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对于许多基于图像的建模技术,光一致性估计是重要的部分。 本文提出了一种新的基于辐射度的颜色校准方法,以减少跨多个摄像机的光一致性估计的不确定性。 我们的方法背后的想法是将颜色转换为统一的辐射色空间,在其中校正了多个图像数据。 实验结果表明,我们的方法无需调整相机参数即可达到可比的色彩校准效果,并且比其他现有方法更可靠。 此外,我们获得了自动确定的光一致性检查阈值,这将导致比现有的基于光一致性的重建算法更好的性能。
Information Sciences
July 2012 Vol. 55 No. 7: 1509–1519
doi: 10.1007/s11432-011-4467-5
Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin H eidelberg 2012 info.scichina.com www.springerlink.com
Radiance-based color calibration for image-based
modeling with multiple cameras
, ZHOU Zhong
1,2 ∗
State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, Beihang University, Beijing 100191,China;
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191,China
Received February 17, 2011; accepted May 18, 2011; published online April 12, 2012
Abstract Photo-consistency estimation is an important part for many image-based modeling techniques. This
paper presents a novel radiance-based color calibration method to reduce the uncertainty of photo-consistency
estimation across multiple cameras. The idea behind our method is to convert colors into a uniform radiometric
color space in which multiple image data are corrected. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can
achieve comparable color calibration effect without adjusting camera parameters and is more robust than other
existing method. Additionally, we obtain an auto-determined threshold for photo-consistency check, which will
lead to a better performance than existing photo-consistency based reconstruction algorithms.
Keywords color calibration, photo-consistency estimation, multi-camera system, image-based modeling
Citation Zhao X, Zhou Z, Wu W. Radiance-based color calibration for image-based modeling with multiple
cameras. Sci China Inf Sci, 2012, 55: 1509–1519, doi: 10.1007/s11432-011-4467-5
1 Introduction
The development of low-cost acquiring devices and increasing popularity of multi-camera vision systems
are continuously escalating image-based modeling applications [1,2]. One kind of attractive applications
is to well reconstruct the real scene or object with multiple images [3,4]. Although multiple images
can be manually captured with a hand-held camera [5] or automatically using a turntable or robot
based system [6,7], they all suffer from a difficulty in modeling dynamic scenes. Unlike that, multi-
camera vision systems have been emerged as a popular platform for providing effective support for
applications with real-time requirement. However, it faces the challenge of how to decrease the influence
introduced by the differences between cameras, which might further affect many photo-consistency based
reconstruction algorithms [8,9]. Figure 1(b) and (c) illustrate some typical artifacts occurring in space
carving reconstruction caused by the inconsistency of color matching costs, even if camera settings and
types are virtually the same.
As mentioned in [10], different cameras-even if they are of the same type-do not exhibit consistent
response. Furthermore, camera responses may differ in settings, illuminations and so on. A direct and
effective method to eliminate these differences is to adjust camera settings to make their responses sim-
Corresponding author (email: zz@vrlab.buaa.edu.cn)
1510 Zhao X, et al. Sci China Inf Sci July2012Vol.55No.7
Figure 1 Space carving [8] reconstruction of a rabbit toy from six different views. (a) One of input toy rabbit images.
(b)(c) A reconstruction using uncalibrated cameras with same settings. The artifacts are marked by circles. (d)(e) A
reconstruction after color calibration. The artifacts are eliminated.
ilar [11]. It assumes that cameras are adjustable and can be physically accessed by calibration system.
Consequently it is not suitable for many low-end acquiring devices.
Besides, color consistency can also be achieved by software processing of multiple images. Porikli [12]
explicitly models pair-wise transfer functions between images, and uses these functions to correct multiple
images. Although it shows consistent appearances, it is ineligible to guarantee numerical consistency for
ignoring differences between cameras. This would yield a poor reconstructed model with unwanted
artifacts, such as “outlier” or “gap” marked by circles in Figure 1(b) and (c).
Our goal is to achieve color consistency across multiple cameras so as to reduce matching noise for
photo-consistency estimation. The key idea here is to map all captured image data from multiple cameras
into a uniform radiometric color space and then correct them with estimated transformation matrices
to one manually or automatically selected image. After our color calibration, images are consistent
both visually and numerically. Photo-consistency based reconstruction algorithms can produce more
reasonable results, shown in Figure 1(d) and (e).
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the related work. Section 3
discusses the motivation for our work. The detailed radiance-based color calibration method is described
in Section 4. Section 5 shows experiment results and evaluates photo-consistency measurements which
are further applied in 3D reconstruction applications. Finally, further steps are discussed in conclusions.
2 Related work
The direct way to perform color calibrate across multiple cameras is to repeatedly adjust camera pa-
rameters (such as gain and brightness) until all the camera responses are similar enough to each other.
Nanda et al. [11] use scene statistics as feedback to adjust the parameters of multiple cameras in their
RingCam system. The main drawback of this method is that the acquiring devices must be physically
accessible and it is not applicable for many low-end acquiring devices.
Furthermore, several software post processing techniques are proposed. Joshi [13] fits the response
function as linear function, while Ilie [10] tries to minimize a cost function among images by adjusting
hardware parameters. Based on their original work, Malik [14] uses a neural network based transform to
optimize the software correction process, while Yamamoto [15] uses scale invariant feature transform to
detect correspondences instead of a color chart board. However, all methods above need to perform hard-
ware parameter adjustment at first. In contrast, our method does not need to adjust camera parameters
but finally produces consistent colors both visually and numerically.
Another way to achieve color consistency across multiple cameras is by software processing of captured
images. Porikli [12] designs a method based on image color histograms to modeling transfer functions and
pair-wise correct multiple images. However, this method is difficult to ensure numerical color consistency
for ignoring physical differences between cameras, and it may cause distortions and quantization errors
when some parts of color spectrum are compressed or stretched. In our method, we first try to eliminate
the above noise for each camera and then perform color correction with multiple images. Moreover, we
address more attention to the issue of photo-consistency estimation and discuss the application of color
calibration for image-based modeling.
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