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This paper presents a novel adaptive wideband compressed spectrum sensing scheme for cognitive radio(CR)networks. Compared to the traditional CSSbased CR scenarios, the proposed approach reconstructs neither the received signal nor its spectrum during the compressed sensing procedure. On the contrary, a precise estimation of wide spectrum support is recovered with a fewer number of compressed measurements. Then, the spectrum occupancy is determined directly from the reconstructed support vector.
Journal of Communications and Information Networks, Vol.3, No.2, Jun. 2018
DOI: 10.1007/s41650-018-0016-3 Research paper
Adaptive Data-Driven Wideband Compressive
Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks
Mohsen Ghadyani, Ali Shahzadi
Abstract—This paper presents a novel adaptive wide-
band compressed spectrum sensing scheme for cognitive
radio (CR) networks. Compared to the traditional CSS-
based CR scenarios, the proposed approach reconstructs
neither the received signal nor its spectrum during the
compressed sensing procedure. On the contrary, a precise
estimation of wide spectrum support is recovered with
a fewer number of compressed measurements. Then,
the spectrum occupancy is determined directly from the
reconstructed support vector. To carry out this process,
a data-driven methodology is utilized to obtain the mini-
mum number of necessary samples required for support
reconstruction, and a closed-form expression is obtained
that optimally estimates the number of desired samples as
a function of the sparsity level and number of channels.
Following this phase, an adjustable sequential framework
is developed where the first step predicts the optimal
number of compressed measurements and the second
step recovers the sparse support and makes sensing
decision. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations
demonstrate the improvement achieved with the proposed
algorithm to significantly reduce both sampling costs
and average sensing time without any deterioration in
detection performance. Furthermore, the remainder of
the sensing time can be employed by secondary users for
data transmission, thus leading to the enhancement of the
total throughput of the CR network.
Keywords—saving in the sampling resources, sparse
support estimation, spectrum occupancy, throughput en-
hancement, wideband spectrum sensing
n recent years, opportunistic spectrum utilization has re-
ceived significant interests, especially in fifth-generation
Manuscript received Sept. 18, 2017; accepted Mar. 21, 2018. The asso-
ciate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publi-
cation was J. H. He.
M. Ghadyani, A. Shahzadi. Faculty of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan 35196-45399, Iran (e-mail:
ghadyani@semnan.ac.ir; shahzadi@semnan.ac.ir).
(5G) wireless networks where the unlicensed users sense a
wide range of spectrum and dynamically change their param-
eters to access the licensed spectrum
. As a result, fast and
accurate spectrum sensing plays the main role in a cognitive
radio (CR) system, allowing it to optimally employ the spec-
trum resources without any harmful interference for primary
users (PUs)
. In wide band spectrum sensing (WBSS), sec-
ondary users (SUs) monitor a large number of sub-bands to
find idle channels for data transmission. However, the band-
width of wide band signals is so large that existing analog-
to-digital converters are unable to handle the signal’s Nyquist
rate (R
. In addition, such a high sampling rate generates
an enormous number of samples to be processed, thus affect-
ing the efficiency and power consumption of the system
To overcome this sampling rate challenge, several sub-
Nyquist sampling methods have been proposed
. Com-
pressed sensing (CS)
is a revolutionary technique in signal
processing that can successfully bypass the traditional limi-
tations of data acquisition. In CS, the original signal is re-
constructed with a few random linear measurements acquired
with a sampling rate that is lower than the signal’s Nyquist
. To accomplish this task, the desired signal or some
linear transform of it is made sparse in a proper domain
Many effective methods have been introduced to reconstruct
the wide band spectrum from the compressed measurements
extracted by the CR receiver with a low sampling rate. Unfor-
tunately, almost all of the existing algorithms assume that the
sparsity level of the spectrum is known. However, in practical
scenarios and because of the dynamic characteristics of PUs,
the actual sparsity level is usually unknown and varies with
time. On the contrary, the minimum sampling rate required
for spectrum reconstruction is a function of the sparsity level.
The smaller the sparsity level is, the lower sampling rate is
needed to successfully recover the wide band spectrum. As a
result, exact and adaptive estimation of sparsity level helps to
save the sampling resources in wide band compressive spec-
trum sensing
In recent years, several methods have been proposed to per-
form CS without any prior knowledge about the sparsity level
of the signal of interest. In Ref. [15], a novel method has been
investigated for sparsity level estimation that uses the gap be-
76 Journal of Communications and Information Networks
tween the number of samples required for sparsity level es-
timation (M
) and sparse signal reconstruction (M
). Wang
et al. extracted some closed-form expressions for M
via data-fitting approach and developed a two-step algo-
rithm for wide band compressed spectrum sensing (WCSS).
