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我们表明,极端黑洞的出现的近地平线共形对称性引起了在扰动场中的普遍行为,无论是黑洞地平线附近还是远离黑洞地平线。 近地平线区域的尺度不变性具有幂律时间依赖性,具有三个普遍特征:(1)地平线的衰减总是精确地是地平线的衰减的两倍; (2)通常会出现1 / t地平线和1 / v $$ 1 / \ sqrt {v} $$的特殊比率; (3)足够高阶的横向导数在地平线上生长(Aretakis不稳定性)。 可以通过近视点(AdS2)全息图简单地了解结果。 我们首先显示一般特征如何仅从对称性出发,然后继续介绍d维电真空黑洞的标量,电磁和引力扰动的详细通用行为。
Published for SISSA by Springer
Received: May 1, 2018
Accepted: May 15, 2018
Published: June 12, 2018
Scaling and universality in extremal black hole
Samuel E. Gralla and Peter Zimmerman
Department of Physics, University of Arizona,
1118 E. Fourth Street, Tucson, Arizona, 85721, U.S.A.
E-mail: sgralla@email.arizona.edu, peterzimmerman@email.arizona.edu
Abstract: We show that the emergent near-horizon conformal symmetry of extremal
black holes gives rise to universal behavior in perturbing fields, both near and far from the
black hole horizon. The scale-invariance of the near-horizon region entails power law time-
dependence with three universal features: (1) the decay off the horizon is always precisely
twice as fast as the decay on the horizon; (2) the special rates of 1/t off the horizon and 1/
on the horizon commonly occur; and (3) sufficiently high-order transverse derivatives grow
on the horizon (Aretakis instability). The results are simply understood in terms of near-
horizon (AdS
) holography. We first show how the general features follow from symmetry
alone and then go on to present the detailed universal behavior of scalar, electromagnetic,
and gravitational perturbations of d-dimensional electrovacuum black holes.
Keywords: Black Holes, Conformal and W Symmetry, AdS-CFT Correspondence, Black
Holes in String Theory
ArXiv ePrint: 1804.04753
Open Access,
The Authors.
Article funded by SCOAP
1 Introduction and summary 1
2 Argument from symmetry 3
2.1 Boundary and horizon coordinates and gauge 3
2.2 Symmetries 4
2.3 Power laws from symmetry 5
2.4 Aretakis instability from symmetry 6
2.5 Scaling dimension 7
3 Charged scalars in AdS
with a uniform electric field 8
3.1 Dirichlet/Neumann conditions and holography 10
3.2 Mixed boundary conditions 12
3.3 Frequency-independent mixed boundary conditions 13
3.3.1 Principal case I 13
3.3.2 Principal case II 14
3.3.3 Principal case III 14
3.3.4 Supplementary case 14
4 SO(2, 1) near-horizon geometries 15
4.1 Charged scalar fields 16
4.2 Gravitational and electromagnetic perturbations 17
5 Full geometries 18
5.1 Separable case 19
5.2 Critical frequency 20
5.3 Critical tail 21
5.3.1 Far region and off-horizon tail 22
5.3.2 Near region and on-horizon tail 23
5.4 Non-separable equations 25
5.5 Electromagnetic and gravitational perturbations 26
5.6 Summary 27
6 Example: extremal Kerr-Newman-AdS 28
6.1 Near-horizon geometry 29
6.2 Elliptic equation and exponents 30
6.3 Matching to the full geometry 30
6.4 Critical tail 32
A Extremal planar Reissner-Nordstr¨om AdS (RN-AdS) 32
B Discrete modes 34
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1 Introduction and summary
In the greater enterprise of black hole physics, extremal black holes — those at the edge of
the allowed parameter space — play a special role. Their distinct mathematical properties
generally demand separate analysis, while their privileged physical status gives them special
interest. In astrophysical or condensed-matter applications, extremality corresponds to
the interesting limits of high spin and low temperature, respectively. In quantum gravity,
the lack of Hawking radiation makes extremal black holes thermodynamically stable and
hence easier to study. The extremal limit has also seen a recent surge of interest from
mathematicians interested in stability.
