A Reverberation-Time-Aware Approach to Speech
Dereverberation Based on Deep Neural Networks
Bo Wu, Kehuang Li, Minglei Yang, and Chin-Hui Lee, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—A reverberation-time-aware deep-neural-network
(DNN)-based speech dereverberation framework is proposed to
handle a wide range of reverberation times. There are three key
steps in designing a robust system. First, in contrast to sigmoid acti-
vation and min–max normalization in state-of-the-art algorithms,
a linear activation function at the output layer and global mean-
variance normalization of target features are adopted to learn the
complicated nonlinear mapping function from reverberant to ane-
choic speech and to improve the restoration of the low-frequency
and intermediate-frequency contents. Next, two key design param-
eters, namely, frame shift size in speech framing and acoustic con-
text window size at the DNN input, are investigated to show that
RT60-dependent parameters are needed in the DNN training stage
in order to optimize the system performance in diverse reverberant
environments. Finally, the reverberation time is estimated to select
the proper frame shift and context window sizes for feature extrac-
tion before feeding the log-power spectrum features to the trained
DNNs for speech dereverberation. Our experimental results indi-
cate that the proposed framework outperforms the conventional
DNNs without taking the reverberation time into account, while
achieving a performance only slightly worse than the oracle cases
with known reverberation times even for extremely weak and se-
vere reverberant conditions. It also generalizes well to unseen room
sizes, loudspeaker and microphone positions, and recorded room
impulse responses.
Index Terms—Acoustic context, deep neural networks (DNNs),
frame shift, linear output layer, mean-variance normalization,
reverberation-time-aware (RTA), speech dereverberation.
HEN a microphone is placed at a distance from a talker
in an enclosed space in hands-free, eyes-busy speech
applications, the received signal will be a collection of many
delayed and attenuated copies of the original speech signals,
caused by the reflections from walls, ceilings, and floors [1]. As
a result, reverberation often seriously degrades speech quality
and intelligibility. Such deteriorations can cause decreased per-
formances for automatic speech recognition, hearing aids and
Manuscript received April 29, 2016; revised August 8, 2016 and October
20, 2016; accepted October 20, 2016. Date of publication October 31, 2016;
date of current version November 28, 2016. This work was supported in part
by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61571344). The work
of B.Wu was supported by a grant from the China Scholarship Council. The
associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for
publication was Prof. DeLiang Wang.
B. Wu and M. Yang are with the National Laboratory of Radar Signal Process-
ing, Xidian University, Xi’an 710126, China (e-mail: rambowu11@gmail.com;
K. Li and C.-H. Lee are with the School of Electrical and Computer En-
gineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA (e-mail:
kehlekernel@gmail.com; chl@ece.gatech.edu).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TASLP.2016.2623559
source localization. Thus, an effective dereverberation solution
will benefit many speech applications.
Many dereverberation techniques have been proposed in the
past (e.g., [2]–[6]). One direct way is to estimate an inverse
filter of the room impulse response (RIR) [7] to deconvolve the
reverberant signal. However, a minimum phase assumption is
often needed, which is almost never satisfied in practice [7].
The RIR can also be varying in time and hard to estimate [1].
The work presented in [2] estimated a fixed length of an inverse
filter of RIR by maximizing the kurtosis of the linear prediction
(LP) residual for the reduction of early reverberation, without
taking into account the impact of RIR in distinct reverberant
environments on the system performance. The inverse filtering
is only effective in a short reverberation time (RT60) [8] range,
from 0.2 to 0.4 s. Mosayyebpour et al. [4] presented an iterative
method to blindly determine the filter length according to the
reverberant condition, which could be used in highly reverber-
ant rooms. Nevertheless, the stopping criterion was empirically
chosen. Kinoshita et al. [3] estimated the late reverberations
using long-term multi-step linear prediction, and then reduced
the late reverberation effect by employing spectral subtraction.
Some studies attempted to separate speech and reverberation
via homomorphic transformation [9], [10]. Nevertheless, they
are not very effective when the human auditory system is the
target. Other methods dealt with dereverberation by exploiting
the essential properties of speech such as harmonic filtering
[11]. The dereverberation filter is only estimated from voiced
speech segments, therefore achieving a poor dereverberation
performance for unvoiced speech segments.
Recently, due to their strong regression capabilities, deep neu-
ral networks (DNNs) [12], [13] have also been utilized in speech
enhancement [14], [15], source separation[16], [17] and band-
width expansion [18], [19]. Han et al. [5], [20] also proposed
to dereverberate speech using DNNs, to learn a spectral map-
ping from reverberant to anechoic speech. Although the results
reflect the state-of-the-art performances, they represented the
DNN prediction of log-spectral magnitude into an unit range
and normalized the target features into the same range, pre-
venting a good dereverberation performance, especially at low
RT60s. Moreover, their system is environmentally insensitive,
not being to realize its full potential.
In this study, we utilize an improved DNN dereverberation
system we proposed recently [21] by adopting a linear output
layer and globally normalizing the target features into zero mean
and unit variance, and then investigate the effects of frame shift
and acoustic context sizes on the dereverberated speech qual-
ity using DNNs at different RT60s. We show that on the one
hand low frame shifts can not obtain good performances in
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