Bao-Di Liu, Bin Shen*, Xue Li
College of Information and Control Engineering China University of Petroleum Qingdao, 266580, China
Google Research, New York, USA
Department of Electronic Engineering Tsinghua University Beijing, 100084, China
thu.liubaodi@gmail.com, bshen@google.com, xue-li11@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
In this paper, motivated by the superior performance of sparse rep-
resentation based dictionary learning for application of image clas-
sification and the usage of nonlinearity property in improving per-
formance of image representation, we propose a locality sensitive
dictionary learning algorithm with global consistency and smooth-
ness constraint to overcome the restriction of linearity at relatively
low cost. Specifically, the image features are partitioned into several
groups in a locality sensitive way and a global consistency regular-
izer is embedded into locality sensitive dictionary learning algorith-
m. The proposed algorithm is efficient to capture complex nonlin-
ear structure. Experimental results on several benchmark data sets
demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed locality sensitive dictio-
nary learning algorithm.
Index Terms— Dictionary Learning, Sparse Representation,
Locality Sensitive, Image Classification
Image classification task, which aims at automatically associate im-
ages with semantic labels, has become quite a significant topic in
computer vision area. The most common framework for image clas-
sification is the discriminative model [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Five main step-
s, include image feature extraction, dictionary learning, image fea-
ture coding, image pooling, and SVM-based classification, construct
the discriminative model [1], where dictionary learning plays a key
role. A dictionary is usually composed of visual words, which en-
code low level visual information of images across different classes.
The primitive versions of vocabulary are learnt by typically k-means
clustering [6]. Yang et al. [2] first introduced sparse representa-
tion based dictionary learning algorithm and obtained state-of-the-
art performance in image classification.
On the other hand, various sparse representation based dictio-
nary learning algorithms were emerged. And sparse representation
based dictionary learning technique has been gradually revealed in
computer vision areas, such as image classification[7, 8, 9], im-
age inpainting [10, 11], image resolution, face recognition [12, 13]
etc. Different from other factorization methods, such as PCA, non-
negative matrix factorization [14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20], tensor fac-
This work was done when Bin was with Department of Computer Sci-
ence, Purdue University, West Lafayette.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (Grant No.61402535 No.61271407), the Natural Science Founda-
tion for Youths of Shandong Province, China (Grant No.ZR2014FQ001),
Qingdao Science and Technology Project (No.14-2-4-111-jch), and the Fun-
damental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China University of
Petroleum (East China) (Grant No. 14CX02169A).
Fig. 1. Framework of the proposed LSDL. The data matrix X is
partitioned into C clusters, then a dictionary is learnt for each region.
The dictionary W learnt for the data matrix X is the smoothness and
consistency of the local dictionaries learnt for each region.
torization [21, 22, 23, 24] and low-rank factorization [25, 26], sparse
representation based dictionary learning has the ability to represent
data by sparse linear combination of bases. Recently, more and more
researchers focused on locality-preserving dictionary learning algo-
rithms due that locality was more essential than sparsity [27]. Wang
et al. [3] considered each word in the vocabulary lying on a man-
ifold to preserve the local information. Wei et al. [28] embedded
the local data structure into sparse representation based dictionary
learning algorithm. Gao et al. [29] incorporated the histogram in-
tersection kernel based laplacian matrix into the sparse representa-
tion based dictionary learning algorithm to enforce the consistence
in sparse representation of similar local features. Zheng et al. [30]
explicitly embedded the vector quantization based laplancian matrix
into dictionary learning algorithm. Liu et al. [5] proposed sparse
representation in k-nearest neighbor to construct the graph model to
improve the accuracy and robustness of image representation.
However, all these methods are restricted to linear dictionary
learning methods or graph embedded dictionary learning methods,
and thus unable to capture complex nonlinear properties. Many real
word data require complex nonlinearity in dictionary learning due to
their distribution. For example, handwritten digits form manifolds
or human face form manifolds in the feature space is hard to cap-
ture such complex nonlinearity structure by conventional dictionary
learning methods, especially when facing large data. Moreover, k-
ernel trick needs to apply the kernel function to all pairs of sam-
ples which cost a lot of computation. To improve the nonlinearity
and to keep the computational efficiency, a locality sensitive dictio-
nary learning (LSDL) method is proposed to approximate the global
nonlinear dictionary to capture complex correlation structures. The
assumption is that the global dictionary learning is nonlinear, but it
is linear locally, i.e. dictionary learning method is applicable when
978-1-4799-8339-1/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE