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在偶极分解的框架内,我们使用了最近经共线性改进的Balitsky-Kovchegov方程来拟合HERA数据,以计算小Bjorken x处的包容性深层非弹性散射。 该方程式包括双横向对数和单横向对数的全阶求和以及运行耦合校正。 与以前在文献中提出的类似方程相比,这项工作直接将Bjorken x用作演化变量的速度标度。 对于四个拟合参数的合理值,我们获得了极好的拟合。 我们发现,当包括恢复效果和有身体动力的初始条件时,贴合质量会提高。 特别地,类DGLAP的单个横向对数的恢复具有相当大的影响,并允许将拟合扩展到相对较大的光子虚拟度Q2。
Physics Letters B 803 (2020) 135305
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Physics Letters B
HERA data and collinearly-improved BK dynamics
B. Ducloué
, E. Iancu
, G. Soyez
, D.N. Triantafyllopoulos
Institut de physique théorique, Université Paris Saclay, CNRS, CEA, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Edinburgh, Peter Guthrie Tait Road, Edinburgh EH9 3FD, UK
European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) and Fondazione Bruno Kessler,
Strada delle Tabarelle 286, I-38123 Villazzano, TN, Italy
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 3 January 2020
Accepted 13 February 2020
Available online 17 February 2020
Editor: A. Ringwald
Parton saturation
Deep inelastic scattering
Within the framework of the dipole factorisation, we use a recent collinearly-improved version of the
Balitsky-Kovchegov equation to fit the HERA data for inclusive deep inelastic scattering at small Bjorken x.
The equation includes an all-order resummation of double and single transverse logarithms and running
coupling corrections. Compared to similar equations previously proposed in the literature, this work
makes a direct use of Bjorken x as the rapidity scale for the evolution variable. We obtain excellent fits
for reasonable values for the four fit parameters. We find that the fit quality improves when including
resummation effects and a physically-motivated initial condition. In particular, the resummation of the
DGLAP-like single transverse logarithms has a sizeable impact and allows one to extend the fit up to
relatively large photon virtuality Q
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP
1. Introduction
Derived via systematic approximations within perturbative QCD, the Colour Glass Condensate (CGC) effective theory [1–5]is a powerful
framework for computing high-energy processes in the presence of non-linear effects associated with high parton densities. There are
intense ongoing efforts towards extending this effective theory to next-to-leading order (NLO) accuracy, as required by realistic applications
to phenomenology [6–19]. These efforts refer both to the Balitsky-JIMWLK equations [20–26], which govern the high-energy evolution of
the scattering amplitudes, and to the impact factors, which represent cross-sections at relatively low energy. The first NLO results, obtained
more than a decade ago [6–8], refer to the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation [20,27]. The latter is a non-linear equation emerging from
the B-JIMWLK hierarchy in the limit of a large number of colours (N
→∞). It describes the evolution of the elastic scattering amplitude
between a colour dipole and a dense hadronic target. Via appropriate factorisation schemes, like the “dipole factorisation” or the “hybrid
factorisation” [28], the BK equation also governs the high-energy evolution of the cross-sections for processes of phenomenological interest,
like deep inelastic scattering (DIS) at small Bjorken x, or forward particle production in proton-nucleus collisions.
A few years after the full NLO BK equation was first presented [8], its numerical study in [29]showed that it is unstable, as anticipated
in [30,31]. Similar problems had been identified, and cured [32–37], for the NLO version of the BFKL equation [38–40]— the linearised
version of the BK equation, valid for weak scattering. The origin of this difficulty has been clearly identified, both numerically [29] and
conceptually [31,41]: it is associated with large and negative NLO corrections enhanced by a double “anti-collinear” logarithm, generated
by integrating out gluon emissions with small transverse momenta (see Sect. 2). Such double-logarithmic corrections spoil the convergence
of the fixed-order perturbative expansion of the high-energy evolution, unless they are properly resummed to all orders. Refs. [31,41]
two different strategies for resumming this series of double-logarithmic corrections to all orders.
At a first sight, these strategies seemed to be successful, leading to stable evolution equations [41,42] and allowing for good fits
to the small-x HERA data [43,44]. However, a recent study [45]revealed some inconsistencies in the original analyses in [31,41,43,44].
In particular, there was a confusion concerning the meaning of the rapidity variable which plays the role of the evolution time. The
variable which a priori enters the perturbative calculations at NLO [8] and in the resummed equations proposed in [31,41]is the rapidity
Y ≡ ln(s/Q
) of the dipole projectile, with s the centre-of-mass energy squared and Q
a typical transverse momentum scale for the
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: bertrand.ducloue@ed.ac.uk (B. Ducloué),
edmond.iancu@ipht.fr (E. Iancu),
gregory.soyez@ipht.fr (G. Soyez),
trianta@ectstar.eu (D.N. Triantafyllopoulos).
0370-2693/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by
2 B. Ducloué et al. / Physics Letters B 803 (2020) 135305
target. It is different from the rapidity η ≡ ln(1/x) of the hadronic target, which is the variable used in DIS (see Sect. 2 for details). When
translated to this physical variable, the results of the original resummations in [31,41]show a strong scheme dependence, preventing
any meaningful phenomenological applications [45]. The success of the corresponding fits to the HERA data [43,44]was rather fortuitous
and can be attributed to several factors: (i) these fits blindly assumed the physical rapidity variable η = ln(1/x) (although this was
inconsistent with the resummation scheme), (ii) the rapidity interval over which one can probe high-energy evolution is relatively
limited making it delicate to critically probe the effects of resummation. In other words, even though the fits can hint at an evolution
being better than another (e.g. via a better χ
, or more physical fit parameters), it remains difficult to draw a firm conclusion.
