics are confined to linear devices such as mode con-
verters, waveguide bends, and beam splitters [57,58,60–65].
We believe that this paper along with our recent works
[27,28] provides a glimpse of the potential of photonic
optimization in nonlinear optics.
A typical optim ization problem seeks to maximize or
minimize an objective function f , subject to certain constraints
g, over a set of free variables or degrees of freedom (DOFs) [66].
Generally, one can classify photonic inverse design into two
different classes of optimization strategies, based primarily
on the nature or choice of DOF [67]. Given a computational
domain or grid, the choice of a finite-dimensional parameter
space not only determines the degree of complexity but also
the convergence and feasibility of the solutions. One possibility
is to exploit each DOF in the computational domain as an op-
timization parameter, known as topology optimization (TO),
in which case one typically (though not always) chooses the
dielectric permittivity of each pixel ϵr as a DOF (known
as a continuous relaxation parameter [68]). Another possib ility,
known as shape optimization, is to expand the optimization
parameter space in a finite set of shapes (independent of the
computational discretization), which may be freeform contours
represented by so-called level sets [69] (the level-set method) or
basic geometric entities with simpler parametrizations (e.g., pol-
ytopes) [70]. In the level-set method, the zeros of a level-set
“function” Φr define the boundaries of “binary shapes”;
the optimization then proceeds via a level-set partial differential
equation characterized by a velocity field, which is, in turn,
constructed from derivative information [69]. A much simpler
variant (which we follow) is to choose a fixed but sufficient
number of basic binary shapes whose parameters can be made
to evolve by an optimization algorithm. Essentially, for such a
parametrization, the mathematical representations of the shapes
must yield continuous (analytic) derivatives, which is not fea-
sible a priori due to the finite computational discretization and
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of third-harmonic generation and
second-harmonic generation processes in inverse-designed microstruc-
tured fibers and metasurfaces, respectively.
Research Article
Vol. 6, No. 5 / May 2018 / Photonics Research B83
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