Single-polarization large-mode-area fiber
laser mode-locked with a nonlinear
amplifying loop mirror
Ultrafast Laser Laboratory, Key Laboratory of Opto-Electronic Information Technology of Ministry of Education, School of Precision Instruments
and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Tianjin University, 300072 Tianjin, China
*Corresponding author:
Received 13 April 2018; revised 14 May 2018; accepted 14 May 2018; posted 15 May 2018 (Doc. ID 328238); published 11 June 2018
The generation of high-power ultrashort pulses from a pas-
sively mode-locked fiber laser is reported based on the com-
bination of a single-polarization large-mode-area (LMA)
photonic crystal fiber with a nonlinear amplifying loop mir-
ror design. The introduction of a non-reciprocal phase shift
in the loop mirror enables self-starting of the mode-locked
laser, while the polarizing LMA fiber supports environmen-
tally stable high-power operation. Mode locking in the sol-
iton-like, stretched-pulse, and all-normal-dispersion regime
is characterized. The laser genera tes stable pulses with up to
2 W average power at a 72 MHz repetition rate, correspond-
ing to a single-pulse energy of 28 nJ. The output pulses are
dechirped to a near transform-limited duration of 152 fs.
The proposed fiber oscillator presents an alternative ap-
proach to high-power ultrafast laser sources, along with
environmental stability.
© 2018 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (140.7090) Ultrafast lasers; (060.2320) Fiber optics
amplifiers and oscillators; (060.7140) Ultrafast processes in fibers;
(140.3615) Lasers, ytterbium.
Mode-locked fiber lasers have widespread applications in indus-
trial, medical, and scientific researches, which drive continuous
research interest into developing novel source configurations
with enhanced performance. Various passive mode-locking
mechanisms have been established, including the material-
based saturable absorbers and the artificial saturable absorber
mechanisms. The former include semiconductor saturable-
absorber mirrors (SESAM) [1], carbon nanotube [2], and
graphene [3], while the latter include nonlinear polarization
evolution (NPE) [4], nonlinear optical loop mirror [5], and
nonlinear amplifying loop mirror (NALM) [6]. Meanwhile,
major efforts have been made to investigate the intracavity
pulse dynamics. Depending on the balance between nonline-
arity, dispersion, gain and loss, fiber lasers exhibit different
pulse shaping mechanisms. The mode-locked operati ons cat-
egorized by cavity dispersion distributions are known as the
soliton regime [7], the stretched-pulse regime [8], and the
all-normal-dispersion (ANDi) regime [9].
Despite the development of the fundamental understanding
of pulse evolution, the performance of conventional fiber laser
is limited due to the small fiber core size and, hence, the
strong accumulated nonlinearity. Thanks to the technological
advances, fiber lasers with the use of low-nonlinearity large-
mode-area (LMA) photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) have enabled
further power and energy scaling [10,11]. Mode-locked with
the commonly employed NPE technique, these LMA-PCF la-
ser oscillators reached impressive performance levels, achieving
hundreds of nanojoule energies and sub-100 femtosecond de-
chirped durations with average powers of up to 66 W [12,13].
Nonetheless, the NPE-based laser suffers greatly from the ran-
dom birefringence of the fiber introduced by environmental
perturbations, which can result in even a complete loss of mode
locking. Therefore, more robust mode-locking technologies are
Substantial effort has been made to solve this problem. The
use of polarization-maintaining (PM) fibers can largely improve
the environmental stability. Nevertheless, the intrinsic incom-
patibility of NPE with PM fibers generally excludes the feasibil-
ity since NPE requires precise control of the polarization state.
On the other hand, PM fiber lasers mode-locked with SESAMs
are well established [14–17]. However, such intrinsic absorbers
in fiber lasers are limited due to the relatively low damage
threshold, complicated fabrications, and a potential degrada-
tion over time [2,18]. Even more, the slow relaxation of the
SESAM often leads to a broad pulse width and may intrinsically
result in enhanced frequency and amplitude noise in the
laser [19,20].
The NALM is a promising candidate to realize both envi-
ronmental stability and high output performance in mode-
locked fiber lasers. As a fiber-nonlinearity-based saturable
absorber, the NALM holds a considerably high damage thresh-
old with good flexibility. Compared with NPE, the NALM has
the advantages of stability and lower intrinsic noise since it does
not rely on the polarization rotation and can be implemented in
a PM format [20 ]. In spite of the simplicity and stability, lasers
based on fiber loop mirrors normally are not self-starting, with a
Vol. 43, No. 12 / 15 June 2018 / Optics Letters
0146-9592/18/122848-04 Journal © 2018 Optical Society of America