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提出并研究了一个基于双腔耦合的高功率微波振荡器。该结构由两个腔和一个漂移管构成,两腔之间的耦合对 于在给定条件下振荡的产生有重要的影响。该结构在运行时相较于一个分布式行波器件更类似于一个速调管。结果表明,该振荡器有更高的效率且无模式竞争。在自适应理论的基础上研究了大信号物理过程,引入了互作用因子k研究电子束和该结构 之间的互作用程度,并设计了一个700 keV、10 kA的电子束驱动的S波段双腔振荡器。
第 40 卷 第 4 期 电 子 科 技 大 学 学 报 Vol.40 No.4
2011年7月 Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Jul. 2011
Bitron’s Theory and Design
LIAO Xu, REN Xue-zao, and LI Zheng-hong
(Science College, South-western University of Science and Technology Mianyang Sichuan 621010)
Abstract A structure of a high power microwave oscillator based on the couple between two cavities is
proposed and studied. The structure composes of two cavities and a drifting tube. The couple between two cavities
is important for the oscillation to occur under the controlled condition. The structure acts more like a klystron than
a distributed traveling wave device. As a result, the oscillator has higher efficiency and its working mode is
controlled without mode-competition. The large signal physic process is studied based on the self-consistent theory
and the interaction factor k is introduced to study interactions between the beam and the structure. Finally, a
conceptual design of a S-band bitron driven by a 700 keV, 10 kA electron beam has been designed.
Key words backward wave oscillator; high power microwaves; klystron; monotron; self-consistent
廖 旭,任学藻,李正红
(西南科技大学理学院 四川 绵阳 621010)
之间的互作用程度,并设计了一个700 keV、10 kA的电子束驱动的S波段双腔振荡器。
关 键 词 返波振荡器; 高功率微波; 速调管; 单腔振荡器; 自洽方程
中图分类号 TN102 文献标识码 A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-0548.2011.04.012
Received date:2009 11 13
收稿日期:2009 11 13
Foundation item:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant(10347009)
Biography:LIAO Xu was born in 1961, male, associate professor, his research interest includes electromagnetic field and microwave theory.
作者简介:廖 旭(1961 ),男,副教授,主要从事电磁场及微波理论方面的研究.
1 Introduction
New applications for high-power microwaves
(HPMs) have stimulated interests in the development
of HPM devices from the conventional microwave
. Though there exists many similarities between
HPM devices and conventional microwave tubes,
differences emerge continuously. The most common
one is the RF pulse shortening in the HPM devices
Taking advantage of structures of conventional
microwave tubes, efforts of HPM devices’ designers
are mainly focused on the use of various codes, such as
MAGIC, KARAT, etc. The interest to the analytical
theory was lost, while many important and new
phenomena occurred in particle in cell (PIC)
simulations and experiments. For example, not only
the RF breakdown was involved in the phenomena of
RF pulse shortening in the HPM devices, but also the
mode-competition was. And the output power closely
depends on the number of the periods
in relativistic
backward wave oscillator (RBWO), which is
significantly less than that of the conventional BWO.
Our work is focused on the development of a
general formalism, which is valid for Bitron devices
It allows one to calculate the self-excitation conditions
and the output power in the devices analytically. Such
- 粉丝: 7
- 资源: 891
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