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Resource-Efficient Data Gathering in Sensor Networks for Environ...
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Environment reconstruction is to rebuild the physical environment in the cyberspace using the sensory data collected by sensor networks, which is a fundamental method for human to understand the physical world in depth. A lot of basic scientific work such as nature discovery and organic evolution heavily relies on the environment reconstruction. However, gathering large amount of environmental data costs huge energy and storage space. The shortage of energy and storage resources has become a maj
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Resource-Efficient Data Gathering
in Sensor Networks for Environment
Linghe Kong
, Xiao-Yang Liu
, Meixia Tao
, Min-You Wu
Yu G u
, Long Cheng
and Jianwei Niu
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, School of Computer Science
and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China
Corresponding author: niujianwei@buaa.edu.cn
data collected by sensor networks, which is a fundamental method for human to understand the
physical world in depth.A lot of basic scientific work such as nature discovery and organic evolution
heavily relies on the environment reconstruction. However, gathering large amount of environmental
data costs huge energy and storage space. The shortage of energy and storage resources has become
a major problem in sensor networks for environment reconstruction applications. Motivated by
exploiting the inherent feature of environmental data, in this paper, we design a novel data gathering
protocolbased on compressive sensing theory and time series analysis to further improvethe resource
efficiency. This protocol adapts the duty cycle and sensing probability of every sensor node according
to the dynamic environment, which cannot only guarantee the reconstruction accuracy, but also
save energy and storage resources. We implement the proposed protocol on a 51-node testbed and
conduct the simulations based on three real datasets from Intel Indoor, GreenOrbs and Ocean
Sense projects. Both the experiment and simulation performances demonstrate that our method
significantly outperforms the conventional methods in terms of resource efficiency and reconstruction
Keywords: wireless sensor networks; compressive sensing; low-duty-cycle; data gathering; environment
reconstruction; time series; energy-efficient; data deluge
Received 2 January 2014; revised 6 April 2014
Handling editor: Zhangbing Zhou
Environment reconstruction [1] is to rebuild the physical
environment in the cyberspace using the sensory data collected
method for human to understand the physical world in depth.
A lot of basic scientific work such as nature discovery
and organic evolution heavily relies on the environment
reconstruction. Several realWSN platforms are deployed under
the water [3], in the forest [4] and on the volcano [5, 6] for
environment reconstruction applications.
Motivation: It is desired that a WSN can sense and gather the
environmental data [7] (such as temperature, light or humidity)
with a long-term for accurate environment reconstruction.
Nevertheless, this goal is difficult to achieve due to the shortage
of resources in WSNs. On one hand, a WSN is constrained
by its energy resource. The tiny size of a sensor node and
its limited batteries cannot support a long-term data gathering
because of the high-energy consumption incurred by wireless
communication. For example, a typical TelosB sensor node
with CC2420 wireless module consumes ∼20 mA for 1-s
transmission [8]. But the total power of a TelosB node is no
more than 4000 mA capacity [9], which is usually supplied by
twoAA batteries. On the other hand, a WSN is also constrained
by its storage resource. High reconstruction accuracy demands
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, 2014
The Computer Journal Advance Access published June 30, 2014
at Beihang University on December 23, 2014http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/Downloaded from
2 L. Kong et al.
fine-grained sensing, which results in large amount of sensory
data and consequently costs huge storage space. To confirm this
empirical result, we did an indoor experiment that 51TelosB
nodes gathered over 1 GB data within just 7 days when the
sensing interval is set to be 5s. Furthermore, Baraniuk [10]
advocates in SCIENCE that the bottleneck of WSN now is data
deluge: the amount of data generated worldwide (1250 billion
GB in 2010), which is dominated by sensory data, is growing
by 58% per year. For these reasons, energy constraint and data
deluge become the key challenges in WSNs, especially for the
environment reconstruction application that requires long-term
and large-amount data gathering.
