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Wide tunable laser based on electrically regulated bandwidth bro...
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Electrically responsive photonic crystals represent one of the most promising intelligent material candidates for technological applications in optoelectronics. In this research, dye-doped polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals (PSCLCs) with negative dielectric anisotropy were fabricated, and mirrorless lasing with an electrically tunable wavelength was successfully achieved. Unlike conventional liquid-crystal lasers, the proposed laser aided in tuning the emission wavelength through con
Wide tunable laser based on electrically regulated
bandwidth broadening in polymer-stabilized
cholesteric liquid crystal
Key Laboratory of Special Display Technology, National Engineering Laboratory of Special Display Technology, State Key Laboratory of Advanced
Display Technology, Academy of Opto-Electronic Technology, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
Key Laboratory of Advanced Functional Materials and Devices, Anhui Province, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
School of Instrument Science and Opto-Electronics Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK
State Key Laboratory of Environment-Friendly Energy Materials, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621000, China
e-mail: zhijiahu@hfut.edu.cn
e-mail: bozhilu@hfut.edu.cn
Received 15 October 2018; accepted 24 November 2018; posted 30 November 2018 (Doc. ID 348249); published 10 January 2019
Electrically responsive photonic crystals represent one of the most promising intelligent material candidates for
technological applications in optoelectronics. In this research, dye-doped polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid
crystals (PSCLCs) with negative dielectric anisotropy were fabricated, and mirrorless lasing with an electrically
tunable wavelength was successfully achieved. Unlike conventional liquid-crystal lasers, the proposed laser aided
in tuning the emission wavelength through controlling the reflection bandwid th based on gradient pitch distri-
bution. The principal advantage of the electrically controlled dye-doped PSCLC laser is that the electric field
is applied parallel to the helical axis, which changes the pitch gradient instead of rotating the helix axis, thus
keeping the heliconical structure intact during lasing. The broad tuning range (∼110 nm) of PSCLC lasers,
coupled with their stable emission performance, continuous tunability, and easy fabrication, leads to its numerous
potential applications in intelligent optoelectronic devices, such as sensing, medicine, and display.
© 2019
Chinese Laser Press
Liquid-crystal (LC) lasers have attracted significant attention in
the scientific community in recent years. The broad wavelength
tuning range, coupled with their microscopic size, narrow line-
width, large coherence area, and high optical efficiency, opens
up new application avenues such as miniature medical diagnos-
tic tools, sensing, informational displays, and lab-on-chip
devices [1,2]. LC materials are a class of soft matter that com-
bines crystalline-like ordering with fluid-like behavior. Due to
the strong interactions among the molecules, LCs can self-
assemble into different ordered mesophases, such as the
common nematic and smectic phases, without the aid of any
external stimulus. Introduction of the chiral center in the mol-
ecules and/or addition of some chiral dopants into nematic LCs
leads to the twisting and self-assembling of the molecules into a
periodic helical structure, forming cholesteric liquid crystal
(CLC) with a pitch (p) in the submicrometer and micrometer
range. The dielectric permittivity is periodic in space; therefore,
CLCs can be seen as one-dimensional photonic crystals, which
selectively reflect the specific band circularly polarized light
with the same handedness as the helix. The reflection band
edges are located at λ
p × n
and λ
p × n
, where n
and n
are the ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices
of the local uniaxial structure, respectively [3,4]. Once a laser
dye is doped into the CLCs, provided that the fluorescence
emission spectrum of the dye overlaps the edge of the photonic
bandgap, mirrorless lasing is observed at the edge under certain
pumping conditions, which is the so-called band-edge CLC
laser [5– 8].
One major attractive feature of CLC lasers is the tunability
of the emission wavelength over a wide range via controlling the
pitch. This can be obtained by changing the composition [9],
position [10,11], temperature [12], and mechanical strain
[13,14], and by using reversible photochemical reactions [15].
Research Article
Vol. 7, No. 2 / February 2019 / Photonics Research 137
2327-9125/19/020137-07 Journal © 2019 Chinese Laser Press
In general, a large tuning range and a rapid response rate are
preferred for the LC lasers. A large wavelength shift of about
80 nm was achieved by biaxially stretching a CLC elastomer
[16]. Zheng et al. reported that a CLC emulsion laser could
be reversibly phototuned in a wide spectral range of 112 nm,
and it simultaneously exhibited stable emission performance
and quasi-continuous tunability [17]. As it is the most desirable
mode, the electrical tunability of the emission intensity and
wavelength has been widely studied. Switching of the lasing
in polymer-stabilized CLCs (PSCLCs) by lowering the electric
field (less than 10 V) has been reported [18]. However, the
wavelength shifts are normally less than 50 nm for conventional
CLC lasers using the electric field tuning method [19–23].
