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Energy-Minimized Multipath Video Transport to
Mobile Devices in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
Jiyan Wu, Member, IEEE, Chau Yuen, Senior Member, IEEE, Bo Cheng, Member, IEEE,
Ming Wang, and Junliang Chen
Abstract—The technological evolutions in wireless communi-
cation systems prompt the bandwidth aggregation (e.g., Wi-Fi
and LTE radio interfaces) for concurrent video transmission to
hand-held devices. However, multipath video transport to the
battery-limited mobile terminals is confronted with challenging
technical problems: 1) high-quality real-time video streaming
is throughput-demanding and delay-sensitive; 2) mobile device
energy and video quality are not adequately considered in con-
ventional multipath protocols; and 3) wireless networks are error-
prone and bandwidth-limited. To enable the energy-efficient and
quality-guaranteed live video streaming over heterogeneous wire-
less access networks, this paper proposes an energy-video aware
multipath transport protocol (EVIS). First, we present a math-
ematical framework to analyze the frame-level energy-quality
tradeoff for delay-constrained multihomed video communication
over multiple communication paths. Second, we develop schedul-
ing algorithms for prioritized frame scheduling and unequal loss
protection to achieve target video quality with minimum device
energy consumption. EVIS is able to effectively leverage video
frame priority and rateless Raptor coding to jointly optimize
energy efficiency and perceived quality. We conduct performance
evaluation through extensive emulations in Exata involving real-
time H.264 video streaming. Emulation results demonstrate that
EVIS advances the state-of-the-art with remarkable improve-
ments in energy conservation, video peak signal-to-noise ratio
(PSNR), end-to-end delay, and goodput.
Index Terms—Multipath transport protocol, energy efficiency,
real-time video, Raptor codes, heterogeneous wireless networks.
Manuscript received August 1, 2015; revised January 4, 2016; accepted
March 10, 2016. Date of publication April 6, 2016; date of current version
May 19, 2016. This work was supported by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 61132001 and Grant 61550110244,
in part by National High-tech R&D Program of China (863 Program) under
Grant 2013AA102301, in part by the Program for New Century Excellent
Talents in University under Grant NCET-11-0592, in part by Project of New
Generation Broadband Wireless Network under Grant 2014ZX03006003, and
in part by National Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore
under its IDM Futures Funding Initiative. (Corresponding author: Bo Cheng.)
J. Wu is with the State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching
Technology, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing
100876, China, and also with the Department of Research and Development,
OmniVision Technologies Singapore Pte. Ltd., Singapore 068898 (e-mail:
wujiyan@126.com; jiyan.wu@ovt.com).
C. Yuen is with the Engineering Product Development Pillar, Singapore
University of Technology and Design, Singapore 487372 (e-mail: yuen-
B. Cheng, M. Wang, and J. Chen are with the State Key Laboratory
of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China (e-mail: chengbo@bupt.edu.cn;
wangming_bupt@bupt.edu.cn; chjl@bupt.edu.cn).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSAC.2016.2551483
ECENT advancements in wireless infrastructures and
hand-held devices enable mobile users to receive rich
multimedia contents with ubiquitous access options, e.g., cel-
lular networks (UMTS, HSDPA, LTE), wireless local area
networks (802.11 family), and broadband wireless networks
(LTE, WiMAX). Supported by the unprecedented achievements
in communication t echnologies, mobile video streaming ser-
vices (e.g., Youtube, online gaming, live sports program, video
call, etc.) have undergone explosive growth during the past few
years. According to the latest market research of the Cisco com-
pany [1], video streaming accounts for 55% of the mobile data
traffic over the Internet in 2014 and will exceed 72% by 2019. In
parallel, the global mobile data is predicted to increase 10-fold
in the next five years.
The exponential growth of mobile video traffic significantly
outpaces the network capacity of wireless platforms. Resource
restrictions of single wireless networks prompt the link (band-
width) integration of heterogeneous access medium for con-
current video transmission as shown in Figure 1 [2]–[7]. The
state-of-the-art mobile terminals (e.g., the Samsung S5 smart
phones [8] and Mushroom products [9]) are equipped with
different radio interfaces to concurrently receive data through
multiple wireless access networks. With the popularity of such
multihomed mobile terminals, the future wireless networking
is expected to incorporate heterogeneous access options for
providing high-quality mobile services.
A plethora of application and transport layer solutions have
been proposed to deliver multipath video streaming over het-
erogeneous wireless networks [2]–[7], [10]–[12], [56]. In par-
ticular, an effective transport-layer protocol is able to guarantee
the application-layer QoS (Quality-of-Service) and enhance the
network-level utilization. Furthermore, transport protocols only
require modifications at communication terminals (e.g., Linux
kernel implementation) and ease the burden of application
programs to enable multipath data transfer.
