% INPUT PARAMETERS *****************************************************
c = 299792.458; %speed of ligth nm/ps
% Input Field Paramenters
N2 = 1^2; % Soliton Order
tfwhm = 50; % ps
lamda_pulse = 1030; % pulse central lambda (nm)
fo=c/lamda_pulse; % central pulse frequency (THz)
% smf1 module parameters
smf1.Aeff = 42.6488; % Effective mode area (um^2)
smf1.n2 = 30; % Kerr coefficient (10^-16*cm^2/W)
smf1.gamma = 2*pi*smf1.n2/lamda_pulse/smf1.Aeff*1e4; % W^-1 * km^-1
smf1.alpha = 0; % atenuation coef. (km^-1)
smf1.L = 0.0015; % fiber length (km)
smf1.betaw = [0 0 17.8777 39.4876e-6]; % beta coefficients (ps^n/nm)
smf1.raman = 0; % exclude raman effect
smf1.ssp = 0; % disable self sharpen effect
% amf module parameters
amf1 = smf1;
amf1.L = 0.00015;
amf1.gssdB = 20; % small signal gain coefficient(dB)
amf1.PsatdBm = 41; % saturation input power(dBm)
amf1.lamda_gain = lamda_pulse; % central wavelength of gain (nm)
amf1.landa_bw = 100; % gain bandwidth (FWHM, nm)
amf1.fc = c/amf1.lamda_gain; % central frequency of gain (THz)
amf1.fbw = c/(amf1.lamda_gain)^2*amf1.landa_bw; % gain bandwidth (THz)
% smf2 module parameters
smf2 = smf1;
smf2.L = 0.002-smf1.L-amf1.L;
% smf3 module parameters
smf3 = smf1;
smf3.L = 0.0005;
% smf4 module parameters
smf4 = smf1;
% smf5 module parameters
smf5 = smf1;
smf5.L = 0.0115; %
% amf2 module parameters
amf2 = amf1;
amf2.gssdB = 35; % small signal gain coefficient(dB)
amf2.L = 0.004; %
% filter parameters
filter.lamda_c = lamda_pulse;
filter.landa_bw = 15;
filter.fc = c/filter.lamda_c;
filter.f3dB = c/(filter.lamda_c)^2*filter.landa_bw;
filter.n = 1;
% coupler parameters
rho = 0.45; % NALM
rho_out = 0.35; % Output coupler
% Numerical Parameters
nt = 2^11; % number of spectral points
time = 70; % ps
dt = time/nt; % ps
t = -time/2:dt:(time/2-dt); % ps
df=1/(nt*dt); % frequencies separation (Thz)
f=-(nt/2)*df:df:(nt/2-1)*df; % frequencies vector (en THz)
lambda = c./(f + c/lamda_pulse); % lambdas vector (nm)
w = 2*pi*f; % angular frequencies vector (en THz)
dz = 0.00001; % longitudinal step (km)
tol = 2e-4; % photon error number, or local error, depending on the used method.
% INPUT FIELD ************************************************************
P_peak = 2*N2*abs(smf1.betaw(3))/smf1.gamma/tfwhm^2; % Peak power of the initial pulse (W)
u0 =sqrt(P_peak)*sech(t/tfwhm); %initial field shape in W^0.5
u0 = wgn(nt,1,25)'.*u0;
PeakPower = max(u0.^2);
fprintf('Input Peak Power (W) = %5.2f\n',PeakPower);
b = dt*sum(abs(u0.^2));
fprintf('Input Pulse Energy in pJ = %5.2f\n', b );
% uncomment next codes to exclude gain
% if isfield(amf,'gssdB')
% amf = rmfield(amf,'gssdB');
% end
% PR0PAGATE finding numerical solution **********************************
fprintf('\nInteraction Picture Method started\n');
spec_z = [];
u_z = [];
u = u0;
h1 = waitbar( 0,'The program is running...');
N_trip = 25;
for ii = 1:N_trip
waitbar( (ii-1)/N_trip,h1);
[u,nf,Plotdata_smf4] = IP_CQEM_FD(u,dt,dz,smf4,fo,tol,1,0);
[u,nf,Plotdata_amf2] = IP_CQEM_FD(u,dt,dz,amf2,fo,tol,1,0);
[u,nf,Plotdata_smf5] = IP_CQEM_FD(u,dt,dz,smf5,fo,tol,1,0);
[uf,ub] = coupler(u,0,rho);
% forward light cp1o-smf1-amf-smf2-cp2o