All of these various fora for black holes — astrophysics, condensed matter physics,
quantum gravity, and mathematics — involve in an essential way the study of their pertur-
bations. One perturbs the spacetime and/or other fields involved, or for simplicity considers
a test field propagating on the geometry. From the behavior of these perturbing fields re-
sults many interesting quantities, such as the Hawking radiation spectrum, the propagator
of a holographically dual theory, the gravitational-wave emission from some process, or the
stability (or instability!) of the black hole itself. While four-dimensional, asymptotically
flat, electrovacuum black holes are remarkably constrained (they “have no hair”), modern
problems of interest increasingly demand higher and lower dimensions, additional fields
like scalars and spinors, and/or the presence of vacuum energy that modifies the bound-
ary behavior. The complexity of this “black hole zoo” motivates the search for universal
features, independent of the details of any specific case.
In physics quite generally, universal behavior emerges near special, “critical” points
exhibiting emergent conformal symmetry. In black hole physics, the near-horizon region
of an extremal black hole functions as such a point, as it sees the emergence of the two-
dimensional (global) conformal group SO(2, 1) as a spacetime symmetry [1–4].
In this
paper we find associated universality in perturbing fields both near and far from the hori-
zon. In particular, we show that (under certain conditions) the near-horizon region gives
rise to power law time-dependence
in each angular mode, with three universal features:
1. The decay off the horizon is always precisely twice as fast as the decay on the horizon.
2. The special rates of 1/t off the horizon and 1/
v on the horizon commonly occur
(i.e. over finite regions of parameter space, without fine tuning).
3. Sufficiently high-order transverse derivatives grow on the horizon (Aretakis instabil-
For extensions to local conformal symmetries, see [5].
We assume a stationary black hole with N commuting axisymmetries, and by “time-dependence” we
mean Killing time along the orbits of a timelike linear combination of these Killing fields. (The off-horizon
decay rate does not depend on which Killing field one chooses; for an example see eq. (6.23b) and discussion
below.) Here t stands for any such notion of time, while v is strictly the affine/Killing time along orbits of
the degenerate horizon generators. For scalars we refer to the value of the field, while for electromagnetic
and gravitational perturbations we refer to a certain Hertz potential, from which the perturbation may be
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If not swamped by other features (such as slower decay or an exponential instability), these
rates will be visible at late times, as in the known 1/t [6] and 1/
v [7] tails of massless
perturbations of extremal Kerr. If not, they should still be identifiable at intermediate
times, as in the transient 1/t decay occurring for charged perturbations of extremal Kerr-
Newman [8]. At the very least, they can be identified with spectral analysis, as they
are associated with a calculable special frequency in each example, often the superradiant
bound. The special rates of 1/t and 1/
v occur over large swaths of parameter space in
our analysis, and we therefore expect that these rates will appear much more generally
than the known examples, functioning as “calling cards” for an extremal black hole.
The universality can be traced to the shared AdS
factor in extremal near-horizon
geometries [3] and is simply understood in holographic terms. Each angular mode features
a special frequency near which the dynamics are governed by a field in AdS
with some
scaling dimension h. Elementary symmetry considerations force the bulk-boundary and
boundary-boundary propagators to scale with exponents h and 2h, respectively,
= −hG
, DG
= −2hG
, (1.1)
where D is the action of an infinitesimal dilation. The key observation is that these
propagators encode the effects of AdS
on externally sourced perturbations (initial data of
compact support away from the horizon), since the AdS
boundary functions as the gateway
between near and far regions. In particular, G
governs fields that propagate in and out
of the near-horizon region, corresponding to off-horizon properties of externally sourced
fields, while G
governs propagation only in to the near-horizon region, corresponding to
on-horizon properties. The relative factor of 2 in eq. (1.1) accounts for the first result above,
while the bound Re[h] ≥ 1/2 on AdS
scaling dimensions accounts for the second. The
third result, the Aretakis instability, is also a direct consequence of the symmetry (1.1) [9].
