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我们使用规范超场的Chern-Simons动力学项,在三维N = 2超对称电动力学中计算两环有效Kähler势。 有效操作是基于背景场方法和一个参数系列的量规构建的。 在这种方法中,量子作用的二次部分将规范和物质量子超场混合在一起,从而在循环超图的计算中产生了复杂性。 为了避免这种障碍并保持对量规参数的依赖性,我们对量子物质超场进行了非局部更改,此后将传播子对角化,但是出现了新的顶点。 我们确定了合适的背景,并开发了使用新顶点计算双环超图的有效方法。 我们计算了超场有效作用的发散和有限部分,找到了两个回路的有效Kähler势,并表明它不依赖于规范参数。

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Nuclear Physics B 900 (2015) 80–103
On effective Kähler potential in N = 2, d = 3SQED
I.L. Buchbinder
, B.S. Merzlikin
Department of Theoretical Physics, Tomsk State Pedagogical University, 634061, To msk, Russia
National Research Toms k State University, 634050, Tomsk , Russia
Department of Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Tomsk Polytechnic University, 634050, Tomsk , Russia
Received 4
June 2015; received in revised form 2 September 2015; accepted 6 September 2015
online 10 September 2015
Editor: Herman
compute the two-loop effective Kähler potential in three-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric elec-
with Chern–Simons kinetic term for the gauge superfield. The effective action is constructed
on the base of background field method with one parametric family of gauges. In such an approach, the
quadratic part of quantum action mixes the gauge and matter quantum superfields yielding the complica-
in the computations of the loop supergraphs. To avoid this obstacle and preserve dependence on the
gauge parameter we make a non-local change of quantum matter superfields after which the propagator is
diagonalized, however the new vertices have appeared. We fix the suitable background and develop the ef-
procedure of calculating the two-loop supergraphs with the new vertices. We compute the divergent
and finite parts of the superfield effective action, find the two-loop effective Kähler potential and show that
it does not depend on the gauge parameter.
© 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP
1. Introduction
The modern interest to study three-dimensional Chern–Simons-matter models is caused by the
construction of N = 8 and N = 6 superconformal models, known as the BLG [1–3] and ABJM
[4] ones, which are closely related to the AdS
correspondence. As it was mentioned in the
Corresponding author.
addresses: joseph@tspu.edu.ru (I.L. Buchbinder), merzlikin@tspu.edu.ru (B.S. Merzlikin).
0550-3213/© 2015
The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP

