Extraction of auroral oval boundaries from UVI images 185
presented in recent decades. These include threshold-
based methods
, a histogram-based k-means
, an adaptive thresholding technique
a pulse-coupled neutral network
and shape-based
. The methods of references[4-7] do not
exploit auroral oval shape information and the spatial
relationship of pixels. Therefore, they are unable to
detect the complete auroral oval for some images, espe-
cially those with large auroral intensity variations. Cao
et al.
presented a shape-based method for extracting
auroral ovals. They first segmented auroral images using
the algorithm of Li et al.
, then selected some inner and
outer boundary points from the resultant foreground,
via radial-based processing. Finally, two ellipses fitted to
the points using linear least-squares randomized Hough
were used as the equatorward and poleward
boundaries, respectively. Although this method pro-
duces complete boundaries of the auroral oval, it may
introduce errors if the boundaries are not strictly ellipti-
cal, or if only parts of the auroral oval are imaged.
In this paper, a new approach for extracting the
UVI boundaries is proposed, based on fuzzy local infor-
mation c-means clustering (FLICM)
. In this method,
the UVI image is iteratively segmented according to an
integrity measurement of the extracted auroral oval us-
ing FLICM, then auroral oval gaps are filled based on
prior knowledge of its shape. The method is not only
applicable to images with whole auroral ovals, but also
to images with partial ovals.
To objectively evaluate the performance of various
algorithms, we defined particle precipitation boundaries
(called DMSP boundaries) derived from DMSP satel-
lite observations
as the real boundaries of the auroral
oval. The comparative experimental results demonstrate
that the method outperforms previous methods.
1 Auroral oval extraction based on fuzzy
Auroral oval boundaries are usually blurry because of
strong background noise. Fuzzy clustering techniques are
a good choice for UVI image segmentation. These tech-
niques have been studied extensively and applied suc-
cessfully in many fields
. In this paper, fuzzy local
information c-means clustering (FLICM)
is used to
segment the auroral oval in a UVI image. FLICM uses a
fuzzy local (both spatial and gray level) similarity mea-
sure to overcome the disadvantages of traditional fuzzy
c-means algorithms.
To extract a complete and accurate auroral oval from
a UVI image, our method contains three main steps:
image preprocessing; auroral oval segmentation using
FLICM; and gap filling, based on prior knowledge of the
auroral oval shape.
1.1 UVI image preprocessing
Effective preprocessing of the original UVI images greatly
aids the accurate extraction of auroral ovals, especially
for images with strong noise. The characteristics of UVI
images include blurry and elliptical outer boundaries
blurry inner boundaries with complex shapes, and the
spatial distributions of the auroral oval centered on the
Earth’s magnetic poles, within a certain range (57.5
◦ [16]
) of magnetic latitude. We considered these char-
acteristics in the UVI image preprocessing, as follows.
(1) Background removal. Pixels corresponding to
magnetic latitudes less than 50
were removed.
(2) Negative pixel clearance. Pixels with negative
gray values, possibly caused by noise, were set to zero.
(3) Small bright spot smoothing. A bright spot is
defined as a connected region in which the pixel gray val-
ues are greater than a given threshold. The threshold T
is defined as
= µ
+ 3σ
where µ
and σ
are the mean gray value and standard
deviation of all pixels in the image, respectively. If the
bright spot area is less than a predetermined threshold
(20 pixels), the pixels inside the spot are set to the aver-
age value of pixels outside the spot and contained in the
smallest rectangle covering the bright spot. Otherwise,
the bright spot is not processed, to avoid destroying au-
roral substorm regions by mistake.
(4) Image smoothing. The pixels in each 3×3 neigh-
borhood are partitioned into two classes, according to
their gray values. The class with fewer pixels is consid-
ered the outlier, and its values are replaced by the average
intensity of the other class.
Figure 1 demonstrates an example of the preprocess-
ing steps. Figure 1(f) shows the effective image region.
Only the data inside the effective region of the original
image are meaningful.