The first step quickly estimates the actual sparsity level of the
wide spectrum of interest with a small number of samples,
and the second step adjusts the total number of collected sam-
ples according to the signal’s sparsity level
. Sharma et al.
also proposed a technique to analytically estimate the spar-
sity level of the wide band spectrum with compressive mea-
surements by using the maximum eigenvalue of the measured
signal’s covariance matrix
. They used a multiple measure-
ment vector model instead of the single measurement vector
and derived theoretical expressions for the asymptotic eigen-
value probability distribution function of the measured sig-
nal’s covariance matrix and then utilized it to determine the
actual sparsity level precisely. In another approach, Lavrenko
et al. proposed an empirical eigenvalue-threshold test for spar-
sity level estimation directly from the compressed samples
They exploited the empirical distribution of the noise eigen-
values obtained during a training period. Numerical results
demonstrated the good performance of the proposed method,
especially for small sample size and low signal-to-noise ratios
Despite the good properties of the above methods for wide
band spectrum reconstruction, all of them suffer from the
same drawback. They have to fully recover the received sig-
nal or its spectrum to perform spectrum sensing. However, in
a CS-based CR, there is no need to recover the original sig-
nal itself and only the power spectral density (PSD) of the
active channels is of interest
. Complete reconstruction of
the sparse signal or wide spectrum requires a large number
of compressive measurements, therefore leading to wastage
of the limited sampling resources. In addition, computational
complexity and average sensing time will be relatively high
when the described methods are used. This paper aims to
address both sampling rates and sensing time problems by
developing an adaptive scheme that makes the sensing deci-
sion directly on compressed measurements without any need
to reconstruct the received signal. Part of the novelty of our
approach is that the number of samples required for sparse
support estimation M
is obtained instead of M
and M
Ref. [15]. Then, an adjustable structure is developed to di-
rectly estimate the PSD of sub-bands that are indexed by the
sparse support vector. It is empirically shown that the ob-
tained M
is very close to the number of necessary samples
for sparsity level estimation. Thus, it can be used instead of
to determine the PSD of each sub-band, and then make
a binary decision simply by utilizing an appropriate energy
threshold. Such an efficient algorithm results in significant
sampling costs reduction when compared to the two-step com-
pressed spectrum sensing (TS-CSS) approach proposed by
Wang et al. In addition, because of the direct spectrum sensing
on compressed measurements, the average sensing time is re-
duced and the remainder of the sensing time will be used for
data transmission, thus leading to total throughput enhance-
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II re-
views the WCSS problem and describes the system model in
detail. The proposed support recovery algorithm and the de-
velopment of a framework for spectrum sensing directly from
the compressed samples are reported in section III. This is
followed by section IV that discusses the computational com-
plexity and implementation costs of the proposed algorithm.
Numerical simulations are presented in section V to evaluate
the developed framework, and finally section VI summarizes
the entire work of the paper.
Notation: Vectors are written in boldface lowercase letters,
while matrices are denoted by boldface uppercase letters. H
H represent the transpose, pseudo-inverse, and the ob-
tained estimation of H, respectively, while H
: denotes the
ith row of matrix H. The real number field is denoted by R.
The notation z ∼ N(a,b) means that z is a circularly symmet-
ric Gaussian random variable with mean a and variance b, and
the statistical expectation of z is given by E(z).
Considering a wide band CR system that operates on N
channels and aims to detect the spectral holes within a fre-
quency range 0 ∼ W (Hz), at a given time and location, there
are only K active PUs (K N), where K is unknown and
varies with time, and the other (N − K) bands are idle and
can be used opportunistically by SUs for data transmission.
Resultantly, the received signal x(t) in the CR front-end is
sparse in frequency domain, and the Fourier transform is a
proper sparsity basis for it. Conversely, neither the location
of the occupied channels nor the sparsity level K is a known
. The traditional approach for determining the spec-
trum occupancies within the bandwidth is utilizing compres-
sive spectrum sensing for separating the idle and busy sub-
bands. An analog-to-information converter (AIC)
is devel-
oped to acquire the signal with a sampling rate lower than R
and then a traditional sparse recovery technique reconstructs
the sparse spectrum
. Various types of algorithms have been
proposed to solve the sparse recovery problem. Two famous
categories include greedy matching pursuit techniques
and approaches based on convex optimization that can be ex-
pressed in l
-norm as follows
s.t. y = ϕψx, (1)
- 粉丝: 3
- 资源: 961
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