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The stereo vision could obtain the 3-D coordinate of the detected object by computing the disparity of the corresponding image points. However, on account of the time complexity and the low robustness of the image matching algorithm, it is seldom used in large-scale scene. This paper puts forward a new vehicle detection method, which simplifies the massive Fourier transformation in the image matching process. The method converts the 2-D Fourier transformation to 1-D with the dimensionality reduc
Fast Vehicle Detection Using a
Disparity Projection Method
Jing Chen , Wenqiang Xu, Haitao Xu, Fei Lin, Yong Sun, and Xiaoying Shi
Abstract—The stereo vision could obtain the 3-D coordinate of
the detected object by computing the disparity of the correspond-
ing image points. However, on account of the time complexity
and the low robustness of the image matching algorithm, it is
seldom used in large-scale scene. This paper puts forward a new
vehicle detection method, which simplifies the massive Fourier
transformation in the image matching process. The method
converts the 2-D Fourier transformation to 1-D with the dimen-
sionality reduction of reused Fourier transformation. Meanwhile,
1-D Fourier transformation of the fast image matching model
is also derived. The coarse-to-fine pyramid search strategy is
used according to the gradient information of each depth map
adaptively. The adjacent area of the same depth is obtained
with a larger matching weight which improves the matching
accuracy and robustness. The model can be used in the fitting
and projection transformation of road plane after background
extraction. Thus reduce the complexity of vehicle segmentation
and enhance the robustness of vehicle detection. The experimental
results show the method can effectively achieve the large-scale
and real-time detection. It is adaptive to various illumination
changes and impervious to shadow and occlusion.
Index Terms—Stereo vision, disparity feature, points matching,
phase correlation, reusing of fourier transformation.
HE stable and reliable vehicle detection is the primary
task of traffic image analysis. It is taken as the basis
of vehicle count, tracking, classification, auxiliary driving,
accident detection and road behavior judgments. In the traffic
detection process, the traffic information obtained by the single
traditional detector is not sufficient. Various sensors are usually
needed to assist to complete a test task. In addition, due
Manuscript received March 20, 2016; revised November 14, 2016,
March 28, 2017, August 13, 2017, and September 25, 2017; accepted October
3, 2017. Date of publication November 13, 2017; date of current version
September 7, 2018. This work was supported in part by the National Science
Foundation of China under Grant 61703127 and Grant 61602141, in part
by the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China under
Grant LY17F020026, Grant LY18F020013, and Grant LY12F02017, in part
by the Zhejiang Province Public Welfare Technology Application Research
Project of China under Grant 2015C33067, and in part by the Public Projects
of Zhejiang Province under Grant 2013C33082 and Grant LGF18F030006.
The Associate Editor for this paper was J. M. Alvarez. (Corresponding author:
Jing Chen.)
J. Chen, H. Xu, F. Lin, and X. Shi are with the School of Computer
Science and Technology, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018,
China (e-mail: cj@hdu.edu.cn; xuhaitao@hdu.edu.cn; linfei@hdu.edu.cn;
W. Xu is with the College of Economics and Management, China Jiliang
University, Hangzhou 310018, China (e-mail: xwq2009@126.com).
Y. Sun is with the Department of Information Technology, Zhejiang Institute
of Communications, Hangzhou 310000, China (e-mail: sy@zjvtit.edu.cn).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITS.2017.2762718
to the characteristics of multi-sources and different natures
of test data, the integration and fusion of multiple traffic
detection data have become the bottleneck. So, the visual
traffic detection method becomes popular for its capability in
obtaining multiple traffic parameters.
The machine vision based vehicle detection is realized
by extracting the features of road vehicles in the images.
This detection method can get different kinds of traffic para-
meters and has a wide range of application. According to
the sampling conditions, the vision based vehicle detection
methods can be divided into two categories: static appearance
features based method and dynamic motion features based
method. The appearance features based method pays attention
to external physical features, including color, texture, edge,
contour and shape. Variety feature descriptors have been used
in this field as scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) [1],
histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) [2] and Haar-like [3].
There are also studies which extract features to detect the
vehicles by the use of deep neural networks (DNN) [4],
support vector machines (SVMs) [5], boosting [3], condi-
tional random fields (CRF) [6] and convolution neural net-
works(CNN) [7], [8]. What the motion features based method
concerned with is how to separate the foreground moving
vehicles from the static background image. Among which the
background subtraction methods [9] are most widely used. The
main background removal methods include Kalman filter [10],
single Gaussian pixel distribution [11], [12], Gaussian mixture
model (GMM) [13], and wavelets [14]. Another method of
motion features is based on the optical flow [15], [16]. It is
the instantaneous speed of image pixels, which corresponds to
the moving vehicles in 3-D space. Optical flow is widely used
in vehicle detection, since it is less susceptible to occlusion
issues [17].
There are several problems in above detection methods.
(1) The shadow in the detection process will affect the
accuracy directly. To solve this problem Cucchiara et al. [18]
analyzed the pixel with hue saturation. It distinguished the
different color and brightness to detect the vehicle shadow.
Ji et al. [19] effectively removed the vehicle shadow by
looking for the boundary and detecting the color feature.
Xue et al. [20] detected vehicles with the updating feature
template with mobile information. However, this method is
only suitable for situation of low vehicle flow rate. Otherwise
the test results will be different from the actual situation.
