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配体结合和核受体进化 配体结合和核受体进化 Hector Escriva、Franck Delaunay 和 Vincent Laudet* 总结 核受体形成配体激活的转录因子超家族,调节后生动物的各种生理功能,从发育到稳态。 该超家族不仅包含已知配体的受体,还包含大量所谓的孤儿受体,其配体不存在或尚未鉴定。 核受体配体结合能力的进化可能涉及孤儿受体的二次丧失,或配体受体配体结合能力的进化获得。 在这篇综述中,我们提出了来自系统发育、功能和结构研究的论点,这些研究支持在后生动物进化过程中核受体的配体结合能力有几个独立增益的假设。 BioEssays 22:717±727, 2000. ß 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 介绍 核激素受体 (NRs) 是后生动物中最丰富的一类转录调节因子,它们调节多种功能,如繁殖、分化、发育、代谢、变态和体内平衡。 NRs 作为配体激活的转录因子发挥作用,从而在控制这些过程的信号分子与转录React之间提供直接联系。 (1) NR 信号通路的基本概念涉及信号(内分泌、旁分泌、自分泌甚至内分泌)的产生、其向外周器官的转运、
Ligand binding and nuclear
receptor evolution
Hector Escriva, Franck Delaunay, and Vincent Laudet*
Nuclear receptors form a superfamily of ligand-activated
transcription factors that regulate various physiological
functions, from development to homeostasis, in me-
tazoans. The superfamily contains not only receptors
for known ligands but also a large number of so-called
orphan receptors for which ligands do not exist or have
not been identified. The evolution of ligand-binding
capacity of nuclear receptors may involve either sec-
ondary loss in orphan receptors, or evolutionary acqu-
isition of ligand-binding capacity in liganded receptors.
In this review, we present arguments from phylogenetic,
functional and structural studies that support the
hypothesis that there have been several independent
gains of ligand-binding ability of nuclear receptors
during metazoan evolution. BioEssays 22:717±727,
2000. ß 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Nuclear hormone receptors (NRs) are one of the most
abundant classes of transcriptional regulators in metazoans,
in which they regulate functions as diverse as reproduction,
differentiation, development, metabolism, metamorphosis
and homeostasis. NRs function as ligand-activated transcrip-
tion factors, thus providing a direct link between signalling
molecules that control these processes and transcriptional
The basic concept of a NR signalling pathway
involves production of the signal (endocrine, paracrine,
autocrine or even intracrine), its transport to peripheral
organs, binding of the ligand to the receptor, and transcrip-
tional activation of the receptor.
NRs share a common structural organization with a
central, well-conserved DNA-binding domain (DBD, also
termed C domain), a variable N-terminal region (A/B domain)
a non-conserved hinge (D domain) and a carboxy-terminus,
moderately conserved ligand-binding domain (LBD, E
domain) (Fig. 1).
NRs are phylogenetically related proteins clustered into a
large superfamily, including receptors for hydrophobic
molecules such as steroid hormones (estrogens, glucocorti-
coids, progesterone, mineralocorticoids, androgens, vitamin
D, ecdysone, oxysterols, bile acids etc), retinoic acids (all-
trans and 9-cis isoforms), thyroid hormones, fatty acids,
leukotrienes and protaglandins (Fig. 2). In addition, a number
of receptors, for which ligands either do not exist or still have
to be identified have been described and are referred to as
orphan receptors. NRs are promising pharmacological
targets as they bind small molecules, which can be easily
modified by drug design, and control functions associated
with major pathologies (cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes, etc).
The development of synthetic ligands for ER, RAR and
PPARg has, for instance, already led to pharmacological
applications for cancer and type 2 diabetes. Because of
these important therapeutic applications, the search of
ligands for orphan receptors and the identification of novel
signalling pathways has become a very active research
The structural diversity of the ligands contrasts with the
conservation and mode of action of their receptors. This, and
the large number of orphan receptors, have prompted much
speculation on the origins of this signalling pathway. A
classical view suggests that orphan receptors have evolved
as liganded molecules, which through gene duplication
reached the present day diversity.
According to this model,
orphan receptors would have lost their ability to bind ligands
recently in evolution. We recently suggested an alternative
hypothesis, in which ligand binding was acquired during NRs
The ancestral receptor would have been an
orphan receptor and the various liganded receptors have
gained ligand recognition independently during evolution. In
BioEssays 22:717±727, ß 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. BioEssays 22.8 717
Ecole Normale Supe
rieure de Lyon, Lyon, France.
