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ARCTURUS laser: a versatile high-contrast, high-power multi-beam...
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With the latest configuration, the Ti:Sa laser system ARCTURUS (Düsseldorf University, Germany) operates with a double-chirped pulse amplification (CPA) architecture delivering pulses with an energy of 7?J before compression in each of the two high-power beams. By the implementation of a plasma mirror system, the intrinsic laser contrast is enhanced up to
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, (2019), Vol. 7, e37, 11 pages.
© The Author(s) 2019. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (http://creativecommons.org/
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ARCTURUS laser: a versatile high-contrast,
high-power multi-beam laser system
M. Cerchez
, R. Prasad
, B. Aurand
, A. L. Giesecke
, S. Spickermann
, S. Brauckmann
, E. Aktan
M. Swantusch
, M. Toncian
, T. Toncian
, and O. Willi
Institut f
ur Laser und Plasmaphysik, Heinrich-Heine-Universit
at D
usseldorf, 40225 D
usseldorf, Germany
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, 01328 Dresden, Germany
(Received 12 March 2019; revised 15 April 2019; accepted 13 May 2019)
With the latest configuration, the Ti:Sa laser system ARCTURUS (D
usseldorf University, Germany) operates with a
double-chirped pulse amplification (CPA) architecture delivering pulses with an energy of 7 J before compression in
each of the two high-power beams. By the implementation of a plasma mirror system, the intrinsic laser contrast is
enhanced up to 10
on a time scale of hundreds of picoseconds, before the main peak. The laser system has been used
in various configurations for advanced experiments and different studies have been carried out employing the high-power
laser beams as a single, high-intensity interaction beam (I ≈ 10
), in dual- and multi-beam configurations or
in a pump–probe arrangement.
Keywords: Ti:Sa lasers; multi-beam configuration; high power laser pulses; relativistic plasmas; laser driven particle and radiation sources
1. Introduction
The generation of multi-terawatt, sub-picosecond laser
pulses was until recently only possible at large facilities
due to the major infrastructure and personnel demands.
However, in the past decade, the Ti:Sa laser technology,
delivering hundreds of terawatts, has become commercially
available. Owing to the short laser pulse lengths (tens of
femtoseconds), the energy requirements are thus kept at the
level of a few joules, making the infrastructure and personnel
demands affordable and attractive at an university-scale
laboratory. The combination of ultrashort pulse duration
and the high peak power achieved nowadays
have opened
up unique opportunities for the study of fundamental
physical processes in the relativistic regime
. Various
plasma conditions have been explored, aimed at improved
physical parameters for laser-driven particle acceleration or
the generation of coherent radiation required for different
applications. Recently, novel interaction conditions and
unique plasma states have been created and controlled by
the combined effects of multiple beams interacting with a
target sample
. In the past, experiments which intended
to explore the potential of a dual-beam configuration for
Correspondence to: M. Cerchez, Institut f
ur Laser und Plasma-
physik, Heinrich-Heine-Universit
at D
usseldorf, Universit
atsstr. 1, 40225
usseldorf, Germany. Email: mirela.cerchez@hhu.de
plasma investigations or for probing the main interaction
relied on a single high-power (HP) beam used in a split-
off configuration. Although the two pulses which originate
from the same beam are temporally synchronized, there
are limitations on each pulse energy, duration and focus
[9, 10]
. The large infrastructure, multi-petawatt-class
laser facilities
presently being built are designed on
multiple beam architectures (e.g. APOLLON, France
Extreme Light Infrastructure
; SULF, China
In this paper we present the up-to-date, multi-beam archi-
tecture of the ARCTURUS laser facility and the operational
physical parameters of the laser beams. The interaction
of the pulses with solid, cluster and gaseous targets was
extensively investigated and a brief overview of the recent
experimental studies performed in either a single- or multi-
beam configuration is presented. The great versatility of
the laser system is shown by the different experimental
configurations used for various interaction conditions.
2. Double-CPA architecture of the ARCTURUS laser
The ARCTURUS laser facility located at the University of
usseldorf, Germany is a university-based laser laboratory
dedicated to the study of the interactions of high-power,
2 M. Cerchez et al.
Figure 1. Schematic of the double-CPA architecture of the ARCTURUS laser system.
high-contrast laser pulses with matter at intensities which
can exceed 10
. The laser system originates from
a commercial 100 TW Ti:Sa laser system
designed and
manufactured by Amplitude Technologies
on a modular
design, based on the so-called ‘chirped pulse amplification’
(CPA) scheme
. The laser system has been the subject
of three major upgrades in the past decade, aimed at the
installation of a second HP beam, contrast improvement and
peak energy enhancement. The facility operates at present
at a repetition rate of 5 Hz with two HP interaction beams,
each beam having an energy of 7 J before compression and
a probe pulse of 3 TW power, all pulses being separately
compressed to about 30 fs. The present laser architecture
is based on a double-CPA configuration connected by an
nonlinear temporal filter based on cross-polarized wave
generation (XPW module)
. The schematic of the laser
amplification chain is shown in Figure 1.
2.1. First CPA module
The seed pulse originates from a commercial Ti:Sa os-
cillator pumped by a CW diode pumped solid state laser
(DPSS) which delivers sub-20 fs, 5 nJ pulses with a spectral
bandwidth of about 100 nm at a repetition rate of 76 MHz.
The seed is injected into a so-called Superbooster module,
which consists of the first CPA stage and the XPW module.
The first CPA unit includes a contrast ratio booster, where
the pulse is amplified up to the µJ level in a 14-pass
amplifier with a gain of about 10
and pumped by the
second harmonic radiation of a Nd:YAG pump laser (CFR
Ultra by Quantel). The pulse repetition rate is reduced
to 10 Hz and the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE)
contrast is cleaned by a saturable absorber. Further, the
pulse is stretched optically to about 500 ps by an
[21, 22]
with a design based on an all-reflective triplet
combination, including a concentric concave and a convex
spherical mirror system and a grating placed in the plane
of the center of curvature. Hence, the optical arrangement
ensures low-aberration operation, as the reflective optics
reduces the chromatic aberration and the opposite signs of
the mirrors’ radii of curvature cancel the spherical aberration
and the astigmatism. As the first grating is placed on-axis, the
coma is avoided
[21, 22]
. The stretcher efficiency is about 20%.
An acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter (AOPDF)
(Dazzler by Fastlite)
is inserted in the path of the beam
to pre-compensate the spectral phase. Further, the pulse
is amplified by two amplification stages, consisting of a
regenerative amplifier and a multi-pass ‘butterfly’ amplifier.
The regenerative amplifier generates about 800 µJ at 10 Hz
and includes two Pockels cells in order to optimize the
contrast ratio. After the multi-pass amplifier, the pulses reach
about 3 mJ in energy. At the end of the first CPA stage, the
pulse is temporally re-compressed to approximately 40 fs
(Fourier limited) pulse duration in a double-pass compressor
grating. Due to gain narrowing, the spectral bandwidth at the
end of the first CPA stage is 35 nm.
In the ARCTURUS laser chain, the laser contrast is im-
proved by two main stages. Firstly, at the front end of
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