A. Problem Statement
Concurrent multipath video transport also requires higher
energy consumption of wireless devices. Contemporary mobile
terminals are usually powered by batteries with limited capac-
ities and the radio communication modules (e.g., using Wi-Fi,
3G, and LTE network interfaces) constitute the main portion
of energy consumption [13], [14]. As mobile video stream-
ing is energy-hungry and QoS-demanding application, it is
0733-8716 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Fig. 1. Concurrent video transmission with EVIS (Energy-Video aware
path tranSport) protocol to multihomed mobile devices in heterogeneous
wireless n etworks (e.g.,Wi-Fi,4G,5G).
necessary to develop an effective transport protocol to provide
user-satisfied mobile streaming services [15], [16]. However,
the existing multipath protocols are inefficient for delivering
energy-efficient and quality-guaranteed video streaming over
heterogeneous wireless networks within stringent delay con-
straint. The challenging problems are summarized as follows.
(P1) QoS requirements. High-quality real-time video trans-
port is bandwidth-intensive and delay-sensitive. The
throughput demand for high-definition video distribution
mainly ranges from 2–6 Mbps. While the end-to-end
delay is constrained to be less than 150 ms to achieve
excellent real-time video quality [17].
(P2) Network limitation. Wireless networks are characterized
by scarce radio resources and time-varying channel status.
Recent studies [4], [18] reveal that the available band-
width for individual mobile users in 4G LTE networks
generally ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 Mbps.
(P3) Energy consumption. Mobile device energy is not con-
sidered in the multipath transport protocols recommended
by IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), i.e., Multipath
TCP (MPTCP) [19] and Stream Control Transmission
Protocol (SCTP) [20]. Furthermore, MPTCP and SCTP
are ineffective to deliver energy-efficient real-time video
due to the retransmission mechanism.
(P4) Video contents. Video traffic is featured by complex
content parameters, e.g., frame priority and decoding
dependency. However, the existing multipath protocols
schedule the video data in a content-agnostic fashion,
which significantly degrades the video quality and net-
work utilization.
B. Contributions
To jointly optimize the energy efficiency and perceived
quality of multihomed video streaming, this research presents
an energy-video aware multipath transport (EVIS) protocol.
Compared with the existing multipath protocols, we advance
the state-of-the-art by modeling and leveraging the frame-
level energy-quality tradeoff for concurrent video transport over
heterogeneous wireless networks. EVIS minimizes the device
energy consumption by taking advantage of priority-aware
frame scheduling and Raptor coding adaptation. The proposed
multipath protocol is able to effectively mitigate the packet
reordering and link heterogeneity to integrate heterogeneous
network resources. The detailed solution procedure will be pre-
sented in Section IV. Specifically, the contributions of this
paper can be summarized as follows.
(C1) Develop an analytical framework to model the frame-
level tradeoff between energy consumption and video dis-
tortion for real-time t raffic over multiple wireless access
(C2) Propose a multipath transport protocol that effectively
integrates the following components:
• a prioritized frame scheduling algorithm leveraging
the frame filtering and path selection to achieve target
quality with minimal energy consumption.
• an unequal loss protection scheme taking advantage of
the code rate and symbol size adaptation to minimize
sum of total video distortion.
(C3) Conduct extensive emulations in the Exata platform
involving real-time H.264 video streaming. Evaluation
results demonstrate that EVIS achieves remarkable
improvements than reference schemes in energy conser-
vation, video PSNR, end-to-end delay and goodput.
C. Paper Organization
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section II briefly reviews the related work to this research. In
Section III, we present the protocol design and system model.
Section IV introduces the scheduling algorithms for prioritized
frame scheduling and unequal loss protection. The performance
evaluation is provided in Section V and Section VI gives the
concluding remarks.
The related work to this research can be classified into
three categories: 1) multipath transport protocols; 2) bandwidth
aggregation for multihomed video communication; 3) energy-
efficient multimedia transmission to mobile devices.
A. Multipath Transport Protocols
1) SCTP Solutions: In reference [21], Wallace et al. review
the recent progresses and research issues in SCTP. Iyengar
et al. [22] study three negative effects in CMT, i.e., unnecessary
fast retransmissions, overly conservative congestion window
growth, and increased acknowledgment traffic. In literature [4],
the authors propose a Distortion-Aware Concurrent Multipath
Transfer scheme (CMT-DA) to minimize the end-to-end dis-
tortion in mobile video delivery over heterogeneous wireless
networks. However, CMT-DA provides data protection with
retransmissions and is not appropriate for the real-time video
applications with stringent delay constraint. Xu et al. [5] pro-
pose a Quality-Aware Adaptive Concurrent Multipath Transfer
(CMT-QA) scheme that includes the components of data dis-
tribution, path quality estimation and optimal retransmission.
