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通过使用非线性Gribov–Levin–Ryskin和Mueller–Qiu(GLR–MQ)演化方程并入了非线性阴影项,可以对半x区域胶子分布的行为进行半数值预测。 有趣的是,与线性DGLAP进化相比,在Twist-4水平的胶子重组降低了胶子密度的快速增长,且x减小。 计算非线性胶子密度函数,并将其与不同的参数化和模型进行比较。 结果表明,我们对胶子密度函数的预测与不同的参数设置是可比的。 我们进行了有意的尝试,以探索非线性校正或阴影校正的效果,并且我们观察到非线性效果在小x的运动学区域中起着至关重要的作用(<math altimg =“ si1.gif” xmlns =“ http:// www .w3.org / 1998 / Math / MathML“> <mi> x </ mi> <mo>≤</ mo> <msup> <mrow> <mn> 10 </ mn> </ mrow> <mrow> < mo> − </ mo> <mn> 3 </ mn> </ mrow> </ msup> </ math>)和<math altimg =“ si2.gif” xmlns =“
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Nuclear Physics B 885 (2014) 571–582
Analysis of the small-x behavior of gluon distribution
and a search for gluon recombination
Mayuri Devee
, J.K. Sarma
HEP Laboratory, Department of Physics, Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam, 784 028, India
Received 28
April 2014; received in revised form 30 May 2014; accepted 9 June 2014
online 12 June 2014
Editor: Hong-Jian
behavior of gluon distributions in the small-x region are semi-numerically predicted by using the
nonlinear Gribov–Levin–Ryskin and Mueller–Qiu (GLR–MQ) evolution equation with the nonlinear shad-
term incorporated. It is interesting to observe that gluon recombination at the twist-4 level lowers the
rapid growth of gluon densities with decreasing x compared to the linear DGLAP evolution. The nonlinear
gluon density functions are calculated and compared with different parameterizations as well as models.
Results show that our predictions for the gluon density function are comparable with different parame-
We make a deliberate attempt to explore the effect of nonlinear or shadowing corrections and
we observe that nonlinear effects play a vital role in the kinematic region of small-x (x ≤ 10
) and Q
(2 ≤ Q
≤ 20 GeV
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). Funded by SCOAP
1. Introduction
At small-x gluons become the most copious partons in hadrons and can dictate the behavior
of hadronic cross sections through their initial distribution. The x and Q
dependence of gluons
can be predicted employing the tools of perturbative QCD through the standard QCD evolution
equations at the twist-2 level such as Dokshitzer–Gribov–Lipatov–Altarelli–Parisi (DGLAP) [1]
and Balitsky–Fadin–Kuraev–Lipatov (BFKL) [2] equations. Both these equations prognosticate
Corresponding author.
address: deveemayuri@gmail.com (M. Devee).
0550-3213/© 2014
The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). Funded by SCOAP
572 M. Devee, J.K. Sarma / Nuclear Physics B 885 (2014) 571–582
an abrupt rise of the gluon densities towards small-x which is perceived in the deep inelastic
scattering (DIS) experiments at HERA [3] as well. The number of quark and gluon distributions
increases towards large-Q
evolution but they remain dilute with their sizes proportional to the
transverse resolution scale 1/Q. But it is expected that the growth of gluon densities saturates at
a given time due to Froissart bound [4]. The Froissart bound indicates that the total cross section
does not grow faster than the log
arithm squared of the energy i.e., σ
(ln s)
, where m
is the scale of the range of the strong force. At very high energies, one can get into the region of
smaller and smaller values of x and, under these situations, the gluon recombination being more
effectual balances gluons splitting at some point. Literally, at small-x the growth of the gluon
distribution is incredibly enunciated and as we m
ove towards small-x at fixed Q
the number of
gluons of fixed size 1/Q increases and they will necessarily start to overlap spatially. Thus the
sharp growth of gluon distribution is eventually subdued because of the correlative interactions
between gluons. This process is commonly alluded to as saturation of gluon density and it occurs
when chances of tw
o gluons recombining into one is as prodigious as the chances for a gluon
splitting into two. The pioneering finding of the geometrical scaling in HERA data [5] as well
as the existence of geometrical scaling in the production of comprehensive jets in the LHC data
[6] suggest that the phenomenon of saturation occurs in nature. Man
y phenomenological and
theoretical efforts have been made in the latest decades exploring this subject [7–13].
The DGLAP evolution equations can delineate the available experimental data in a decent
manner considering a large domain of x and Q
with appropriate parameterizations. Accord-
ingly, the approximate analytical solutions of the DGLAP evolution equations have been studied
in recent years with significant phenomenological success [14–17] and the present authors have
also pursued such an approach with reasonable phenomenological success [18]. However, at
small-x, gluon recombination processes leads to nonlinear corrections to the linear DGLAP
volution equations due to multiple gluon interactions. These nonlinear terms tame the abrupt
growth of the gluon distribution in the kinematic region where α
continues to be small but the
density of gluons becomes very high. The first perturbative QCD (pQCD) calculations reporting
the fusion of two gluon ladders into one were carried out by Gribov, Levin and Ryskin (GLR)
[19] and by Mueller and Qiu (MQ) [20,21]. They insinuated that these nonlinear corrections
due to gluon recombination could be depicted in a ne
w evolution equation with an additional
nonlinear term quadratic in the gluon density. This equation, widely known as the GLR–MQ
equation, can be regarded as the updated version of the usual DGLAP equations with the correc-
tions for gluon recombination. The GLR–MQ evolution equation deals with all fa
n diagrams, that
is, all workable 2 → 1 ladder recombinations, in the double leading logarithmic approximation
(DLLA). This equation aggregates the contributions of gluon recombination diagrams using the
Abramovsky–Gribov–Kancheli (AGK) cutting rule [22]. Later, Mueller investigated the contri-
butions of multi-parton correlations by using the Glauber model and at the twist-4 approximation
the Glauber–Mueller equation simplifies to the GLR–MQ equation.
The study of the GLR–MQ equation is e
xceedingly important for understanding the non-
linear effects of gluon–gluon fusion due to the high gluon density at small enough x as
well as for the determination of the saturation momentum. Moreover, other nonlinear evolu-
tion equations relevant at high gluon densities such as the Modified-DGLAP (Md-DGLAP)
[23], Balitsk
y–Kovchegov (BK) [24] and Jalilian-Marian–Iancu–McLerran–Weigert–Leonidov–
Kovner (JIMWLK) [25,26] equations have been derived and studied in the recent years. Note that
the BK and JIMWLK equations are both based on BFKL evolution, whereas, the Md-DGLAP
equation is based on DGLAP evolution where the applications of the AGK cutting rule in the
GLR–MQ equation wa
s argued in a more general consideration.
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