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在全息对应中,子区域对偶性假定边界理论的有限空间状区域的混合状态的知识允许对体积的特定区域(称为纠缠楔)进行完全重建。 该声明已为本地批量运营商证明。 在本文中,为简化起见,首先专门研究$$ \ hbox {AdS} _3 $$ AdS3的Rindler楔形,我们发现,即使在之后,楔形内的泛型曲线实际上也无法在相应的边界区域中完全被纠缠熵重建。 使用孔成像的最一般的变体,最近被证明足以在庞加莱斑块中重建任意空间状曲线。 此限制类似于常见的纠缠阴影现象,我们称之为“纠缠阴影”。 我们通过显示关于不可重构曲线段的信息来对纯化纠缠概念的略微概括进行编码,从而克服了这一难题,该技术的全息对偶已经在最近进行了讨论。 我们介绍了“微分纯化”的概念,并证明了它与微分熵相结合,可以在任何三维三维几何体中的任意纠缠楔内完全重建所有空间状曲线。
Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:646
Regular Article - Theoretical Physics
Entanglement wedge reconstruction and entanglement of
Ricardo Espíndola
, Alberto Güijosa
, Juan F. Pedraza
Departamento de Física de Altas Energías, Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Apartado Postal 70-543,
04510 Mexico, CDMX, Mexico
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Received: 9 July 2018 / Accepted: 3 August 2018
© The Author(s) 2018
Abstract In the holographic correspondence, subregion
duality posits that knowledge of the mixed state of a finite
spacelike region of the boundary theory allows full recon-
struction of a specific region of the bulk, known as the entan-
glement wedge. This statement has been proven for local bulk
operators. In this paper, specializing first for simplicity to a
Rindler wedge of AdS
, we find that generic curves within
the wedge are in fact not fully reconstructible with entan-
glement entropies in the corresponding boundary region,
even after using the most general variant of hole-ography,
which was recently shown to suffice for reconstruction of
arbitrary spacelike curves in the Poincaré patch. This lim-
itation is an analog of the familiar phenomenon of entan-
glement shadows, which we call ‘entanglement shade’. We
overcome it by showing that the information about the non-
reconstructible curve segments is encoded in a slight gen-
eralization of the concept of entanglement of purification,
whose holographic dual has been discussed very recently.
We introduce the notion of ‘differential purification’, and
demonstrate that, in combination with differential entropy, it
enables the complete reconstruction of all spacelike curves
within an arbitrary entanglement wedge in any 3-dimensional
bulk geometry.
1 Introduction and conclusions ..............
2 Rindler geodesics ....................
2.1 Geodesics at constant time ............
2.2 Time-dependent geodesics contained within the
Rindler wedge ...................
e-mail: ricardo.espindola@correo.nucleares.unam.mx
e-mail: alberto@nucleares.unam.mx
e-mail: jpedraza@uva.nl
3 Criteria for reconstructibility of curves ........
3.1 Static case .....................
3.2 General case ....................
3.3 Entanglement shade ................
4 Full reconstruction using entanglement entropy and
entanglement of purification ..............
4.1 Mapping bulk curves to CFT intervals ......
4.2 Entanglement of purification ...........
4.3 Differential entropy and differential purification .
Appendix: Coordinate transformations ..........
References .........................
1 Introduction and conclusions
In the quest to understand the holographic [1–4]emer-
gence of a dynamical bulk spacetime out of degrees of free-
dom living on a lower-dimensional rigid geometry, much
progress has originated from the Ryu–Takayanagi relation
. (1)
Here S
denotes the entanglement entropy of a spacelike
region A in the boundary theory: S
ln ρ
), with
≡ Tr
ρ the reduced density matrix associated with A,
or more precisely, with the domain of dependence of A in the
boundary theory, denoted D
. A(
) in (1) is the area
the extremal codimension-two bulk surface
that is homol-
ogous to A (with ∂
= ∂ A).
Relation (1) informed in particular the idea of subre-
gion duality [14–20], and more specifically, the conjec-
The connection with area applies when the bulk theory is classical
Einstein gravity. For generalizations, see [9–13].