Specifically, the path quality is estimated with the sending
buffer size and transmission delay.

2) MPTCP Solutions: The Fountain Code-based Multipath
TCP (FMTCP) proposed by Cui et al. [23] leverages the rate-
less fountain coding to overcome channel erasures and path
heterogeneity in multipath data transfer. However, the video
quality is not considered in [23] and this metric is significantly
different from the network-level parameters (e.g., throughput,
delay, packet loss rate, etc.). Peng et al. [11] propose an energy-
efficient MPTCP scheme that leverages the throughput-energy
tradeoff for path selection and congestion control. Chen et al.
[24] conduct a measurement study of MPTCP performance
over cellular and Wi-Fi networks to investigate the impact of
path diversity on application-level metrics.
Singh et al. [10] propose a multipath real-time transport
protocol (MPRTP) that extends RTP to multipath communi-
cation scenario. However, MPRTP does not provide reliable
data transfer against channels losses. In literature [25], the
authors propose a Multipath Loss Tolerant (MPLOT) protocol
that exploits multipath diversity in wireless networks based on
block erasure code.
B. Bandwidth Aggregation
Han et al. [2] design and implement a multipath transmission
system to enable stable live video streaming over heteroge-
neous wireless networks based on fountain code. This system
is designed to maximize the video encoding rate on the basis
of aggregate bandwidth, as well as overcoming the wireless
channel loss. In literature [12], the authors propose a sub-frame
level (SFL) scheduling approach, which splits large-size video
frames to optimize the delay performance of HD video stream-
ing over heterogeneous wireless networks. In [26], the authors
introduce a dynamic rate allocation algorithm into joint source-
channel coding (JSCC) to optimize the mobile video quality
over heterogeneous networks. Xing et al. [3] propose a real-
time adaptive algorithm for HTTP-based video streaming over
multiple access networks. In [27], the authors develop a Loss
Tolerant Bandwidth Aggregation (LTBA) scheme to spread the
FEC packets over multiple wireless networks to minimize the
channel distortion. In reference [28], a goodput-aware load dis-
tribution model is developed to optimize the real-time traffic
performance over multipath networks. Table I summarizes the
main differences of the proposed EVIS with our earlier works
[4], [12], [26]–[28]. EVIS is different from the solutions [4],
[12], [26]–[28] in the protocol type, data allocation, energy and
C. Energy-Efficient Multimedia Transmission to Mobiles
The general review of recent studies in this field can be
referred to [14]. Hoque et al. [13] propose a novel download
scheduling algorithm based on crowd-sourced video viewing
statistics to reduce the aggressive prefetching and tail energy
consumption. Hu et al. [29] propose an offline method to esti-
mate minimum power consumption, and an online solution for
energy saving in user skip/quit scenarios. Bui et al. [6] pro-
pose the GreenBag that includes the load balancing, segment
management and energy-aware mode control to deliver mobile
video over heterogeneous wireless networks. Ismail et al. [15]
propose a content and energy aware packet scheduling approach
for video upload service in heterogeneous networks. In ref-
erence [16], an energy management sub-system is developed
for mobile terminals to sustain multihomed video streaming.
Pluntke et al. [30] design a multipath scheduler that uses
MPTCP to maximize energy savings based on energy mod-
els and accumulated communication history for different radio
In summary, the existing multipath transport protocols are
ineffective to deliver real-time video in an energy-efficient and
reliable manner. To the best of our knowledge, the proposed
EVIS is the first multipath transport protocol that exploits the
frame-level energy-quality tradeoff for real-time video trans-
mission to multihomed mobile terminals in heterogeneous
wireless networks.
A. System Overview
Figure 2 presents the system diagram of the proposed EVIS
framework, which is a completely transport-layer protocol.The
goal of this protocol is to deliver quality-guaranteed real-time
video over heterogeneous wireless networks with minimum
energy consumption of multihomed mobile devices. The work-
ing components involved in the communication session of
EVIS are implemented at both sender and receiver sides. To
ensure the compatibility and portability of the proposed sys-
tem, EVIS employs UDP (User Datagram Protocol) to transmit
video data and TCP for control information exchange (e.g., con-
nection establishment and feedback path status information).
We assume the video to be transmitted is encoded with H.264
codec [31], which is commonly adopted for video compression
in industrial communities. The quality requirement d
delay constraint T are imposed by the real-time video appli-
cations, e.g., the delay constraint for a GoP (Group of Pictures)
with 15 frames should be 500 ms if encoding frame rate is 30
frames per second. This is because the playout duration of the
15 frames in a GoP is 500 ms. The delay constraint should be
less than 500 ms in order to prevent playback buffer starvation.

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