[ufo,nf,Plotdata] = IP_CQEM_FD(uf,dt,dz,smf1,fo,tol,1,0);
[ufo,nf,Plotdata] = IP_CQEM_FD(ufo,dt,dz,amf1,fo,tol,1,0);
[ufo,nf,Plotdata] = IP_CQEM_FD(ufo,dt,dz,smf2,fo,tol,1,0);
% backward light cp2o-smf2-amf-smf1-cp1o
[ubo,nf,Plotdata] = IP_CQEM_FD(ub,dt,dz,smf2,fo,tol,1,0);
[ubo,nf,Plotdata] = IP_CQEM_FD(ubo,dt,dz,amf1,fo,tol,1,0);
[ubo,nf,Plotdata] = IP_CQEM_FD(ubo,dt,dz,smf1,fo,tol,1,0);
[ur,ut] = coupler(ubo,ufo,rho);
u = ut;
% ut->smf3->filter->output coupler->smf4->amf2->smf5->NALM
[u,nf,Plotdata_smf3] = IP_CQEM_FD(u,dt,dz,smf3,fo,tol,1,1);
[u,uout] = coupler(u,0,rho_out);
u_f = filter_gauss(u,filter.f3dB,filter.fc,filter.n,fo,df);
u = u_f;
%---------plot temporal input and output pulses
plot (t,abs(u0).^2,'b.-',t,abs(uout).^2,'r.-');axis tight;
grid on;
xlabel ('t (ps)');
ylabel ('|u(z,t)|^2 (W)');
title ('Initial (blue) and Final (green) Pulse Shapes');
%---------plot output spectrum------------------
spec = fftshift(abs(fft(uout)).^2);
specnorm = spec ./lambda.^2;
specnorm = specnorm/max(specnorm);
plot(c./(f + fo),specnorm,'r.-');axis tight;
grid on;
xlabel ('lambda (nm)');
ylabel ('Normalized Spectrum (a.u.)');
title ('Output Spectrum');
spec_z = [spec_z;specnorm];
u_z = [u_z;uout];
tx = toc;
fprintf('\nSimulation lasted (s) = %5.2f%\n', tx );
% PLOT RESULTS ************************************************************
colorbar;axis tight;shading interp;
ylabel ('run trip');
xlabel ('t (ps)');
zlabel ('|u(z,t)|^2 (W)');
title ('Output Optical Field Evolution');
% axis([-0.5,0.5,0,max(Plotdata.z),0,max(max(abs(Plotdata.u).^2))])
figure(5),surf(c./(f + fo),1:N_trip,spec_z);
colorbar;axis tight;
shading interp;
ylabel ('run trip');
xlabel ('lambda (nm)');
zlabel ('Normalized Spectrum (a.u.)');
title ('Output Spectrum Evolution');
% axis([1500,1600,0,max(Plotdata.z),0,1])
phase_out = phase(uout);
delta_w = diff(phase_out);
Eout = abs(uout).^2;
[uout_max,I_uout_max] = max(Eout);
[width,I_l,I_r] = fwhm(Eout);
range = floor((I_uout_max-1*width):(I_uout_max+0.9*width));
figure(6);[ax,p1,p2] = plotyy(t,Eout,t(range),delta_w(range),'plot','plot');
grid on; axis tight;
xlabel (['t (ps)',sprintf(',%.1fps',width*dt)]);
ylabel (ax(1),'|u(z,t)|^2 (W)');
ylabel(ax(2),'Chirp(THz)') % label right y-axis
ut_fft = repmat(abs(fftshift(fft(ut))),20,1);
u_f_fft = repmat(abs(fftshift(fft(u_f))),20,1);
uout_fft = repmat(abs(fftshift(fft(uout))),20,1);
Plotdata.ufft = [Plotdata_smf4.ufft;Plotdata_amf2.ufft;Plotdata_smf5.ufft;ut_fft;Plotdata_smf3.ufft;uout_fft;u_f_fft];
spec = abs(Plotdata.ufft').^2;
specnorm = spec ./(lambda'*ones(1,size(spec,2))).^2;
% specnorm = specnorm./(ones(size(spec,1),1)*max(specnorm));
specnorm = specnorm/max(specnorm(:));
figure(7),surf(c./(f + fo),1:size(Plotdata.ufft,1),specnorm');
colorbar;axis tight;
shading interp;
xlabel ('lambda (nm)');
zlabel ('Normalized Spectrum (a.u.)');
title ('Last Trip Spectrum Evolution');
ut_t = repmat(ut,20,1);
u_f_t = repmat(u_f,20,1);
uout_t = repmat(uout,20,1);
Plotdata.u = [Plotdata_smf4.u;Plotdata_amf2.u;Plotdata_smf5.u;ut_t;Plotdata_smf3.u;uout_t;u_f_t];
colorbar;axis tight;
shading interp;
xlabel ('t (ps)');
zlabel ('|u(z,t)|^2 (W)');
title ('Last Trip Pulse Evolution');