To overcome these difficulties, Ref. [45]proposed a reorganisation of perturbation theory in which the evolution time is the physical
rapidity η. This program lead to a new version of “collinearly-improved BK equation”, shown below in Eq. (6). This equation is non-local
in rapidity. In that sense it looks formally similar to the equation proposed in [31]but these two equations are fundamentally different:
(i) the evolution variable, η, occurring in Eq. (6)is the physical rapidity ln(1/x), and not the rapidity of the dipole projectile; (ii)
the rapidity shift in Eq. (6) accounts for an all-order resummation of double collinear logarithms, and not anti–collinear (see Sect. 2). The
collinear logarithms are generated by gluon emissions with relatively large momenta. Such emissions are atypical in the context of DIS.
Moreover, they are partially suppressed by non-linear effects, so their resummation is somewhat less critical. As a consequence, a com-
between various resummation prescriptions shows only little scheme dependence [45], at the level of the expected perturbative
accuracy of the resummed equation.
The evolution equation we use in this work, Eq. (6), actually goes beyond the original proposal from Ref. [45]by additionally including
a class of DGLAP-like single transverse logarithms (both collinear and anti-collinear) which appears in the NLO BK equation. While in
principle one can also include [45]the full set of NLO BK corrections in our evolution equation, this is numerically cumbersome (see
however [42]) and it goes beyond the scope of this Letter. Instead, we directly confront the relatively simple equation (6)with the most
recent HERA data [46]for inclusive DIS at small Bjorken x ≤ 0.01. This dataset includes more data points as compared to the one used in
previous fits [43,44].
We use the fits to test the resummation of the aforementioned double logs and single transverse logarithms as well as various pre-
for the running of the QCD coupling which enters the BK equation. We study two models for the initial condition to the BK
equation: the simple Golec-Biernat and Wüsthoff (GBW) model [47,48] and a running-coupling version of the McLerran-Venugopalan (MV)
model [49]. Both models include two free parameters which are fitted to the experimental data. Two additional parameters (leaving aside
the quark masses that we keep fixed) are associated with our ansatz for the running coupling and with the overall normalisation of the
DIS cross-section.
With this setup, we find a good overall agreement with the HERA data at small x
Furthermore, it appears that the physically-motivated
MV model with running coupling is preferred over the GBW model, with the former giving both better χ
and more reasonable parameter
values than the latter. As with earlier studies, the fits appear to favour an initial condition for the dipole scattering amplitude with a fast
and abrupt approach to the unitarity limit. This is the main reason why better fits are obtained with the running coupling version of the
MV model as compared to its original fixed-coupling version [49]. This finding is also in agreement with the fact that previous fits [50,51]
the original MV model favoured a modified dependence of the initial amplitude on the dipole size, decreasing like r
with γ
> 1.
Another interesting observation of our fits is that the inclusion of the DGLAP-like single logarithms significantly improves the description
of the data at large Q
, allowing for good descriptions up to maximum Q
of 400 GeV
This Letter is organised as follows. Sect. 2 provides a qualitative and (hopefully) pedagogical summary of the arguments justifying the
replacement of the original collinear-improved BK equation formulated in terms of the rapidity of the dipole projectile [31,41], by a new
version formulated in terms of the rapidity of the hadron target, or Bjorken x. (We refer to Ref. [45]for more details.) Sect. 3 discusses the
main physical consequences of the various resummations on the solution to the collinearly-improved BK equation. Finally, Sect. 4 presents
the main original results of this paper: the setup and the results for the fits together with their physical discussion.
2. Collinearly-improved BK evolution in the target rapidity
The main difference between our present approach and previous saturation fits to DIS refers to our specific choice of evolution equation
used to describe the evolution of the dipole S-matrix with increasing energy. More precisely, we use a collinearly-improved version of
the BK equation — recently proposed in [45]— in which the rapidity variable playing the role of the evolution time is the proton rapidity
η = ln(1/x), with x the standard Bjorken variable. This contrasts previous studies (see e.g. [8,31,41,43]) where the evolution was formulated
in terms of the rapidity Y of the dipole projectile. Beyond leading order [20,27], the choice of η over Y has important consequences. To
make this clear, we first summarise the main findings of [45] which are relevant for the fit to DIS data described in the next section.
Basic kinematics, target and projectile rapidity We use a frame in which the virtual photon, γ
, is an energetic right-mover with (light-cone)
4-momentum q
≡ (q
, q
, q
) = (q
, −
, 0
), whereas the proton target is a left-mover with P
= δ
In the high-energy or
small Bjorken x regime,
x ≡
2P · q
1 , (1)
the coherence time x
of the virtual photon, i.e. the typical lifetime of its quark-antiquark (q
q) fluctuation, is much larger
than the longitudinal extent 1/P
of the target. This justifies the use of the dipole picture in which the γ
fluctuates into a q
q colour
dipole long before the collision, which then scatters inelastically off the proton. Via the optical theorem, the total dipole-hadron scattering
cross-section is related to the S-matrix for the elastic scattering. At high energy, one can work in the eikonal approximation where the
transverse coordinates x of the quark and y of the antiquark are not affected by the collision.
We neglect the proton mass M which is much smaller than all the other scales in the problem, M
2p · q.
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