Existing approaches and limitation: Existing approaches
study either the energy efficiency or the data aggregation
problems. (1) Energy constraint is a fundamental problem in
WSNs. Hundreds of works have contributed on optimizing
the energy consumption from the physical layer up to the
application layer [2, 11–14]. In particular, a widely employed
approach is to schedule each sensor node’s duty cycle (also
called wake/sleep cycle) [15–17], which dramatically reduces
the energy cost via turning off the radio. Nevertheless, most
existing approaches pre-determine the schedule of the duty
cycle, which cannot guarantee the reconstruction accuracy for
dynamic environment. (2) Data deluge is currently another
critical problem in WSNs. Diverse data aggregation approaches
have been well investigated for energy balance [18], connected
dominating set [19] and energy-latency tradeoff [20]. However,
thereisno existingworkaddressingthe storage-efficientmethod
with the guarantee of accurate environment reconstruction.
Since both energy and storage efficiency could benefit from
reducing the amount of data gathering, they are not incom-
patible, but correlated mutually in environment reconstruction
application. To tackle the joint problem of energy constraint
and the data deluge, in this paper, we i nvestigate the resource-
efficient data gathering (REDG) problem taking energy effi-
ciency and storage efficiency into account together, which is
equal to maximize the sleep duration and to minimize the
amount of sensory data gathering, respectively.
Our approach: First, we analyze the inherent features of
environmental data. After analyzing the real datasets from Intel
Indoorexperiment[21], GreenOrbs project [4]andOcean Sense
project [22], we observe that the environmental data exhibit
obvious low-rank feature. This observation implies that the data
existhigh redundancy, so that sensing only a few data are able to
rebuildthe near-optimal environment accordingto the advanced
compressive sensing (CS) theory [23–28]. Furthermore, we
verify that the rank of the environmental data is predictable.
Inspired by the observed features, we propose the novel
REDG protocol. REDG periodically computes the optimal
parameters, including the duty cycle and the amount of sensory
data based on the dynamic environment and then adaptively
tunes the data gathering behavior. To compute the optimal
parameters, one straightforward approach is to gather all the
environmental data and derive them in a posteriori manner.
However, a posteriori manner might not be feasible because
the optimal parameters need to be pre-determined to schedule
the data gathering. To tackle this challenge, our design takes
advantage of the rank prediction. More specifically, given a
requirement of the reconstruction accuracy, by exploiting the
predicted rank, we derive the maximum sleep duration using
time series analysis [29] based on the predictable rank feature.
Meanwhile, we derive the least amount of sensory data using
CS theory [30] based on the low-rank feature. Therefore, REDG
can effectively adapt to the dynamic environment and achieve
Finally, REDG is implemented on a testbed and simulated
on three real datasets. We evaluate the proposed REDG,
the standard collection tree protocol (CTP) [31] and the
classic low-duty-cycle protocol [15] on a 51-node real testbed
for performance comparison. A 30-day experiment shows
that REDG significantly outperforms the other protocols on
energy and storage efficiencies. To understand the performance
of REDG in large-scale sensor networks, we then conduct
extensive simulations based on real datasets from Intel Indoor,
GreenOrbs and Ocean Sense projects. The evaluation results
also demonstrate that our REDG achieves low resource
consumption with the guarantee of reconstruction accuracy.
Contributions: In summary, the major contributions of this
paper are as follows:
(i) To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to
study both the energy and storage efficiencyproblems in
data gathering of WSN for environment reconstruction.
(ii) We mine three real datasets to explore the low-rank and
predictable rank features of dynamic environments.
(iii) A novel REDG protocol is designed based on CS theory
and time series analysis. This protocol can adapt duty
cycle and the amount of data gathering according to the
dynamic environment. And the near-optimal accuracy
of environment reconstruction is guaranteed.
(iv) The proposed protocol is implemented on a real
testbed and simulated based on three real datasets. The
results verify its feasibility and show its significant
improvement compared with the existing methods.
Paper organization: The remainder of this paper is organized
as follows. In Section 2, the background is presented. In
Section 3, the problem is formulated. Environment features are
mined in Section 4. In Section 5, the novel REDG protocol
is proposed. In Section 6, implementation and simulation are
performed for evaluating REDG. In Section 7, we conclude this
In this section, we present the concept of environment
reconstruction, existing resource-efficient methods and the
background of CS theory.