This is attributed to the fact that the electric field applied par-
allel to the helix axis, instead of changing the pitch while keep-
ing the cholesteric axis intact for lasers, rotates this axis due to
the dielectric anisotropy of the LC. This results in a light scat-
tering structure called a “focal conic texture,” which distorts the
harmonic periodic helical structure and dramatically reduces
the optical positive feedback [24–26]. Recently, Xiang et al.
presented an electrically tunable laser with an extraordinarily
broad range (>100 nm) in the visible spectrum based on an
oblique heliconical CLC, in which the molecules formed an
acute angle with the helicoidal axis rather than aligning
perpendicular to it as in the conventional CLC [27].
In this study, we described electrically tunable lasing based
on PSCLCs with negative dielectric anisotropy. The reflection
band of the PSCLC could be broadened by direct current (DC)
electric fields, which is ascribed to the pitch gradient caused by
the motion of the polymer network. Importantly, the field-
induced change in the pitch gradient did not change the
orientation of the helical axis, which remained parallel to the
applied field, and thus the regular heliconical structure was
maintained. Herein, we demonstrate efficient electrical tuning
of the lasing emission wavelength with an extraordinarily broad
range (more than 110 nm) in dye-doped PSCLCs with pitch
gradient distribution. To the best of our knowledge, such a
wide electrically tunable CLC laser bas ed on controlling the
pitch gradient and utilizing the polymer network deformation
has not been reported pre viously.
A. Materials and Sample Preparation
The materials used in this study included a nematic mixture
of HNG715500-000 (HCCH, China; Δn 0.075 , Δε
−14.2 at 298 K), chiral dopant R6N (HCCH, China), photo-
polymerizable LC monomer RM257 (HCCH, China), and
photoinitiator benzoin methyl ether (BME; TCI, Japan). The
laser dye used in this study was pyrromethene 597 (PM597;
Exciton, USA). The chemical structures of the materials are
shown in Fig. 1(a); the absorption peak was at ∼520 nm and
the fluorescence peak was at ∼582 nm for the PM597 in the
LC mixture [Fig. 1(b)]. The optimized constituent fraction
(in weight units) of PSCLC is HNG715500-000/R6N/
RM257/BME/PM597=100/3.7/6.5/1.1/0.8. The mixtures
were injected into vertical field switching cells by capillary ac-
tion, where a cell gap of 36 μm was controlled via the dispersion
of spacer beads. The cells were made of two glass substrates
with a planar indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode. The substrates
were also coated with polyimide and rubbed to generate a
homogeneous alignment of the LCs. The electric fields were
applied in the longitudinal direction. Before polymerization, a
low-frequency alternating current (AC) electric voltage (150 V,
10 Hz) was applied on the cell for 1 min to obtain a more
uniform film. Then the cells were cured by UV irradiation
(λ 365 nm, intensity 30 mW · cm
) at 25°C for 45 min
with applied high-frequency AC electric voltage (150 V, 1 kHz)
to obtain a better photonic bandgap structure. The AC electric
voltage was applied using a 20 MHz function/arbitrary
waveform generator (Agilent 33220A, USA) with a high-speed
bipolar amplifier (NF BA4825, Japan).
B. Optical Path Construction and Characterization
The transmission and reflection spectra were recorded using a
UV–visible spectrophotometer (Shimadzu-UV2550, Japan).
The laser spectra were analyzed using a spectrometer (QE65
Pro, Ocean Optics, USA; resolution ∼0.4nm, integration time
∼100 ms). The colors of the PSCLC sample were captured
using a polarized optical microscope (Leica DM2500 M,
Germany). The fluorescence spectra were recorded using a
spectrofluorometer (HORIBA FluoroMax-4, Japan). The op-
tical path structure is shown in Fig. 2.
To obtain electrically tunable lasing emission, the cells were
optically pumped using a pulsed frequency-doubled Nd:YAG
laser with a wavelength of 532 nm. The pulse width and the
Fig. 1. Chemical structures of chiral dopant R6N, liquid-crystal
monomer RM257, and laser dye pyrromethene 597 and the fluores-
cence spectrum and absorption spectrum of laser dye PM597 in a
nematic LC mixture.
Fig. 2. Optical path structure.
138 Vol. 7, No. 2 / February 2019 / Photonics Research
Research Article
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