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Balance Preferences with Performance in Group Role Assignment
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Role assignment is a critical element in the role-based collaboration process. There are many factors to consider when decision makers undertake this task. Such factors include a decision maker’s preferences and the team’s performance. This paper proposes a series of methods, relative to these factors, to solve the group role assignment with balance problem through an association with the one clause at a time approach that is a well-accepted and logic-based association rule mining method. The pr
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Balance Preferences with Performance
in Group Role Assignment
Dongning Liu, Member, IEEE, Yunyi Yuan, Haibin Zhu, Senior Member, IEEE,
Shaohua Teng, and Changqin Huang, Member, IEEE
Abstract—Role assignment is a critical element in the
role-based collaboration process. There are many factors to con-
sider when decision makers undertake this task. Such factors
include a decision maker’s preferences and the team’s perfor-
mance. This paper proposes a series of methods, relative to these
factors, to solve the group role assignment with balance problem
through an association with the one clause at a time approach
that is a well-accepted and logic-based association rule mining
method. The proposed methods are verified by simulation exper-
iments. The experimental results present the practicability of the
proposed solutions. Using the proposed methods, decision mak-
ers need only to establish coarse-grain preferences. The fine-grain
preferences can be mined. Furthermore, a balance is obtained
between the fine-grain preferences and the team’s performance.
Index Terms—Assignment, group role assignment (GRA),
one clause at a time approach (OCAT), preference, role-based
collaboration (RBC), team performance.
OLE assignment has been revealed as a complex pro-
cess throughout the life cycle of role-based collabora-
tion (RBC) [1], i.e., agent evaluation, role assignment, role
playing, and role transfer. Group role assignment (GRA) seeks
an optimal role-to-agent assignment based on the results of
agent evaluations [2] and greatly affects collaboration effi-
ciency and the degree of satisfaction of members involved in
RBC is a very different topic compared with role-based
access control (RBAC) [3]–[5] that is a well-known approach
to conduct system protections. The specifications of roles
in RBC are also different from those in RBAC. Previous
Manuscript received December 15, 2016; revised April 8, 2017; accepted
June 6, 2017. This work was supported in part by the National Natural
Science Foundation of China under Grant 61402118 and Grant 61370229,
in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada,
under Grant RGPIN262075-2013, in part by the S&T Project of Guangdong
Province under Grant 2016B010108007 and Grant 2016B010109008, in part
by the S&T Project of Guangzhou under Grant 201604020145, and in part by
GDUPS (2015). This paper was recommended by Associate Editor Q. Shen.
(Corresponding author: Haibin Zhu.)
D. Liu, Y. Yuan, and S. Teng are with the School of Computer
Science and Technology, Guangdong University of Technology,
Guangzhou 510006, China (e-mail: liudn@gdut.edu.cn; 970208091@qq.com;
H. Zhu is with the School of Management and Engineering, Nanjing
University, Nanjing 210093, China, and also with the Department of Computer
Science and Mathematics, Nipissing University, North Bay, ON P1B 8L7,
Canada (e-mail: haibinz@nipissingu.ca).
C. Huang is with the School of Information Technology in Education,
South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCYB.2017.2715560
work in RBC has clarified the differences between RBAC and
RBC [1], [6]. In short words, RBC utilizes roles as fundamen-
tal mechanisms to facilitate collaboration but RBAC access
control. Roles in RBC specify both rights and responsibilities
but those in RBAC emphasize rights [1], [6].
GRA is itself a complex problem where the exhaustive
search algorithm has an exponential increase in complexity.
In our previous work, an efficient algorithm was developed
by using the Hungarian algorithm (also called Kuhn–Munkres
algorithm [7], [8]) [9]. That means GRA becomes a straight-
forward process, which is devoted to finding the maximum
team performance.
Note that in addition to individual agent role perfor-
mance, there are other factors such as preferences that
determine whether roles are performed effectively by agents.
