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Optimizationsfor High Performance Network Virtualization
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The increasing requirements of intensive interoperaterbility among the distributed nodes desiderate the<br>high performance network connections, owing to the substantial growth of cloud computing and datacenters.<br>Network I/O virtualization aggregates the network resource and separates it into manageable parts for particu<br>lar servers or devices, which provides effective consolidation and elastic management with high agility, flexibility<br>and scalability as well as reduced cost and c

Optimizations for High Performance Network Virtualization
Fanfu Zhou, Ruhui Ma, Jian Li, Lixia Chen, Weidong Qiu, Haibing Guan
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Scalable Computing and Systems,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 200240, China
E-mail: {zhoufanfu, ruhuima, li-jian, trollyxia, qiuwd, hbguan}@sjtu.edu.cn
The increasing requirements of intensive interoperaterbility amon g the distributed nodes desiderate the
high performan c e network connections, owing to the substantial growth of cloud computing and datacenters.
Networ k I/O virtualization aggregates the network resource and separa tes it into manageable parts for particu-
lar servers or devices, which provides effective co n so lidation an d elastic management with high agility, flexibility
and scalability as well as reduced cost and cabling. However, both network I/O virtualization aggregation and
the increas in g network speed incur higher traffic density, that gener at es a heavy system stress for I/O data
moving and I/O event processing. Consequently, many researchers have dedicated to enhancing the system
performance and alleviating the system overhead for high performance networking virtualization. This paper
first elaborates the mainstreaming I/O virtualization methodolo g ies, including device emulation, split-dri ver
model and hardware assisted model. Then, the paper discusses and compares their specific advantages in addi-
tion to perf or ma n c e bottlenecks in practical utilities. This paper mainly focuses on the comprehensive survey
of state-of-the-art approaches for performance optimizations and improvements as well as porta b ility manage-
ment for network I/O virtualization. The approaches include var io u s novel data delivery schemes, overhead
mitigations for interrupt processing and adequate resource allocation s for dynamic network states. Finally,
we highlight diversity of I/O virtualization besides the performance improvements in network virtualization
Keywords Networ k Virtualizat io n , SR- I OV, VMM
1 Introduction
The past decade has witnessed the rapid de-
velopment of cloud computing and datacenter
infrastructures, meanwhile, more and more in-
tensive data exchanges are required among th e
distributed servers in order to accomplish com-
plex event proces s in g [1], business-related data
∗ Corresponding Author

2 J. Comput. Sci. & Technol., Mon.. Year, ,
processing [2], decision support, video conferenc-
ing, map-reduce and graph compu tin g tasks [3],
etc. According to a Cisco report, the amount of
global datacenter IP traffics will nearly quadrupl e
over the next five years, growing at a compound-
ed annual growth rate of 31% [4]. High inten-
sive collaborative workloads require higher physi-
cal bandwidth consumption, so high performance
network devices are widely adopted in datacen-
ter networks. Currently, 10Gigabit per second
(Gbps) Ethernet network interface car ds (NICs)
have become the mainstream network devices in
the cloud computing and datacenters [5, 6] and
40Gbps-100Gbps NICs are in the development or
close to deployment [7, 8].
Input/Output (I/O) virtualization abstracts
upper layer protocols from physical connections
and dynamically shares the high-speed intercon-
nect among various requirements without any re-
strictions on physical port counts [9, 10]. I/O vir-
tualization consolidates many connection traffics
to a single physical link to achieve high network
resource utilization, and simpli fie s the manage-
ment of the I/O devices with software-based con-
figuration [11, 12]. These densified tr affics can ef-
fectively use fewer cards, cables, and switch port -
s, so as to s igni fic antly reduce datacenter server-
to-network and server-to-storage cabling by more
than 70 percent [13], and significantly lower the
cost, complexity, and power requirements [12],
accordingly. Therefore, I/O virtualization tech-
nology achieves outstand ing behaviors in terms of
greater flexibility, greater utilization and faster
provisioning comparing to the traditional NIC
and HBA (host bus adapter) card architectures
The continuously increasing speed and den-
sity of network traffics result in a higher amoun-
t of data movement and higher frequency of
network event n otifi cation s through the networ k
transmission path. Moreover, the multiplexing
of virtual machines (VMs) on sharing physical
server resource causes frequent context switch.
This costly overhead inflicts the network I/O ef-
ficiencies and responsiveness seriously. There-
fore, effectiveness and efficiency of high perfor-
mance network virtualization are critical for a
virtualization-based cloud computing and dat-
acenter systems [15]. To this end, n ovel net-
work data transmission schemes, effective net-
work e vent notification processing mechanisms
and dynamic system scheduling methods are high
desired to improve the network I/O virtualiza-
tion performance, especially for 10Gbps Ethernet
NICs and higher sp ee d NICs connections [16].
Generally sp eaki ng, I/O virtualization can
be classified into three methods according to the
network virtualization proce ss , such as device
emulation model, split driver model, and hard-
ware assisted model. In the full virtualization
scheme, the hyper v is or emulates device hardware
with clean abstraction, but the I/O operation
of guest OS needs costly and complicated trap-
and-emulation process to execute the lowest level
of the conversation [17]. The para-virtualization
(PV) scheme employs s p lit driver model to set
In this article, the term guest is interchangeable w ith guest domain, domU and guest OS, hypervisor is interchange-
able with VMM (virtual machine monitor).