Funding agencies: EMBO, Fondation pour la Recherche Me
*Correspondence to: Vincent Laudet, UMR 5665 du CNRS, Ecole
Normale Supe
rieure de Lyon, 46 alle
e d'Italie, 69364 Lyon Cedex 07,
France. E-mail: Vincent.Laudet@ens-lyon.fr
Abbreviations: AF2-AD, activation function 2-autonomous domain,
AR, androgen receptor, CARb, constitutive activated receptor b, DBD,
DNA-binding domain, DR, direct repeat, EcR, ecdysone receptor, ER,
estrogen receptor, ERKO, estrogen receptor knock out, ERR,
estrogen related receptor, FXR, farnesol X receptor, GCNF, germ
cell nuclear factor, GR, glucocorticoid receptor, HRE, hormone
response element, LBD, ligand-binding domain, LXR, liver X receptor,
MR, mineralocorticoid receptor, NGFIB, nerve growth factor induced
gene B, NR, nuclear receptor, PPAR, peroxisome proliferating
activated receptor, PR, progesterone receptor, PRKO, progesterone
receptor knock out, PXR, pregnane X receptor, RAR, retinoic acid
receptor, ROR, retinoic and related orphan receptor, RXR, retinoic X
receptor, SF1, steroidogenic factor 1, SRC-1, steroid receptor
coregulator 1, T3, triiodothyronine, TR, thyroid hormone receptor,
USP, ultraspiracle, VDR, vitamin D receptor.
Review articles
this review, we discuss arguments from phylogenetic,
functional and structural studies that support a recent gain
of ligand-binding ability in classical receptors, rather than a
loss of ligand binding in orphan receptors during metazoan
How to turn on a NR?
NRs bind as homodimers or heterodimers to specific DNA
sequences, termed hormone response elements (HRE),
which are most often formed by a repetition of the core
consensus motif PuGGTCA.
For example, steroid recep-
tors bind as homodimers to HREs containing two core motifs
separated by 1±3 nucleotides and organised as palin-
dromes. A number of receptors, including retinoic acid
receptors (RARs), thyroid hormone receptors (TRs), and
some orphan receptors (NGFIB), heterodimerize with re-
tinoid X receptors (RXRs) and bind to direct repeats (DR) of
the core motif. The spacing between the two halves of the DR
dictates the type of heterodimer that will bind.
For example,
a DR separated by five nucleotides (DR5) will be most often
recognised by an RXR-RAR heterodimer, whereas a DR4
will be bound by an RXR-TR heterodimer. Some receptors,
such as the SF1, ROR or Rev-erb orphan receptors, can
bind to DNA as monomers through a single core sequence.
In this case, an A/T-rich region 5
to the core element
governs the binding specificity. At present, only orphan
receptors are known to bind as monomers to these half sites.
It was recently shown that some orphan receptors (e.g. ERR-
1, GCNF) can also bind a single core motif as dimers.
Many NRs are transcriptional silencers in the absence of
ligand (apo-receptor) as a result of interaction with inter-
mediary factors known as co-repressors.
of the three-dimensional structure of NRs has shown that the
LBD region is structured as a three-layered a-helical anti-
parallel sandwich of 12 helices forming an hydrophobic
pocket. Upon ligand binding (holo-receptor), the ligand
makes different contacts with amino-acid residues, promot-
ing a conformational change that closes the ``lid'' (helix 12,
H12) on the pocket. Thus the activation domain within the
H12 (AF2-AD) is able to interact with co-activators and
promotes transcription of target genes.
The conforma-
tional change of the LBD upon ligand binding is therefore
necessary for the transactivation function of NRs. It is
believed that co-repressors and co-activators modulate
transcription at least in part by modifying the status of
histone acetylation in chromatin. An opposite mode of action
was demonstrated for the orphan receptor CARb, for which
binding of steroid-like compounds (androstanol) was shown
to repress its transcriptional activity.
In the apo-conforma-
tion, CARb interacts with co-activators such as SRC-1,
whereas androstanol binding reverses this interaction.
In summary, a NR ligand can be defined as a small
hydrophobic molecule that directly binds to the LBD and
promotes a structural rearrangement allowing the AF2-AD
region to interact with transcriptional coregulators (co-
activators, co-repressors) that will connect the NR to the
basic transcriptional machinery, resulting in the transcrip-
tional stimulation/silencing of target genes.
Evolution of NRs
Alignment of the well-conserved DBD and LBD, and
phylogenetic analysis has resulted in an evolutionary tree
Figure 1. Structure of an archetypal nuclear hor-
mone receptor. The two conserved domains, C and
E, are boxed and their main functions are indicated.
AF-1 and AF-2AD, located, respectively, in N and C
termini are the trans-activation domains. NLS is the
nuclear localization signal.
Figure 2. Chemical structure of endogenous known nuclear receptor ligands and activators. Their respective K
or EC
are indicated.
Binding/activation by palmitoyl-CoA and 25-hydroxycholesterol to/of HNF4 and SF1 receptors respectively have not been reproduced.
The name of each group (i. e. subfamily name) according to the recent nomenclature
is indicated below the chemical name (see
Fig. 3).
Review articles
718 BioEssays 22.8
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