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, 2014
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REDG in Sensor Networks for Environment Reconstruction 3
2.1. Environment reconstruction
The objective of environment reconstruction [1] is to rebuild
the accurate environment in cyberspace based on the gathered
sensory data, which is commonly realized by WSNs. Several
real applications can be found in [3, 4, 6]. However, such
applications are restricted by the energy and storage resources.
The energy constraint is a classic problem in WSNs.
According to [2], battery capacity only doubled in the past 35
years. Moreover, the hazardous sensing environment precludes
manual battery replacement. Energy constraint is unlikely to be
solved in the near future on account of the size limitation of
sensor nodes.
In recent years, the data deluge issue becomes a serious
bottleneck of WSNs. A recent report [10] found that the total
amount of world data storage is growing 31% slower than
the amount of data generated worldwide (dominated by sensor
networks). This expanding gap indicates that storage efficiency
will be a critical issue in WSNs.
2.2. Existing resource-efficient methods
This work is related to energy-efficient and storage-efficient
methods. However, we find that existing approaches cannot
satisfy the joint problem of energy constraint and data deluge
for environment reconstruction.
In WSNs, the energy-efficient methods are investigated from
physical layer [12], link layer [11, 14], network layer [13]to
application layer [2]. Particularly, scheduling the duty cycle of
every sensor node is the widely employed approach for energy-
saving data gathering [15–17, 32]. Although these solutions
are highly diverse, none of them considers an adaptive energy-
efficient mechanism according to the change of environment.
There are also plenty of data compression and data aggre-
gation approaches, which are studied to reduce the storage
consumption in WSNs, e.g. [18–20]. However, we observe that
these approaches operate at the sink or relay nodes. In another
word,theenvironmentaldataactually have been sensedand then
be processed. In this case, some storage and energy resources
have been used. Hence, in this paper, we study the storage-
efficient problem by reducing the amount of data gathering at
the source nodes.
2.3. Compressive sensing
CS [23–25] is a generic method to recover the whole condition
with only a few sampled data [33–36]. Several effective
CS-based applications have been developed in data recovery
field. For instance, network traffic estimation [28], road traffic
interpolation [26] and localization in mobile networks [27].
CS-based methods have the potential to reconstruct the
environment in WSN applications. It has been proved that the
environment can be near-optimally recovered even there are
more than 70% sensory data are missing [30], which motivates
us to exploit CS to reduce the amount of data gathering. Until
now, there is no CS-based method having been studied to
optimize the data gathering for environment reconstruction.
3.1. System model and notation
In environment reconstruction system, sensor nodes are
distributed in the given area to sense and gather data to the
sink during a given period of time. Suppose there are totally n
sensor nodes. The period of monitoring time is evenly divided
into t time slots, any sensor node can periodically (once per
time slot) sense the environmental data.
Definition 1. Environment condition (EC): EC is the real
environmental data sensed by sensor node i at the time slot
j denoted by x(i,j), where i = 1, 2
...,nand j = 1, 2...,t.
Definition 2. En
vironment matrix (EM): EM is the matrix of
all real environmental data, which is a mathematical way to
describe the dynamic environment. All ECs x(i,j) form a EM:
X = (x(i, j))
. (1)
Thereby, this is a matrix constituting of n rows and t columns.
A complete EM presents that all ECs are gathered, which
indicates the 100% accurate environment reconstruction.
Definition 3. Binary index matrix (BIM): BIM is a n × t
matrix, which indicates whether the sensor node i at time slot
j senses the EC or not. BIM is defined by
B = (b(i, j))
1ifx(i, j) is gathered,
0 otherwise.
Definition4. Gatheredmatrix (GM): GM isthe matrix ofonly
gathered data by a WSN. Since some ECs may not be gathered,
elements of GM are either EC (x(i, j)) gathered by sensor node
or zero (b(i, j) = 0). Thereby, GM is an incomplete EM. GM
is denoted by G and can be presented by
G = X · B. (3)
Definition 5. Estimated environment matrix (E2M): E2M is
the result of environment reconstruction, which is generated by
interpolating the missing values in GM to approximate EM.
E2M is denoted by
X = ( ˆx(i, j))
. (4)
3.2. Problem statement
In this paper, we focus on the data gathering problem for saving
the resource consumption and acquiring accurate environment
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