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在简要介绍了量子芝诺效应之后,提出了量子芝诺悖论。 我们的出发点是时变摄动理论的通常版本。 尽管该理论应该解释稳态之间的过渡,但我们可以得出结论,这种过渡不会发生。 释义芝诺,他们不过是幻想。 引入了两种矛盾的解决方案。 首先是对正统量子力学假设的直接应用; 另一种则来自先前制定的量子力学自发投影方法。 两种解决方案之间的异同都得到了强调。 两种量子力学版本之间的比较,支持它们对悖论的相应解决方案,为量子怪异度提供了新的亮点。 尤其表明,在正统量子力学框架内获得的解决方案是有缺陷的。

Journal of Modern Physics, 2017, 8, 1382-1397
ISSN Online: 2153-120X
ISSN Print: 2153-1196
DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2017.88087
July 21, 2017
Zeno of Elea Shines a New Light on
Quantum Weirdness
María Esther Burgos
Department of Physics, University of Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela
After a brief reference to the quantum Zeno effect, a quantum Zeno paradox
is formulated. Our starting point is the usual version of Time Dependent Pe
turbation Theory. Although this theory is supposed to account for transitions
between stationary states, we are led to conclude that such transitions
Paraphrasing Zeno, they are nothing but illusions. Two solutions to the
paradox are introduced. The first as a straightforward application of the pos
ulates of Orthodox Quantum Mechanics; the other is derived from a Spont
neous Projection Approach to quantum mechanics previously formulated.
Similarities and differences between both solutions are highlighted. A co
parison between the two versions of quantum mechanics, supporting their
corresponding solutions to the paradox, shines a new light on quantum
weirdness. It is shown, in particular, that the solution obtained in the fram
work of Orthodox Quantum Mechanics is defective.
Quantum Weirdness, Quantum Measurements, Spontaneous Quantum
Jumps, Time Dependent Perturbation Theory, Quantum Zeno Paradox
1. Introduction and Outlook
The Greek philosopher Zeno of Elea (ca. 490-430 BC) supported Parmenide’s
doctrine. This philosophy states that, contrary to the evidence of our senses, the
belief in plurality and change is mistaken; in particular motion is nothing but an
The most popular Zeno paradoxes concerning motion are “
Achilles and the
” and the “
Arrow Paradox
”. In the latter it is assumed that for motion to
occur, an object must change the position which it occupies. In the case of an
arrow in flight, Zeno argues that “the flying arrow is at rest, which result follows
from the assumption that time is composed of moments… he says that if every-
How to cite this paper:
Burgos, M.E.
Zeno of Elea Shines a New Light on
Quantum Weirdness
Journal of Modern
, 1382-1397.
April 17, 2017
July 18, 2017
July 21, 2017
Copyright © 201
7 by author and
Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY
Open Access

