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我们提出了一种基于贝叶斯网络(BN)的列车延误预测模型,以解决列车运行的复杂性和依赖性。 利用来自高速铁路线的实际列车运行数据,研究了三种不同的BN方案,即启发式爬山,原始线性和混合结构。 我们首先使用历史数据来合理化已开发结构的依赖性图。 然后,每个BN结构都使用黄金标准的k倍交叉验证方法进行训练,以避免过度拟合并评估其对其他结构的性能。总的来说,验证结果表明,基于BN的模型可以有效地捕获列车时延的叠加和相互作用。 但是,基于领域知识以及专业知识和地方当局的判断而开发的设计良好的混合BN结构可能会优于其他模型。 我们提出了从混合BN结构相对于实际基准数据获得的预测的性能比较。 结果表明,所提出的超量模型可以在60分钟的时间范围内达到80%以上的预测准确度,在平均绝对误差(MAE),平均误差(ME)和均方根误差(RMSE)度量方面产生较低的预测误差。
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Computers & Industrial Engineering
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A hybrid Bayesian network model for predicting delays in train operations
Javad Lessan
, Liping Fu
, Chao Wen
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo N2L 3G1, Canada
School of Transportation & Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China
Railway Research Center, University of Waterloo, Waterloo N2L 3G1, Canada
High-speed rail
Train operation
Bayesian networks
Delay prediction
Performance evaluation
We present a Bayesian network-(BN) based train delay prediction model to tackle the complexity and de-
pendency nature of train operations. Three different BN schemes, namely, heuristic hill-climbing, primitive
linear and hybrid structure, are investigated using real-world train operation data from a high-speed railway
line. We first use historical data to rationalize the dependency graph of the developed structures. Each BN
structure is then trained with the gold standard k-fold cross validation approach to avoid over-fitting and
evaluate its performance against the others. Overall, the validation results indicate that a BN-based model can be
an efficient tool for capturing superposition and interaction effects of train delays. However, a well-designed
hybrid BN structure, developed based on domain knowledge and judgments of expertise and local authorities,
can outperform the other models. We present a performance comparison of the predictions obtained from the
hybrid BN structure against the real-world benchmark data. The results show that the proposed model on
overage can achieve over 80% accuracy in predictions within a 60-min horizon, yielding low prediction errors
regarding mean absolute error (MAE), mean error (ME) and root mean square error (RMSE) measures.
1. Introduction
A railway system comprises several subsystems, such as network
infrastructure, rolling-stock, control and communication, and various
operational rules and policies with the goal of providing reliable train
services to transport passengers or goods. However, many uncertainties
may arise from these subsystems that can disturb the planned activities
and operations, resulting in unexpected delays (Wen et al., 2017). As a
service complaint, train delays impose a huge cost on passengers and
operators, contributing to the inefficiency of train operations (Van Oort,
2011). In the United Kingdom, for instance, 14 million train-minute
delays were recorded during 2006–2007 on the British national rail
network that cost over £1 billion in terms of lost time to the passengers
(Office, 2008). Consequently, reducing delays is of great importance to
train operators and desirable to passengers (Marković, Milinković,
Tikhonov, & Schonfeld, 2015). Specifically, the validity of all levels of
railway operations planning, such as creating feasible and realizable
timetables, predicting real-time traffic, predicting conflicts, and pro-
viding reliable passenger information, depends highly on the accurate
estimation of train process times that are subject to delay incidents
(Kecman & Goverde, 2015b, 2015a; Kecman, Corman, Peterson, &
Joborn, 2015b). Therefore, delays should be predicted and compen-
sated in time, otherwise there may be a disruption or domino effect of
the propagated delays (Zhang, Li, & Yang, 2018). While part of the
delay factors influencing train process times is predictable and con-
trollable, most of them are not only uncontrollable but also un-
predictable, adding to the challenges of managing railway operations.