I.L. Buchbinder, B.S. Merzlikin / Nuclear Physics B 900 (2015) 80–103 81
work [5], the description of the low-energy dynamics of probe M2 brane in the AdS
can be realized from the quantum field theory side on the base of quantum effective action. The
structure of the effective action in the three-dimensional extended supersymmetric models was
studied in the series of the works [6–10] mainly in the sector of gauge field. In the present paper
we consider the aspect, which has not been studied before and which concerns the structure of
the ef
fective action in the matter sector.
It is well kno
wn that the leading part of the low-energy effective action in the supersymmetric
field models with chiral matter superfields is described by effective Kähler potential (see, e.g.,
[11]). The effective Kähler potential is responsible for the structure of the quantum moduli space
of 4D, N = 1 gauge-matter theories in the Higgs branch and is closely related to supersymmetric
sigma-models. Computations of the ef
fective Kähler potential in the 4D, N = 1 supersymmetric
models have been carried out in many papers (see e.g. [12–20] for one-loop calculations and [21]
for two-loop calculations).
In three-dimensional supersymmetric theories the structure of effective Kähler potential is
much less well understood. The effective superpotential in N = 1 gauge-matter theories was
studied in [23,24], but it does not correspond to Kähler sigma-models for component scalar
fields due to an insufficient number of supersymmetries. The two-loop effective Kähler potential
was computed for the three-dimensional W
ess–Zumino model in N = 2 superspace [25] but it
has not been studied in gauge-matter models which have much more interesting classical and
quantum properties. Note that there is a broad discussion of the structure of moduli space of
three-dimensional gauge theories with N = 2 supersymmetry including its Higgs branch (see,
e.g., [26–29]), bu
t the corresponding Kähler potential has never been computed explicitly in per-
turbation theory. In our previous work [6] we discussed the structure of the two-loop low-energy
effective action in N = 2, d = 3SQED with the Chern–Simons kinetic term for the gauge su-
perfield. Within the background field method in N = 2, d = 3
superspace [6–10] we compute
two-loop low-energy effective action for gauge superfield in this model up to the four-derivative
The aim of the present paper is to initiate the study of the perturbati
ve quantum corrections
to the effective Kähler potential in three-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric gauge theories. We
compute two-loop effective Kähler potential in three-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric quan-
tum electrodynamics (SQED) with Chern–Simons kinetic term for the gauge superfield.
At the
classical level this model is superconformal, but we show that the conformal invariance is broken
by two-loop quantum corrections. We find that the two-loop Kähler potential in the N = 2 super-
symmetric electrodynamics is similar in some aspects to the one-loop effective Kähler potential
in four-dimensional N = 1SQED [19].
In the present paper we study the ef
fective Kähler potential for one particular model: N = 2
SQED with the Chern–Simons kinetic term for the gauge superfield and two chiral superfields.
The following are arguments supporting the study the effective Kähler potential in this model:
The detailed analysis of the 4D superfield effective potentials has been given in the thesis [22].
It is known that the classical action in 3d Chern–Simons theory is obtained by means of dimensional reduction from
4d gauge theory where the vector field is described by a topological theta-term. Such 4D theory has no vector field
propagator and hence there will be no vector field loops. Therefore, the loop contributions to effective action in 3d
theory with matter cannot be obtained by means of dimensional reduction from an effective action in 4D
theory with matter, where the vector field is described by the topological theta-term. Thus, the 3D Chern–Simons
theory with matter requires completely independent consideration at quantum level.

82 I.L. Buchbinder, B.S. Merzlikin / Nuclear Physics B 900 (2015) 80–103
• Although this model is quite simple, it possesses a non-trivial effective Kähler potential
which represents the leading part of the low-energy effective action in the Higgs branch. Note
that, in contrast to the four-dimensional case, we need to study the two-loop effective action
since, as we will show further, the one-loop quantum corrections to the ef
fective Kähler
potential are trivial in the sense that they repeat the form of classical Kähler potential. In
general, computation of two-loop quantum corrections is a hard routine, but in the present
case we need to consider just a few two-loop Feynman graphs since the model is Abelian
and, in particular
, ghost superfields do not contribute.
• As we will sho
w further, the form of two-loop quantum corrections to the effective Kähler
potential is in fact dictated by logarithmically divergent supergraphs. Hence, the effective
Kähler potential which is proper to N = 2 Chern–Simons-matter theories it seems can not
appear in three-dimensional models such as N > 2 Chern–Simons-matter gauge theories
which ha
ve no UV divergences [30–32] or the N = 2SQED with Maxwell kinetic term for
the gauge superfield which is superrenormalizable.
• The N = 2S
QED with the Chern–Simons kinetic term is classically superconformal, but,
as we will show, the two-loop quantum corrections to the low-energy effective action break
the conformal invariance. This is analogous to the holomorphic low-energy effective action
in four-dimensional N = 2 gauge theories [33] which is known to be responsible for the
superconformal symmetry breaking.
• We consider the N = 2S
QED with two chiral superfields having different charges with
respect to the gauge superfield. This model is advantageous as compared to similar models
with odd number of chiral superfields which may have parity anomaly [34–36]. Moreover, in
the considered model the effective Kähler potential can be unambiguously computed within
the background field method since we can fix the background for chiral matter superfields
which solv
es classical equations of motion. As a result, the obtained effective Kähler poten-
tial corresponds to the gauge-independent part of the effective action.
Let us discuss se
veral technical points concerning two-loop computations in the considered
model. The effective action in quantum field theory of gauge fields is known to be a gauge-
dependent quantity. However, the effective action calculated for background field satisfying the
effective equations of motions is gauge independent (see e.g. [37]). When we study the per
turbative quantum corrections to effective action in the frame of loop expansion, the gauge
independent one-loop corrections should be considered on the classical equations of motion
while for the gauge independent two-loop quantum corrections we have to take into account the
effective equations of motion up to one-loop order
. In the N = 2SQED studied in the present
paper it is sufficient to consider constant background chiral superfields to compute the effec-
tive Kähler potential. As we will demonstrate, this background obeys not only classical but also
quantum effective equations of motion up to one-loop order. This guarantees that the tw
effective Kähler potential computed in this model is gauge independent. Moreover, in the func-
tional integral we fix the gauge freedom, but we keep the gauge-fixing parameter α arbitrary
throughout all quantum computations. We directly demonstrate that the obtained one- and two-
loop quantum corrections to the effective Kähler potential are independent of α, confirming its
auge independence.
Another technical comment concerns the details of applications of the background field
method at the tw
o-loop order. When we perform the background quantum splitting the classi-
cal action acquires a number of terms which mix gauge and matter superfields at the quadratic
order and make the propagator non-diagonal. In quantum computations it is desirable to deal