Shortened title within 45 charactors 3
up a more efficient cooperation channels betwee n
the guest OS and the hypervisor. However, the
guest in PV needs to be modified to be aware of
its virtualized status, while the guest OS in ful-
l virtualization is unaware of virtualization and
requires no changes to work [18]. More recent-
ly, hardware assisted I/O virtualization offloads
the device emulation functions to specific hard-
ware, and provides natively sh ar eabl e devices for
each VM with direct access to I/O device without
VMM involvement, such as single- and multi-root
I/O virtu aliz ation proposed by PCI-SIG [19].
In this survey, we comprehensively and pro-
foundly discuss the challenges for high perfor-
mance network virtualization and the require-
ments according to specific high performance
network virtualization architectures. Also, we
make a detailed survey of the state-of-the-art ap-
proaches for performance optimizations based on
data moving, interrupt handling and resource al-
location. Besides, we state the management en-
hancement as well as diversity of I/O virtualiza-
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 introduces the bas ic I/O vir-
tualization model s and their different I/O prop-
erties. Afterwards, we conclude th e performance
bottlenecks and challenges in Section 3. Section
4 concludes and summarizes the s t ate-of- th e-ar t
research strategies about performance optimiza-
tions and improvements for n etwork I/O vir t ual-
ization, as well as discusses the diversity of I/O
virtualization. Finally, we conclude in Section 5.
2 Network I/O Virtualization Models
Virtualization technology has a long devel-
opment history for logically dividing the system
resources provided by mainframe computers b e -
tween different applications [20, 21]. I/O vir-
tualization is a critical component to achieve the
successful and effective v ir t uali zed servers, and it
is recognized that 75% of virtualized servers re-
quire seven or more I/O connections per device,
and require more frequent I/O reconfigurations
[22]. In what follows, we will introduce th r e e I /O
virtualization models: device emulation model, s-
plit driver model and hardware assisted model.
2.1 Device Emulation
Device emulation method for I/O virtualiza-
tion is normally employed in full-virtu aliz ation,
which mimics I/O oper ati ons of the physical de-
vices by virtualizing sens iti ve and privileged in-
structions in VMM layer. This effect fully ab-
stracts and decouples the underlying hardware
from guest OS with the combination of bina-
ry translation and direct execution techniques.
Device emulation method offers the best per-
formance isolation and security for I/O opera-
tions, and simp lifi e s migration and portability
as guest OS instance and user level instructions
run u nmodified without awareness of virtualiza-
tion. The device emulation method using binary
translation has become the de facto standard in
VMware produc t series, such as VMware Work-
station [23] and VMware ESX Server [24]. In
addition, QEM U [25] of Xen [18] and KVM [26]
can also be configured to deploy device emulation

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