In real-world train operations, delay prediction relies heavily on the
experience and intuition of a local dispatcher rather than a network-
wide computational instrument (Martin, 2016). Given the complex
structure of a railway network and interdependent train operations
between a large set of origins and destinations, a local dispatcher’s
estimation of delays and the subsequent decisions are strongly depen-
dent on the state of traffic and network and limited to a local geo-
graphical area. In large and dense network areas, however, the domain
knowledge and expertise of local dispatchers must be supported by an
advanced computational tool that can account for the inter-
dependencies of train operations and interrelated delay factors. Crea-
tion of such an advanced tool has been hindered by two fundamental
limitations. Firstly, methodologically, there has been a lack of models
capable of simultaneously examining multiple components of delay
incidents intertwined with stochastic operations and interaction effects.
Secondly, technologically, there has been a need for collection and
incorporation of massive train operation data. Recently, the integration
of graph and probability theories led to the introduction of Bayesian
networks (BNs) that enabled practitioners to overtake these limitations.
Received 3 September 2017; Received in revised form 5 March 2018; Accepted 9 March 2018
Corresponding author at: School of Transportation & Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China.
E-mail addresses: jlessan@uwaterloo.ca (J. Lessan), lfu@uwaterloo.ca (L. Fu), wenchao@swjtu.cn (C. Wen).
Computers & Industrial Engineering xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
0360-8352/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article as: Lessan, J., Computers & Industrial Engineering (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2018.03.017
Specifically, BNs methodology is a representational tool meant to cap-
ture complex structures and “organize one’s knowledge about a parti-
cular situation into a coherent whole” (Darwiche, 2009). At the same
time, it allows for incorporation of massive historical data in identifying
the contingencies between multiple events and updating the state of
different variables given real-time data. These features, convoluting
different factors and fusing massive data, have given BNs an advantage
over other artificial intelligence techniques.
In this paper, we present three different BN designing architectures,
namely, a heuristic, a naive, and a hybrid method, to represent the
relationship and superposition of interdependent variables identified in
the delay chain of trains. Using information obtained from historical
data, we rationalize the contingency graph of the proposed BN struc-
tures. Next, we apply the gold standard k-fold cross-validation method
to train and evaluate the proposed BNs. The hybrid BN structure,
having a higher performance compared to the other models, is then
tested against real-world benchmark data under di fferent performance
measures. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first hybrid BN-
based delay prediction model introduced into the relevant prediction
literature. The main idea behind the hybrid structure introduced here is
to distinguish between the delay due to the most recent performed
operation and the delay propagated from previous operations. The
proposed ideas were made possible through examining the similarities
and differences between the naive and heuristic structures supported by
domain knowledge and expertise of local authorities. Our results can be
generalized to similar problems in other networks in order to better
support train dispatching and delay management decisions.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. The next sec-
tion presents a brief overview of the related literature and summarizes
our contributions. Section 3 provides the methodological framework
and formal description of the terms and the concepts used in this study.
Section 4 describes the historical data and our general assumptions, and
continues with training and validating results of the candidate BNs.
Section 5 focuses on evaluating the performance of the hybrid BN
model discussed under different performance measures. Finally, con-
clusions and future research directions are presented in Section 6.
2. Literature review
Train timetables are traditionally scheduled using train motion
equations with the input of the estimated running and dwelling times at
individual stations and sections. To minimize the probability of sche-
dule deviation in actual operations, the parameters of these equations
are usually tuned or optimized based on historical train data (Kecman &
Goverde, 2015b). However, these techniques are not adaptive, often
failing to address the time-varying nature of train operation settings.
For example, each new operational configuration would require re-
optimizing the timetables, which is computationally extensive. Some of
these drawbacks could be overcome by applying data-driven ap-
proaches and statistical models to estimate the process times based on
various contributing factors (Kecman & Goverde, 2015b). The under-
lying problem is related to the delay prediction practice that has re-
ceived considerable attention due to its vital importance to train op-
erations management and passenger information provision (Meester &
Muns, 2007).
A number of prediction models have been developed in the litera-
ture, which can be classifi
ed by their scope, model types and solution
(Marković et al., 2015). Traditional methods such as regres-
sion models have been introduced to predict delays. However, these
methods require frequent updates of train positions and rich data.