We flesh out these arguments in section 2 below.
While the symmetry argument captures the essence of our results, it is far from the
whole story. In particular, the argument assumes that holographic propagators can be
defined for some exponent h, which is possible only for certain choices of AdS
conditions (typically Dirichlet). In black hole perturbation problems, the AdS
conditions are determined by the physics of the far region, and we are not free to adjust
them to satisfy our holographic urges. In fact, in many important cases, such as for Kerr
black holes, these conditions are such that dynamics in pure AdS
would not even be well-
posed! After presenting the symmetry argument in section 2, we go on to tell the full story
in sections 3–5 in terms of the range of boundary conditions that can arise in practice. We
delineate the parameter space where the basic results 1–3 survive, giving conditions that
can be checked for any particular perturbation problem of interest. We give an example of
applying the formalism in section 6.
Some of the main features and results of our analysis have been noticed before in the
holographic condensed matter literature. In particular, beginning with ref. [10], it was
recognized that AdS
scaling behavior emerges at frequencies near the chemical potential,
giving rise to power laws in the dual theory. However, this body of literature has not, to our
knowledge, considered decay on the horizon or discussed the growth of derivatives (Aretakis
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e, µ charge and mass of complex scalar field perturbation
ˆe, ˆµ charge and mass of AdS
P a quantity P defined on the AdS
base space
P a quantity P defined on the fiber space
P a quantity P defined on the full geometry
µ, ν, σ, ρ, . . . indices on the d − 2-dimensional fiber space
I, J, K, . . . indices running over the N azimuthal angles φ
on the fiber space
i, j, k, . . . indices running over the d − N −2 coordinates y
on the fiber space
a, b, c, d, ··· indices for tensor fields on the d-dimensional near-horizon spacetime
L, L
multi-index for multipoles
Table 1. Table of Notation.
instability). Another important difference is that the condensed matter literature focuses on
asymptotically AdS black holes, for which AdS
instability (violation of the Breitenlohner-
Freedman (BF) bound) typically implies a condensate-type (“superconducting”) instability
of the spacetime. For the asymptotically flat black holes included in our general framework,
near-horizon BF-violation can instead entail the universal 1/t tail that we emphasize. We
may say that the 1/t gravitational-wave tail of extremal Kerr [6, 11, 12] is an observational
signature of AdS
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we show how the
so(2, 1) symmetries of AdS
with a uniform electric field dictate the main results. In
section 3 we give a detailed study of charged, massive scalar fields in AdS
with a uniform
electric field. In section 4 we study general near-horizon geometries, in which AdS
as a “base space” dictating the dynamics of each angular mode. In section 5 we discuss
full extremal geometries. In section 6 we apply the formalism to perturbations of four
dimensional Kerr-Newman-AdS. Finally, appendix A discusses non-compact horizons using
the example of planar RN-AdS, while appendix B discusses modes which require special
care, which we call discrete. Our notation is summarized in table 1.
2 Argument from symmetry
Before diving into the full calculations, we show how the main features can be derived
from symmetry alone, subject to the presence of holography-friendly boundary conditions
for perturbations of AdS
. In the full calculation, these conditions arise for the modes
(called “supplementary” in our terminology) which respect the near-horizon BF bound.
The analysis of the BF-violating modes has many similar features, but does not lend
itself as neatly to the language of holography, and we defer to the detailed calculations
of section 3.
2.1 Boundary and horizon coordinates and gauge
The field equation for a charged field in AdS
accompanied by a uniform electric field arises
in the near-zone dimensional reduction of the full perturbation problem near a special
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