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相似性度量在许多图像处理领域中起着重要作用。 本文介绍了介质数学系统,并基于介质真实度的度量,建立了一种新的图像像素相似度度量方法,用于度量两个像素之间以及两个图像集之间的相似度。 此外,本文还讨论了一种基于介质相似度度量的图像边缘检测算法,图像匹配算法和图像介质保真度度量方法。 实验结果表明,所提出的相似性度量是有效的。
Image medium similarity measure and its applications
Ningning Zhou
, Long Hong, Shaobai Zhang
Computer School, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, 210003, PR China
article info
Article history:
Received 3 June 2013
Received in revised form
1 February 2014
Accepted 11 March 2014
Communicated by: Long Cheng
Available online 8 April 2014
Similarity measure
Measure of medium truth degree
Image edge detection
Image matching
Image fidelity measure
Similarity measure plays an important role in many image processing fields. This paper introduces the
medium mathematic systems, and establishes a novel image medium similarity measure between two
pixels and that of between two image sets based on the measure of medium truth degree. Moreover, an
image edge detection algorithm, an image matching algorithm and an image medium fidelity measure
method governed by the medium similarity measure are discussed in this paper. Experimental results
show that the proposed similarity measure is effective.
& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Similarity measure, which is usually defined as a certain cost
function or distance function, plays an important role in many
image processing fields, such as image matching, image edge
detection and image evaluation, etc. Correction function, covar-
iance function, Euclidean distance, Mahalanobis distance, Cheby-
chev distance, Minkovsky distance, Hausdorff distance are the
common similarity measures used in image processing. Gray,
color, texture, edge, shape and spatial relationship are the features
commonly used to measure the similarity degree of images. Gray
and color can be simply and directly obtained from the images,
and the similarity measure based on these two features can make
the most use of the information of images which also leads to high
computational-complexity. Similarity measure based on texture,
edge, shape, content, spatial relationship and other features has
lower computational-complexity, but the accuracy depends on the
extraction of the features. As a result, most of the research on
similarity measure of image focuses on distance definition and
feature extraction. Others studies the solution methods of simi-
larity measure, such as absolute balance searching (ABS), sequen-
tial similarity detection algorithm (SSDA), hierarchical searching,
Alpha–Beta searching and so on. As traditional similarity measures
are well-established and easy for computation, they are used
widely in image processing. Nevertheless, to some complicatedly
and vague images, they cannot get the satisfied result. As a result,
some new mathematical and computational methods such as
neural network [1,2], wavelet transformation [3,4], rough sets [5]
and other mathematical and computational methods [6,7] are
introduced into similarity measure. Nevertheless, due to their
complexities and poor portabilities, effective similarity measure
methods are yet to be seen.
Because the complexity of image information and the strong
relations among image pixels are evident, problems with uncer-
tainty and inaccuracy will appear in the image processing. As a
result, some scholars introduced fuzzy mathematics into image
similarity measure [8–10], which have yielded excellent results.
But the result of fuzzy methods is highly dependent on the
membership function which is decided by subjective experience.
The medium mathematics system is another mathematical tool
which deals with fuzzy and uncertain problem. This paper intro-
duces the medium mathematics system into image similarity
measure and establishes a new medium similarity measure that
is governed by the measure of medium truth degree. Some
properties of the proposed similarity measure are presented.
Finally we present some applications of the medium similarity
measure in image processing. The experimental results in these
algorithms show that the proposed measure is effective.
2. Image medium similarity measure
Medium principle was established by Zhu and Xiao in 1980s
who devised medium logic tools to build the medium mathe-
matics system [11].
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/neucom
0925-2312/& 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: zhounn@njupt.edu.cn (N. Zhou),
hongl@njupt.edu.cn (L. Hong), adzsb@163.com (S. Zhang).
Neurocomputing 140 (2014) 219–227
In medium mathematics system [11], predicate is represented
by P, any variable is denoted as x, with x completely possessing
quality P being described as P(x). The symbol “╕”stands for inverse
opposite negative and it is termed as “opposite to”. The inverse
opposite of predication is denoted as ╕P. Then the concept of a pair
of inverse opposite is represented by both P and ╕P. Symbol “ ”
denotes fuzzy negative which reflects the medium state of “either-
or” or “both this-and that” in opposite transition process. The truth
degree of x related to P or ╕P can be scaled by distance ratio
function h(x) [12,13].
2.1. Medium similarity measure of two pixels
Similarity degree between two pixels can be scaled by the
difference or the radio of the gray level between pixels. This paper
mainly discusses a new similarity measure based on the measure
of medium truth degree [12,13].
Given: There are two pixels x(i,j) and f(i,j) in grey images whose
range of gray level is 0–255. First, correspond the gray level of
pixel to a number axis. Second, predicate S(x(i,j),f(i,j)) represents
that x(i,j) is similar to f
(i,j), ╕S(x(i,j),f(i,j)) represents that x(i,j)is
different from f(i,j), and S(x(i,j),f(i,j)) transition, as shown in
Fig. 1. According to the measure of medium truth degree [12,13],
the similarity degree between x(i,j) and f(i,j) can be calculated by
the distance ratio function hh(f(i,j),x(i,j)) [12].