Micro- and macro-level simulation tools have been applied to simulate
delays at different level of details. The simulation models, developed
based on fixed distributions, require frequent updates from train posi-
tions and real-time train data (Kecman et al., 2015b). The update re-
quirements are mostly due to time-varying operational conditions and
the interaction between different subsystems (stations, sections and
trains) under the effects of infrastructure and operational rules. Yuan
(2006) and Yuan, Goverde, and Hansen (2002) presented a delay pre-
diction model that deals with the stochastic behavior, dependency of
train delays and delay propagation to assess stability and punctuality of
a published timetable against primary delays. An artificial neural net-
work model was proposed to predict the delay of passenger trains in
Iranian Railways (Yaghini, Khoshraftar, & Seyedabadi, 2013). The ac-
curacy level of the proposed model was found to be superior to other
statistical models such as decision tree and multinomial logistic re-
gression methods. Peters, Emig, Jung, and Schmidt (2005) developed
an intelligent real-time delay prediction model that predicts the delay
of the upstream or downstream trains based on the delays currently
incurred in the network. The prediction accuracy of the proposed model
was compared against a rule-based system with a set of predefined rules
in a deterministic manner. However, these models are not flexible en-
ough to incorporate the domain knowledge of experts and local dis-
patchers as well as the operational characteristics.
A generic statistical model for estimating the running and dwelling
times was proposed by Kecman and Goverde (2015b). Three global
predictive models: robust linear regression, regression trees, and
random forests are presented based on advanced statistical learning
techniques. Moreover, based on the robust linear regression and some
refinements, they calibrated local models for each particular train line,
station or block section. The presented models were evaluated using an
aggregated set of historical data on the level of block sections. In an-
other effort, the real-time prediction of train delays was used to detect
instabilities in the timetable and retrieve a feasible train schedule
(Marković et al., 2015). Kecman (2014) also proposed a real-time delay
prediction model based on historical arrival and departure data. Event
graphs were used in Hansen, Goverde, and van der Meer (2010),to
forecast running and arrival times. A stochastic model for delay pro-
pagation in large transportation networks was proposed by Berger,
Gebhardt, Müller-Hannemann, and Ostrowski (2011), to process mas-
sive streams of real-time data. In the same way, the statistical models
are not adaptive enough to incorporate the domain knowledge of local
dispatchers and networks ’ characteristics.
A model for real-time prediction of train delays using Bayesian
reasoning can be found in Kecman, Corman, and Meng (2015a). They
used two months of historical traffic realization data from the Swedish
infrastructure manager in a simulated real-time environment. The
computational results indicated that the predictions are reliable for up
to 30-min horizons. Their main assumption, however, is that the train
orders and routes within the prediction horizon are known, which is
often not the case in the real-world. A Bayesian model for predicting the
propagation of delays can be found in Kecman
et al. (2015b), which
uses real-time events based on their specific order. Martin (2016) pro-
posed a prototype rail advisory system that applies a series of predictive
reasoning and machine learning models, to predict the effects of various
disruptions. Also train movement data, collected from the infrastructure
track occupation records, sensors in rolling-stock, or mobile GPS de-
vices, were used by Flier, Graffagnino, and Nunkesser (2009) to find
robust train paths. Marković et al. (2015) presented a comparison be-
tween the performance of support vector regression and neural net-
works for analyzing passenger train arrival delays and the influence of
infrastructure on arrival delays. Using numerous test instances they
show that support vector regression outperforms other models in pre-
dicting arrival delays. However, to date, identifying which BN archi-
tectures are most valid/reliable for predicting train delays for each
particular network structure has not been well studied.
Clearly, there is still a need for better predictive models that account
for massive real-world train operation data, domain knowledge and
expertise of local authorities. In this paper, for the first time we propose
a hybrid BN-based predictive model for predicting arrival and de-
parture delays, built upon testing different BN architectures, wealth of
train operation records, and domain-specific knowledge. The proposed
model is easy to interpret and generalize while at the same time
J. Lessan et al.
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