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Numerical simulation of 30-kW class liquid-cooled Nd:YAG multi-s...
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A numerical modeling is developed for 30-kW class liquid-convection-cooled elastically-mounted Nd:YAG multi-slab laser resonator configuration. The modeling exhibits the thermal effects and resultant wavefront aberration of the gain module under flow cooling and CW pumping at 100-kW level, the self-reproducing oscillating mode within the large-aperture cavity, as well as the beam quality enhancement by adaptive optics. The simulation results predict a CW output power of 31 kW with the optical-op
Numerical simulation of 30-kW class liquid-
cooled Nd:YAG multi-slab resonator
Xing Fu, Qiang Liu, Peilin Li, Lei Huang, and Mali Gong
Center for Photonics and Electronics, State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Department of Precision Instrument,
Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract: A numerical modeling is developed for 30-kW class liquid-
convection-cooled elastically-mounted Nd:YAG multi-slab laser resonator
configuration. The modeling exhibits the thermal effects and resultant
wavefront aberration of the gain module under flow cooling and CW
pumping at 100-kW level, the self-reproducing oscillating mode within the
large-aperture cavity, as well as the beam quality enhancement by adaptive
optics. The simulation results predict a CW output power of 31 kW with the
optical-optical efficiency of 26.1% obtained from a modified resonator
configuration with dual gain modules that have opposite flow directions,
while the beam quality can be improved to β<2 after the correction of a
deformable mirror.
©2015 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (140.3580) Lasers, solid-state; (140.3410) Laser resonators; (140.3530) Lasers,
References and links
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Received 3 Jun 2015; revised 1 Jul 2015; accepted 1 Jul 2015; published 7 Jul 2015
© 2015 OSA
13 Jul 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 14 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.018458 | OPTICS EXPRESS 18458
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1. Introduction
To dissipate the heat load deposited in the gain medium, most high power solid-state lasers
nowadays are conduction cooled, in which the heat is conducted to a heat sink [1, 2].
However, the conduction-cooled high power lasers still suffer from severe thermal effects,
which would degrade the beam quality and limit the maximum injected pump power [3, 4].
Liquid-convection-cooled configuration [5–7], in which the circulating liquid flows over
all surfaces of the gain medium to carry away the deposited heat, has gained much attention
recently, mainly because it has shown advantages over traditional conduction cooling method
especially in terms of producing high power lasers. In 2010, Textron Defense Inc. presented a
state-of-the-art liquid-convection-cooled configuration called ThinZag that used Nd:YAG
ceramic thin slabs as the gain medium while the laser beam passed through the thin slabs and
flow layers in a zigzag manner. Based on ThinZag structure, 27 kW of output power was
achieved from a single oscillator module, and 100 kW was obtained from the single aperture
with six modules placed within the cavity [8]. General Atomics Corp. is developing the 150
kW “liquid laser” that consists of ten 15-kW liquid-cooled modules, with the total weight no
more than 750 kg, which would be 10 times smaller and lighter than lasers of similar power
Recently, our group reported a novel design of the liquid-convection-cooled Nd:YAG
laser resonator [12], which employs the straight-through geometry that the oscillating laser
propagates through multiple thin slabs and multiple cooling flow layers in Brewster angle.
More particularly, in order to minimize the risk of thermal stress fracture under ultrahigh
thermal load, the Nd:YAG thin slabs are elastically held by a flexible supporter that has
several tiny grooves, which serves to greatly reduce the external constraint on the slab,
permitting the deformation induced by the thermal gradient to occur freely to its fullest extent
and thus dramatically alleviate the thermal stress. The experiment of Nd:YAG multi-slab
resonator produced a continuous-wave (CW) output power of 3 kW with an optical-optical
efficiency of 15.1% and a slope efficiency of 21.2%, while the beam quality is poor. The
experiment results indicate that stable kW-class operation can be obtained from the
configuration of liquid-convection-cooled multi-slab resonator, and explicitly demonstrate the
feasibility and validity of the elastical mounting approach of thin slabs, of the efficient heat
removal under 20-kW pumping by using the 0.5-mm-thick cooling flow layers, and of the
high-intensity uniform gain profile by fan-like distribution of laser diode stacks. Furthermore,
the 3 kW output curve presented by [12] has an excellent linearity with no sign of saturation,
which suggests a strong power scaling capability at much higher level.
In this paper, a numerical modeling is developed for 30-kW class liquid-cooled multi-slab
configuration. The modeling demonstrates the thermal effects and resultant wavefront
aberration under flow cooling and pumping at 100-kW level, the self-reproducing oscillating
mode within the large-aperture cavity, as well as the beam quality enhancement by adaptive
optics. According to the simulation results, a CW output power of 31 kW with the optical-
optical efficiency of 26.1% is expected from a modified resonator configuration with dual
gain modules that have opposite flow directions, while the beam quality is predicted to be
Received 3 Jun 2015; revised 1 Jul 2015; accepted 1 Jul 2015; published 7 Jul 2015
© 2015 OSA
13 Jul 2015 | Vol. 23, No. 14 | DOI:10.1364/OE.23.018458 | OPTICS EXPRESS 18459
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