Psychologically, preferences could be considered as an indi-
vidual’s attitude toward a set of objects. Such an atti-
tude is typically reflected in an explicit decision-making
process [5], [10]. Alternatively, one could interpret the term
preferences to mean the judgment of a decision maker in the
sense of liking or disliking an agent [11], [12]. Preferences
may also express those factors that are highly intelligent and
difficult to state. For example, in a battlefield, the prefer-
ences of the commander is more important than the objective
evaluations of soldiers and groups of soldiers. Therefore,
in role assignment, we need to consider not only the team
performance but also the preferences of decision makers.
However, in the real-world, preferences and performances
are often in conflict. For example, in a company, manager
A may prefer staff member B, but if A considers objective
evaluations, staff member C may be more competitive. How
should manager A choose one from B and C? If there are teams
involved and many tasks to undertake, the manager’s decision
making is far more difficult. Moreover, how does a supervisor
present his/her preferences? If these preferences are coarse-
grained, how does an analyst refine and balance them with
team performance?
Although there are many investigations of assignment prob-
lems in different applications [13]–[17], we still require an
assignment solution that effectively balances preferences with
team performance. Therefore, the GRA with balance (GRAB)
problem is formed. The primary objective of this paper is
to provide a series of practical solutions to the GRAB prob-
lem. Although such problems arise in the research of RBC,
they are also important and challenging in the domains of
administration, production, and engineering.
2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
The contributions of this paper include: 1) the concise for-
malization of the GRAB problem; 2) a fundamental approach
to solving the GRAB problem by providing a feasible
solution; and 3) a series of improvements to the fundamen-
tal approach by combining with the one clause at a time
approach (OCAT) [43], which is an iterative, and logic-based
association rule mining method.
The proposed methods require a decision maker to estab-
lish only coarse-grain preferences. The fine-grain preferences
will be mined, and then the balance between the performance
and the fine-grain preferences is established by using a GRAB
solution. For example, if a manager expresses his/her coarse-
grain preferences as like and dislike, our proposed method can
conduct GRA with fine-grain preferences, or Likert-scale pref-
erences, i.e., strongly like, like, neutral, dislike, and strongly
This paper is organized as follows. Related work is dis-
cussed in Section II. It describes a real-world scenario related
to the proposed problem in Section III and formally specifies
the GRAB problem with the revised environments—classes,
agents, roles, groups, and objects (E-CARGO) model in
Section IV. Section V presents the fundamental solution and
Section VI explains how preferences can be mined and refined
by OCAT. After that, Section VII proposes two methods to
improve the fundamental solution by combining with OCAT to
solve the GRAB problem. Section VIII is used to supplement
Section VII and deals with the negative association preference
set while the former processes the positive set. Section IX
illustrates experiments and analyzes their results. This paper
concludes and points out future works in Section X.
Preference research is an important and challenging topic
in decision theory, operation research, computer science, eco-
nomics, etc. [19]–[23]. Currently, such research is more
popular than ever. As for human’s behavior or performance,
preference research can be divided into two aspects.
1) Preference and personal behavior, such as recom-
mendations, retrieval, social network, and customer
classification [24], [25].
2) Preference and team performance. In this paper, we
mainly focus on the latter.
In the research of preferences and team performance,
Salterio [26] showed that managers respond to their own
incentives and preferences when subjectively evaluating per-
formance. He indicated that performance evaluation biases
affect not only current performance ratings, but also future
employee incentives. Mohammadi et al. [27] proposed a met-
ric for evaluating the performance of user preferences based on
evolutionary multiobjective algorithms by defining a preferred
region. Olaverri-Monreal et al. [28] investigated whether
drivers would like to have additional in-vehicle information
that can be also found in other mobile environments. They
also studied the driving performance with the preferred loca-
tions for in-vehicle information. Zeydan et al. [29] considered
both qualitative and quantitative variables in evaluating per-
formances for selection of suppliers based on efficiency and
effectiveness in one of the biggest car manufacturing factory
in Turkey. Melville et al. [30] revealed that studies examining
the association between information technology and organi-
zational performance are divergent in how they conceptualize
key constructs and their interrelationships.