(2) If the road vehicle density is large while the angle of the
sampling camera is relatively low, the vehicle is prone to be
sheltered. In view of this situation, literature [21], [22] put
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See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
forward part-based detection models. This model decomposes
the vehicle into several parts. By studying the feature rela-
tionship between each part, the vehicle can be detected by the
features of other parts in the case of being partially sheltered.
However, this method is not suitable for the multi-scale vehicle
detection in the remote scene. (3) The inconformity of image
size resulted from the different distances between the vehicles
and the camera may lead to inaccurate feature extracting
for the reason of the resolution of long distance vehicle.
Aiming at this problem, literature [23], [24] detected vehicle
which is far from camera and sheltered by front vehicle by
introducing the local features and global features to describe
the vehicle model. Although this method can solve the multi-
scale problem in vehicle detection, only 2-D traffic sampling
information can be obtained because of the limitation of the
monocular visual image detection method, which leads to the
loss of depth information of traffic parameters. There may be
problems in the following information quantization process
including vehicle type, vehicle speed, traffic flow, and the
length of the motorcade.
The detection method based on stereo vision expands the
feature vehicle detection to 3-D space, which provides a good
way to solve these problems. A Real-Time system introduced
in [10] initializes the object list by using the 3-D model, which
could be used in the detection and tracking of vehicles in the
intersection. The work in [25] represents the dynamic scene
as a collection of rigidly moving planes with 3-D models.
Song et al. [26] solves the shadows under the conditions
of known lighting by using a Bayesian framework with
MCMC sampling. In recent years, the arisen stereo based
method [27]–[29] provides a good solution to the occlu-
sion problem encountered in the detection process, which
allows the detection process to avoid vehicle segmentation.
Vatavu et al. [30] puts forward a vehicle detection method
based on stereo vision, which could realize multiple vehicles
detection in a crowded environment where the road signs
are not visible. The vehicle detection method by utilizing
the feature of the road and disparity histogram is presented
by Lee et al. [31], which is based on the stereo method,
including obstacle segmentation, obstacle location and vehicle
The corresponding points matching algorithm is the key
to the stereo vision method. Points matching algorithm
can be split into two categories: frequency domain match-
ing method [32], [33], [34] and time domain matching
method [35], [36]. Time domain matching method according
to regional gray or color is the most direct and simplest
method to solve the matching problem of corresponding
points. Take one point as center in an image, and then its
small window is selected. Afterwards, area, which has the
maximum similarity with above zone, is sought in another
image. The center of this area is regarded as corresponding
point. The commonly used time domain matching methods
are Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD), Sum of Squared
Differences (SSD), Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC) [37]
and so on Although the idea of area-based method is simple,
it is sensitive to noise. It may lead to larger difference of each
point pair due to influence factors such as illumination, camera
sampling angle, cameras synchronization and so on. Given
this, some cost methods combining with multiple features
are proposed, which improve the aforementioned problems
remarkably. In recent years, the matching method based on
feature learning is used to improve the illumination robustness
and matching precision. Luo et al. [38] proposes a matching
network which is able to produce very accurate results in
less than a second of GPU computation. Seki et al. [39]
leverages Convolutional Neural Networks to overcome the
limited accuracy of conventional learning based confidence
The above problem can also be solved by frequency
domain matching method. When neighborhood of correspond-
ing points are in line with shift assumption, shift estima-
tion of time domain image will be converted into frequency
domain by phase matching algorithm based on Fourier Trans-
lation [32]. It may greatly enhance robustness of matching
process for environmental changes like illumination [40]. [41]
proposed a high-accuracy sub-pixel method to estimate image
disparity with 1/100-pixel accuracy. [33] compared the robust-
ness against transformation complexity, noise, missing data,
and multiple motions of POC. POC algorithm is insensitive
to image illumination differences. And it is more robust than
region-based matching algorithms. So it is used increasingly
in high-precision dense 3-D points cloud matching in recent
years [42], [43]. Such algorithm has higher matching precision,
but it is time consuming in case of larger matching quantity.
It takes 3 times of time-frequency convertible computation for
each corresponding point.
In summary, although the method of 3-D model is effective
in solving the shelter and shadow, there are still some problems
in the detection method based on stereo. Firstly, the method
of establishing the 3-D scene by using natural lighting condi-
tions needs to overcome the changeable natural environment.
Secondly, although the corresponding points matching algo-
rithm based on frequency domain is good for illumination
changing robustness, the bottleneck of the algorithm is cor-
responding to the matching points.
Because of the huge amount of dense points cloud matching,
the matching efficiency cannot meet the needs of real-time
sampling. Although there are a large amount of Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) operations required by the stereo matching,
we find that there are a lot of repetitive computations in the
FFT operation. The corresponding matching calculated amount
can be decreased greatly by reducing the dimensionality and
reusing. To overcome the drawbacks of the previous methods,
this paper proposes stereo vision matching algorithm for large
scene of road sampling. This method extracts the dynamic
background by using Gaussian mixture model, and improves
the matching efficiency of corresponding points by reusing
FFT model. Thus the disparity could be calculated rapidly to
obtain the 3-D coordinates of the foreground. The foreground
object is projected on the fitting and sparse road plane to avoid
the complex vehicle segmentation.
This paper has the following contributions:
(1) Meeting requirements of vehicle detection in complex
environment, and solving the problems of occlusion, shadow
interference, low resolution of remote sampling resolution.
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