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Fig. 1 Schematic depiction of the entanglement wedge E
and causal
for a boundary subregion A, or equivalently, for its boundary
domain of dependence
. See the main text for the explicit defini-
tions. For arbitrary bulk geometries, the entanglement wedge, bounded
by null geodesics that are shot towards the boundary from the Ryu–
Takayanagi surface
, is larger than the causal wedge, bounded by
null geodesics that are shot into the bulk from the edge of
spatial surface
on which the latter geodesics intersect is the causal
information surface defined in [17]. In a few situations
the two types of wedges coincide. This happens in particular when A
is a spherical region in the vacuum of a d-dimensional conformal field
theory, which for d = 2 gives rise to the anti-de-Sitter-Rindler wedge
considered throughout most of this paper
ture [18,21,22] that knowledge of ρ
allows full recon-
struction of the entanglement wedge of A, denoted E
defined as the domain of dependence of any codimension-
one bulk spacelike region bounded by
and A. See
Fig. 1a. An interesting property of the entanglement wedge
is that it is generally larger [21,22] than the bulk region
that is causally accessible from D
(i.e., the intersection in
the bulk of the causal past and the causal future of D
known as the causal wedge of A, and denoted C
. See
Fig. 1b.
For a quantum field theory with a holographic dual, the
large-N and strong-coupling regime corresponds to the situ-
ation where the bulk theory is well approximated by Einstein
gravity coupled to a small number of light local fields. Each
of these fields φ (including the metric fluctuation h
dual to a simple local operator O in the boundary theory.
In this context, one aspect of reconstruction is being able to
write the boundary counterpart of the bulk field operator φ
placed at any given bulk point x
≡ (x
, r ), with μ run-
ning over the boundary directions, and r the radial direction.
This was first achieved with the well-known HKLL prescrip-
tion [23–29], which (at least for ball-shaped A) allows one
to define φ(x, r ) in C
by smearing O(x) over D
the connection with quantum error correction [30], a proof
was given in [31] that local operators (acting within a code
subspace) can in fact be reconstructed inside the full entan-
glement wedge E
. See also [32–34], as well as the recent
reviews [35,36].
A different aspect of reconstruction is to be able to directly
encode bulk curves or surfaces in terms of boundary data.
This question was first addressed in [37] for the case of
global 3-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime (AdS
), where
an extremal surface
is a geodesic, and its area A(
) is
a length. It was shown in that work that a generic bulk curve
at fixed time, x
(λ) (with λ an arbitrary parameter), can
be represented by a family of intervals I (λ) in the bound-
ary theory, and a specific combination of the correspond-
ing entanglement entropies S
I (λ)
, known as the differential
entropy E, yields the length of the curve.
In this approach,
known as hole-ography, the intervals I (λ) are identified by
the fact that their associated bulk geodesics
I (λ)
are tan-
gent to the bulk curve. By shrinking the curves to zero size,
one can obtain in particular the most basic ingredients of the
bulk geometry, points and distances, in terms of the pattern
of entanglement in the given state of the field theory [40].
Hole-ography thus provides direct access to the spacetime
on which local bulk operators are to be placed, and therefore
conceptually underlies the approach summarized in the pre-
vious paragraph. This is consistent with the fact that, purely
within the field theory, entanglement is the more fundamen-
tal substrate from which correlators of local operators arise
[41]. Hole-ography was examined in bulk dimensions higher
thanthreein[42–44], and generalized to the case of time-
dependent spacelike curves in [44]. Other extensions can be
found in [45–49].
The simplest example of an entanglement wedge is the
Poincaré patch of pure AdS
, where A is obtained by delet-
ing a single point from the boundary circle that is at play
in global AdS. In the most familiar presentation of Poincaré
AdS/CFT, a conformal transformation is used to map this
open interval to the whole real line, and the dual conformal
field theory (CFT) then lives on 2-dimensional Minkowski
spacetime. It was recently pointed out in [48] that in this
setting hole-ography faces a serious challenge: generic bulk
curves in the Poincaré wedge have segments whose tangent
geodesics are not fully contained within the wedge, meaning
that they cannot be associated with entanglement entropies
in the CFT. See Fig. 2a. This challenge was overcome in [48]
A direct information-theoretic interpretation of E within the boundary
theory was provided in [38], and an elegant reformulation of the dual
bulk prescription was worked out in [39], employing integral geometry.
Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78:646 Page 3 of 20 646
Fig. 2 Each of these solid cylinders is a Penrose diagram for AdS
covered in full by the global coordinates (,τ,θ), but only in part by
the Poincaré coordinates (t, x, r) on the left, or the Rindler coordinates
(t, x, r) on the right. a Generic spatial bulk curves in the Poincaré wedge
(such as the circle shown in red) have segments whose tangent geodesics
(shown in orange) are not fully contained within the wedge. In spite of
this, a variant of hole-ography that employs ‘null alignment’ allows
their reconstruction with entanglement entropies in the CFT [48]. b A
Rindler wedge covers a smaller portion of global AdS, and in particular,
it does not contain a full Cauchy slice. A priori, it is not clear if the ‘null
alignment’ variant of hole-ography is sufficient to reconstruct arbitrary
bulk curves within the Rindler wedge (such as the circle shown in red)
by using a variant of hole-ography that employs ‘null align-
ment’. The key point, discovered in [44], is that E reproduces
the length of the curve even if the intervals I (λ) are obtained
not by shooting geodesics along the direction tangent to the
curve, but along a new direction that has been shifted by
a null vector orthogonal to the curve. It was shown in [48]
that, for the segments of bulk curves that cannot be recon-
structed with the standard prescription, it is always possible
to reorient the geodesics in this manner to make sure they are
contained within the Poincaré wedge, and therefore encode
entanglement entropies. The conclusion then is that all space-
like curves in Poincaré AdS are fully reconstructible.
Since the Poincaré patch has the special property that it
contains a full Cauchy slice of global AdS, a question natu-
rally arises: when considering a smaller entanglement wedge
in AdS
, e.g., an AdS-Rindler wedge, will null alignment
again suffice to ensure reconstructibility of all spacelike bulk
curves? This is the question that provides the initial moti-
vation for this paper. The fact that AdS-Rindler is smaller
than the Poincaré patch implies that there are fewer curves
that need to be reconstructed, but on the other hand, there are
more geodesics that exit the wedge. See Fig. 2b.
Our notation is established by writing the metric in the
form (2). (The transformations from global AdS
to Poincaré
and Rindler coordinates are given in Appendix A.) We
begin by working out the explicit form of the AdS-Rindler
geodesics in Sect. 2, first at constant time in Sect. 2.1 and
Fig. 3 Entanglement shade for a Rindler wedge in AdS
, in the range
0 < u
< 10, 0 < u
< 10, having chosen the parametrization λ = x
(which implies u
= 1). The shaded region indicates the radial depths
that cannot be penetrated by geodesics with the indicated tangent vector
u, or with any other vector U obtained from it by null alignment (U =
u +n with n ·n = n ·u = 0). As expected from the analysis in the main
text, when we consider larger values of u
, corresponding to steeper
curves, the shade grows larger. On the other hand, the figure shows that
upon increasing the value of u
the shade is reduced. By symmetry, the
radial position where the shade begins is independent of the sign of u
and u
, and of course, it is also independent of the values of t and x.
The entire region shown corresponds to spacelike u
then incorporating time dependence in Sect. 2.2. With this
information in hand, we identify in Sect. 3.1 a criterion for
points on a static curve to be reconstructible using the stan-
dard tangent alignment. In Sect. 3.2 we generalize this to
time-dependent spacelike curves, incorporating the use of
null alignment, defined in Eq. (30). The analysis reveals that
a curve is reconstructible only if the two conditions (45) and
(46) are obeyed. We then show in Sect. 3.3 that, even with
null alignment, curves in an AdS-Rindler wedge generically
have segments that cannot be reconstructed using entangle-
ment entropies in the CFT. The problem is that geodesics
anchored on the boundary fail to reach certain bulk regions
with a certain range of slopes. This obstruction is a gener-
alization of the well-known phenomenon of entanglement
shadows [50–55], which we call entanglement shade, and
depict in Fig. 3.
Section 4.1 delineates the problem in more detail, address-
ing the first step for reconstruction, which is to associate our
bulk curve with a family of intervals in the boundary the-
ory. We find that, while this can be done without difficulty
for open curves that are not too steep (including those that
can be shrunk down to describe points, as in [40,48]), all
closed curves and generic open curves have some number of
segments inside the entanglement shade, which by definition
cannot be encoded in terms of boundary-anchored geodesics,
and intervals in the CFT.
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