Definition 1. For pixels x(i,j) and f(i,j), we define
hhðf ði; jÞ; xði; jÞÞ ¼
½hðf ði; jÞ; xði; jÞÞ þ hðxði; jÞ; f ði; jÞÞ ð1Þ
hðf ði; jÞ; xði; jÞÞ ¼
dðf ði;jÞ;1Þ
f ði; jÞo x ði; jÞ
1 f ði; jÞ¼xði; jÞ
dðf ði;jÞ;256Þ
f ði; jÞ4 x ði; jÞ
as the medium similarity measure of two pixels, where d(a,b)is
the Euclidean distance between a and b. Under the one-
dimensional circumstance, d(a,b)¼|a b|. The larger the value is,
and the higher the similarity degree between x(i,j) and f(i,j)
becomes. The smaller the value is, and the lower the similarity
degree between x(i,j) and f(i,j) becomes.
2.2. Medium similarity measure of two image sets
Definition 2. For an image X¼ [x(i,j)]
of M N pixels and an
image F¼ [f(i,j)]
of M N pixels, de fine
s ¼
i ¼ 1
j ¼ 1
hhðf ði; jÞ; xði; jÞÞ ð3Þ
as the medium similarity measure of two image sets, where hh(f(i,
j),x(i,j)) is the distance ratio function defined in (1).
The value of the distance ratio function hh(f(i,j),x(i,j)) reflects
the similarity degree between the two pixels respectively located
at corresponding position in the images X and F.Sos can be used
to measure the similarity degree of the images X and F. The larger
the value of s is, and the higher similarity degree of the images
X and F becomes.
2.3. Properties of the medium similarity measure
Property 1. hhðf ði; jÞ; xði; jÞÞA ð0; 1
In gray images, 0r xði; jÞr 255; 0
r f ði; jÞr 255.
According to expression (2), there are three cases as follows:
(1) When f ði; jÞo xði; jÞ;
hðf ði; jÞ; xði; jÞÞ ¼ dðf ði; jÞ; 1Þ=ðdðxði; jÞ ; 1Þ
¼jf ði; jÞþ1j=jxði; jÞþ1j
¼ðf ði; jÞþ1Þ=ðxði; j
Since f ð i; jÞo xði; jÞ ; f
ði; jÞ¼0; 0o xði; jÞr 255;
Then 0 o hðf ði; jÞ; xði; jÞÞ o 1
(2) When f ði; jÞ¼xði; jÞ; hðf ð i; jÞ; xði; jÞÞ ¼ 1
(3) When f ði; jÞ4 xði; jÞ;
hðf ði; jÞ; xði; jÞÞ ¼ dðf ð
i; jÞ; 256Þ=ðdðxði; jÞ; 256Þ
¼jf ði; jÞ256j=jxði; jÞ256j
¼ð256f ði; jÞÞ=ð256 xði; jÞÞ
Since f ð i; jÞ4 xði; jÞ; f
ði; jÞ¼255; 0r xði; jÞo 255;
Then 0 o hðf ði; jÞ; xð i; jÞÞo 1
Conclusion: According case (1)–(3), we can get. 0o hðf ði; jÞ;
xði; jÞÞr 1
Similarly, we can prove that 0o hðxði; jÞ; f ði; jÞÞr 1
Then 0 o ½hðxði; jÞ; f ði; jÞÞþhðf ði;
jÞ; xði; jÞÞ=2r 1
That is hhðf ði; jÞ; xði; jÞÞ A ð0; 1
Property 2. hhðf ði; jÞ; xði; jÞÞ ¼ 1; only if f ði; jÞ¼xði; jÞ
Property 3. hhðf ði; jÞ; xði; jÞÞ ¼ hhðxði ; jÞ; f ði; jÞÞ
According to Definition 1
, we can easily get Properties 2 and 3.
3. Applications of the image medium similarity measure
3.1. Image medium edge detection algorithm
Edge is digitally presented as a set of pixels whose neighbors
are located at an orthogonal step or roof transition in gray level.
Paggio stated [14] ‘Edge may correspond to object boundaries or
not, but it owns a great feature; it provides us reduced information
required to process and preserves useful structural information
about the object boundaries as well’.Hedefined edge detection as
the operation of measuring, detecting and locating changes in gray
level of the image.
In this paper, a novel image edge detection algorithm based on
the medium mathematic systems is proposed. It uses the medium
similarity measure to inspect the degree of similarity between a
pixel and its neighbors. Then it makes use of two thresholds and
applies the method of restraining the non-maxim value in domain
for edge determination.
Fig. 1. Relation between the gray level of pixel x(i,j), f(i,j).
Edge direction
Fig. 2. Edge direction.
N. Zhou et al. / Neurocomputing 140 (2014) 219–227220
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