Because preferences and performances have different mea-
surements, many researches always deal with task assignments
as a multiobjective problem [18], [31]–[33]. However, in this
paper, based on the introduction of roles, RBC and GRA,
via normalization, we use methods of dynamic preference
weights of agents, such that, we can consider both preferences
and performance intuitively. This is in favor of finding the
balance points between preferences and performance. Simply,
existing methods for solving role assignment problems cannot
be used in dealing with the proposed GRAB problem.
As regards to role assignment, some related research
work focuses on role assignment for agents in multiagent
systems [34], [35] or nodes in networked systems [36].
Bhardwaj and Chandrakasan [36] presented a real-world
application that requires role assignment. Dastani et al. [34]
presented research on the determination of conditions under
which an agent can perform a role. Durfee et al. [37] pro-
posed a new formulation of the team formation by modeling
the assignment and scheduling of expert teams as a hybrid
scheduling problem. Shen et al. [38] proposed a multicri-
teria assessment model capable of evaluating the suitability
of individual workers for a specified task according to their
capabilities, social relationships, and existing tasks. We
formally identified a group of problems in role assignment.
We propose a formal provision of taxonomy for collective
GRA and an indication of the complexities arising from this
type of problem through simulations and experiments. Based
on these, we successively deal with role transfer, adaptive,
conflicts problem [1], [2], [9], [39]–[41], etc.
The aforementioned research indicates a strong need to fun-
damentally investigate role assignments to balance between
preferences and performance.
Company X hopes to release a new product. Ann, the Chief
Executive Officer, asks Bob, the Human Resources (HR) offi-
cer, to organize a team of employees for the project. Bob drafts
a team position list (Table I) and a candidate staff shortlist
shown as column 1 in Table II. Then, Bob initiates an evalu-
ation process by asking branch officers to evaluate employees
for each possible position (Table II). As a routine policy, the
new team leader’s preferences are considered in the evalu-
ation of team members. Therefore, Bob requests Chris, the
Product Manager and Team Leader, to offer her preferences
in the recruiting process. To avoid personal conflict with team
members, Chris avoids providing a list of names. Instead,
she offers a list of preferences for staff properties (Table III).
Chris’ demand is reasonable because the nonobjective factors,
such as gender, experiences and personalities of team members
affect the quality of the work. Based on Chris’ preferences,
Bob creates Table IV based on staff’s properties and Table III.
Now he obtains the preferred staff list (the rightmost column
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
of Table IV). He must assign the most qualified candidates
to jobs to maximize the team performance while satisfying
Chris’ preferences.
The challenge to Bob is that there are not enough positively
preferred staff members to fulfill the required positions. On
the other hand, as a qualified HR officer, Bob knows that he
must consider a balance between overall team performance
and Chris’ preferences.
Bob thinks that he can lower the performance scores of
Chris’ negatively preferred staff appropriately. If so, there will
be an impact on the opportunities for staff to be chosen.
Therefore, Bob sets the weight of Chris’ negative prefer-
ences to 0.5 and the weight for positive preferences to 1.
Performance scores in Table II would therefore be adjusted,
i.e., if one’s score for a position is 0.9, then the score is
0.9×0.5 = 0.45 if she/he is in the negative preference list. Note
if she/he is in the positive preference list, the score remains
0.9. This can lower the chances of negatively preferred staff
to be chosen based on Chris’ preferences.
If Bob wants to choose staff according to the newly updated
performance score list, he still needs to consider those who are
not in Chris’ preference list, such as Ashley, Jojo, Richard, etc.
What weight should be assigned in this situation? If this
weight is too big, it will reduce chances of positively preferred
staff. On the other hand, if the weight is too small, positively
preferred staff with low-performance scores may be chosen.
As a result, the overall team performance is lowered.
In consideration of the above situations, Bob suggests that
a satisfactory solution, in light of such a challenge, may
require a significant amount of time. Fortunately, Ann, as
an experienced administrator, understands the complexity of
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