To deal with the measurement of contribution to building
the discriminant subspace for each instance, new approaches
based on sample weighting, instead of relation weighting, will
lead to high efficiency. For example, importance sam-
pling [16] plays an important role in correcting the bias intro-
duced by sampling from the wrong distribution, and hence
attract a great deal of attention these days in the learning
community [17], since it can be used for various statistical
data processing tasks such as variable selection [18] and
transfer learning [19]. However, the ground truth distribu-
tion in practice may be unknown, even though the IID is
used for simplifying the theoretical assumptions. In other
words, independence is often an assumption, rather than
observations-based deduction. Moreover, the IID assump-
tion cannot be strictly justified in the real-world problems,
and many learning applications such as time sequence analy-
sis and speech recognition are inherently temporal in nature
and, consequently, do not follow the IID process. Therefore,
learning from observations of unknown distributions is
very meaningful in both the machine learning and statistics
inference literature.
Inspired by the idea of importance sampling, we study
the sample weighting method for discriminant subspace
learning, and our proposal is formulated by an importance
weighted graph model. As shown later, the new algorithm
can treat the outlier problem well, thus it is called Discrimi-
nation with Outlier Suppressing (DOS) in this paper.
Notice that the high dimension and the relatively few
samples can usually lead to over-fitting in the training
procedure then, specially, the sample covariance matrix can
be rank-deficient and irreversible [20], [21]. It is called small
sample size (SSS) problem in data mining and pattern rec-
ognition [20], [22], [23]. Thus a new regularization method
is proposed to attain the generalized eigenvalue decomposi-
tion-based solutions and deal with the subspace of zero-
eigenvalues. Although some spectrum-based regularization
methods have been proposed to deal with the SSS problem,
such as [21], [24], [25], there are still some drawbacks in the
application practice. In [21], only the classical and linear
Fisher’s LDA is well treated, thus it has limited application
scope in solving generalized criteria. On the contrary, our
method can be applied to both linear and nonlinear objec-
tive criteria, and it can deal with more general discriminant
learning problem. Our method is also distinctive to that
of [25], which only considers the standard kernel discrimi-
nant analysis (KDA), and the zero-subspace of S
may has important discriminant information is not well
addressed. However, our method uses the estimated con-
stant eigenvalues to substitute instead of discarding the
zero-subspace, and will outperform the method of [25] espe-
cially in the noisy and outlier cases.
Several contributions of this paper are shown here:
1) Samples are assigned weights according to their
approximated contributions to building the optimal
subspace. Parts of the samples having large weights
are considered as active instances. The negative
influence of outliers will be shrunk by this method.
2) Subject-specifical averages and variances are estimated
for different classes, and then a linear discriminant
criterion is proposed for subspace learning. Notice
that the sample weighting approach can be applied to
other methods related to covariance estimation.
3) The linear discriminant criterion is extended to the
nonlinear case by using a positive semi-definite Mer-
cer kernel. To deal with the possible rank-deficient
problem, a new regularization algorithm is proposed
for the sample weighting-based discriminant models.
In summary, a two-track way for improving the robust-
ness of subspace methods is presented. Both sample weight-
ing and eigen-regularization strategies play an important
role in compressing the influences of noise and outliers.
Also notice that the sample weighting scheme has
already been applied to support vector machine (SVM) and
its variants. By weighting each instance, SVM obtains good
generalization ability and classification accuracy. However,
we stress that SVM is a classifier and thus it cannot be used
to reduce dimensions. As we know, the predictive features
of the high-dimensional data, such as facial images and
gene micro-arrays, are often embedded in a lower-dimen-
sional subspace. Therefore, direct classification without
effective dimension reduction cannot be optimal. In Sec-
tion 5, we will compare the final results of our recognition
system with those of SVM for fairness.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The
weighted average and the weighted covariance matrix are
calculated according to the importance sampling, and then a
linear subspace learning method and its nonlinear extension
are proposed in Section 2. The main differences from some
closely related methods are also presented. The new regulari-
zation algorithm for the kernel-based method is presented in
Section 3. Parameter selection and algorithm performance
evaluation are presented in Section 4. Extensive experiment
results of synthetic data and real data classification are shown
in Section 5, in which the new algorithm is compared with
some other related methods. Section 6 concludes this paper.
We now define the contribution values to calculate the
within-class and between-class scatters, and then propose a
supervised criterion to obtain the optimal subspace. Some
important notations are summarized into Table 1 for
2.1 Basic Statistics Estimation
Intuitively, the favorable expectation will be efficiently
estimated via their respective contribution weights to the
intrinsic discriminant structure. This motivation will give
preferences to a small proportion of samples which are
viewed as important in subspace learning, and determine a
subspace for more discriminant prediction.
To show how the statistics can be used as the basis for
our new algorithm, the density function pðxÞ is first evalu-
ated in terms of graph Laplacian. We can then express the
expectation in the form of a finite sum over the cluster.
Suppose that there are n data, and each of them repre-
sents a sample x
in an m-dimensional space (1 i n).
The expectation
x and covariance VðxÞ are estimated by
x ¼