M. E. Burgos
thing when it occupies an equal space is at rest, and if that which is in locomo-
tion is always in a now, the flying arrow is therefore motionless. (Aristotle
, 239b. 30) Zeno abolishes motion, saying ‘What is in motion moves neither in
the place it is nor in one in which it is not’. (Diogenes Laertius
Lives of Famous
, ix.72)” [1].
In 1977 Baidyanath Misra and George Sudarshan studied the behavior of an
unstable particle continuously observed to see whether it decays or not [2]. The
resulting effect have previously been described by Alan Turing in the following
terms: “it is easy to show using standard [quantum] theory that if a system starts
in an eigenstate of some observable, and measurements are made of that ob-
times a second, then, even if the state is not a stationary one, the
probability that the system will be in the same state after, say, one second, tends
to one as
tends to infinity; that is, that continual observations will prevent
motion…” [3]. Initially this argument received the name of Turing paradox.
In their 1977 paper, Misra and Sudarshan referred to the behavior of a quan-
tum system subjected to frequent ideal measurements. They considered the
process of continuing observation as the limiting case of successions of (practi-
cally) instantaneous measurements as the intervals between successive mea-
surements approach zero. They argued that, “since there does not seem to be any
principle, internal to quantum theory, that forbids the duration of a single mea-
surement or the dead time between successive measurements from being arbi-
trarily small, the process of continuous observation seems to be an admissible
process in quantum theory” [2]. They concluded that an unstable particle which
is continuously observed to see whether it decays or not will never be found to
decay and named this phenomenon the quantum Zeno paradox [2].
Misra and Sudarshan article stimulated a great deal of theoretical and experi-
mental work. The possibility that the decay of an unstable particle could be pre-
vented by continued observation was, however, considered an alarming result by
some physicists. In particular, as early as in 1983, Mario Bunge and Andrés
Kálnay explicitly dealt with the suspicion that the quantum Zeno paradox must
be a fraud [4] [5] [6].
In 1990 Wayne Itano
et al.
published a paper entitled
Quantum Zeno effect
. In
its abstract they assert: “The quantum Zeno effect is the inhibition of transitions
between quantum states by frequent measurements of the state. The inhibition
arises because the measurement causes a collapse (reduction) of the wave func-
tion. If the time between measurements is short enough, the wave function
usually collapses back to the initial state.
We have observed this effect
in an rf
transition… Short pulses of light, applied at the same time as the rf field, made
the measurements” ([7]; emphases added).
In 2009, Itano published a revision of different opinions regarding the quan-
tum Zeno effect. He acknowledges that “there has been much disagreement as to
how the quantum Zeno effect should be defined and as to whether it is really a
paradox, requiring new physics, or merely a consequence of ‘ordinary’ quantum
mechanics” [8]. For instance, according to Asher Peres, the quantum Zeno effect

M. E. Burgos
has nothing paradoxical: “What happens simply is that the quantum system is
overwhelmed by the meters which continuously interact with it” ([9], p. 394).
The theoretical and experimental work dealing with the quantum Zeno effect
is exciting. But its relation with Zeno’s arrow paradox is questionable: Zeno’s
purpose was not to stop the flying arrow; it was to show that motion is an illu-
sion. By contrast, both Turing’s argument and Misra and Sudarshan’s contribu-
tion aim to stop transitions between quantum states by frequent measurements;
let alone the experiment by Itano
et al
. (and many others we have not mention
for brevity)
where transitions between quantum states seem to have been truly
at least partially
Differing from other references to the
quantum Zeno effect
, the present paper
highlights a
True Quantum Zeno paradox
(TQZ paradox for short): we show
that the
usual version
of Time Dependent Perturbation Theory (TDPT) leads to
the conclusion that transitions between stationary states cannot happen. They
are nothing but illusions.
The outlook of this paper is as follows: In Section 2, we formulate the TQZ
paradox. In Section 3 we introduce and compare two different solutions to the
paradox: an orthodox solution results from a straightforward application of the
postulates of Orthodox (Ordinary, Standard) Quantum Mechanics (OQM); the
other is derived from a Spontaneous Projection Approach to quantum mechan-
ics (SPA) previously formulated. Section 4 contrasts the main traits of SPA and
OQM. In particular, similarities and differences between both solutions to TQZ
paradox are highlighted. Section 5 sums up the conclusions of the present work.
2. Formulation of TQZ Paradox
The aim of TDPT is to calculate the transition probability between stationary
states induced by a time dependent perturbation. In the following we sketch the
essential features of TDPT. For more details see for instance: D. R. Bes ([10],
Chapter IX); C. Cohen-Tannoudji
et al
. ([11], Chapter XIII); P. A. M. Dirac
([12], Chapter VII); W. Heitler ([13], Chapter IV); E. Merzbacher ([14], Chapter
XIX); and/or A. Messiah ([15], Chapitre XVII).
Symbols used by these
authors may have been changed for homogeneity. All the states referred to in
this paper are normalized.
Consider a system with Hamiltonian
which does not depend explicitly on
time. It will be called the
unperturbed Hamiltonian
of the system. Its eigenvalue
equations are
n nn
( )
1, 2,
are the eigenvalues of
the corresponding
eigenstates. For simplicity we assume
spectrum to be entirely discrete and
We shall suppose that at initial time
0t =
the system is in the stationary
. If for
0t ≥
the Hamiltonian were
, the state vector at time t
would be
( ) ( )
e 0e
iE t iE t
ψψ φ
= =

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