I.L. Buchbinder, B.S. Merzlikin / Nuclear Physics B 900 (2015) 80–103 83
with the diagonal propagator for quantum superfields. Otherwise the computations become ex-
tremely complicated. There are, in general, two ways to achieve this: (i) to make a non-local
change of fields to diagonalize the propagator or (ii) to apply a generalized gauge-fixing condi-
tion (R
-gauge) which eliminates the mixed terms at the quadratic order. The latter approach is
usually simpler, but it does not allow one to keep the gauge-fixing parameter arbitrary. Therefore,
in the present work we make a non-local change of quantum superfields to bring the propagator to
the diagonal form. The cost for this is that we get ne
w interaction vertices having non-local form
and playing important role in two-loop quantum computations. This means we should develop a
specific technique to compute the supergraphs with the new vertices.
The rest of this paper is or
ganized as follows. Section 2 is devoted to some preliminary dis-
cussion concerning the structure of loop quantum corrections to the effective Kähler potential
and specify the background which is suitable for its evaluation. In Section 3 we perform the
background-quantum splitting and derive the form of propagators and interaction v
ertices which
will be employed in loop quantum computations. In the next two sections we calculate one- and
two-loop quantum effective actions and derive the form of effective Kähler potential at the two-
loop order. In the last section we discuss the possible extensions of the results of the present
. In the appendices we collect some technical details of two-loop quantum computations.
Throughout this paper we use the N = 2, d = 3 superspace notations and conventions introduced
in earlier works [6–10].
2. Classical action and specification of background
We consider the three-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric electrodynamics which is de-
scribed by two chiral matter superfields Q
and Q
and a gauge superfield V with superfield
strength G =
V . In general at a classical level such a model can have several parameters:
the complex and real mass parameters of the chiral superfields, the topological mass of the gauge
superfield and the Fayet–Iliopoulos term. In the present paper we consider a particular case where
the masses of chiral superfields are v
anishing and the gauge superfield has infinite topological
mass. Moreover, when the Fayet–Iliopoulos term vanishes, the model is superconformal at the
classical level. The only parameter in the classical action is the Chern–Simons level k
S =
). (2.1)
The corresponding classical equations of motion are
G =
), (2.2a)
) = 0 ,D
) = 0 . (2.2b)
The most natural approach to study the quantum effective action is the background field
method. For gauge theories in the N = 1 d = 4 superspace this method is discussed in [38].
Basic features of this method for N = 2 d = 3 superspace were formulated in [6–8]. For recent
applications of this method for computing the ef
fective actions in three-dimensional gauge the-
ories in the sector of gauge superfield see [9,10]. Following this method, we split the original

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