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68 Copublished by the IEEE CS and the AIP 1521-9615/10/$26.00 :copyright: 2010 IEEE Computing in SCienCe & engineeringS C I E n t I f I C P r o g r A m m I n gEditors: Konstantin Läufer, laufer@cs.luc.eduKonrad Hinsen, hinsen@cnrs-orleans.frWhy Modern CPUs Are stArving And WhAt CAn Be done ABoUt it By Francesc AltedA well-documented trend shows that CPU speeds are in-creasing at a faster rate than memory speeds.1,2 Indeed, CPU per- formance has now outstripped mem- ory performance to the point
68 Copublished by the IEEE CS and the AIP 1521-9615/10/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE Computing in SCienCe & engineering
Editors: Konstantin Läufer, laufer@cs.luc.edu
Konrad Hinsen, hinsen@cnrs-orleans.fr
Why Modern CPUs Are stArving
And WhAt CAn Be done ABoUt it
By Francesc Alted
well-documented trend shows
that CPU speeds are in-
creasing at a faster rate than
memory speeds.
Indeed, CPU per-
formance has now outstripped mem-
ory performance to the point that
current CPUs are starved for data,
as memory I/O becomes the perfor-
mance bottleneck.
This hasn’t always been the case.
Once upon a time, processor and
memory speeds evolved in parallel.
For example, memory clock access in
the early 1980s was at approximately
1 MHz, and memory and CPU speeds
increased in tandem to reach speeds
of 16 MHz by decade’s end. By the
early 1990s, however, CPU and mem-
ory speeds began to drift apart: mem-
ory speed increases began to level off,
while CPU clock rates continued to
skyrocket to 100 MHz and beyond.
It wasn’t too long before CPU capa-
bilities began to substantially outstrip
memory performance. Consider this: a
100 MHz processor consumes a word
from memory every 10 nanoseconds
in a single clock tick. This rate is im-
possible to sustain even with present-
day RAM, let alone with the RAM
available when 100 MHz processors
were state of the art. To address this
mismatch, commodity chipmakers in-
troduced the rst on-chip cache.
But CPUs didn’t stop at 100 MHz; by
the start of the new millennium, pro-
cessor speeds reached unparalleled ex-
tremes, hitting the magic 1 GHz gure.
As a consequence, a huge abyss opened
between the processors and the memory
subsystem: CPUs had to wait up to 50
clock ticks for each memory read or
write operation.
During the early and middle 2000s,
the strong competition between Intel
and AMD continued to drive CPU
clock cycles faster and faster (up to 4
GHz). Again, the increased impedance
mismatch with memory speeds forced
vendors to introduce a second-level
cache in CPUs. In the past ve years,
the size of this second-level cache
grew rapidly, reaching 12 Mbytes in
some instances.
Vendors started to realize that they
couldn’t keep raising the frequency
forever, however, and thus dawned
the multicore age. Programmers be-
gan scratching their heads, wondering
how to take advantage of those shiny
new and apparently innovative multi-
core machines. Today, the arrival of
Intel i7 and AMD Phenom makes
four-core on-chip CPUs the most
common conguration. Of course,
more processors means more demand
for data, and vendors thus introduced
a third-level cache.
So, here we are today: memory la-
tency is still much greater than pro-
cessor clock step (around 150 times
greater or more) and has become an
essential bottleneck over the past 20
years. Memory throughput is improv-
ing at a better rate than its latency,
but it’s also lagging behind processors
(about 25 times slower). The result is
that current CPUs are suffering from
serious starvation: they’re capable of
consuming (much!) more data than
the system can possibly deliver.
The Hierarchical
Memory Model
Why, exactly, can’t we improve mem-
ory latency and bandwidth to keep
up with CPUs? The main reason is
cost: it’s prohibitively expensive to
manufacture commodity SDRAM
that can keep up with a modern pro-
cessor. To make memory faster, we
need motherboards with more wire
layers, more complex ancillary logic,
and (most importantly) the ability to
run at higher frequencies. This addi-
tional complexity represents a much
higher cost, which few are willing to
pay. Moreover, raising the frequency
implies pushing more voltage through
the circuits. This causes the energy
consumption to quickly skyrocket and
more heat to be generated, which re-
quires huge coolers in user machines.
That’s not practical.
To cope with memory bus limita-
tions, computer architects introduced
a hierarchy of CPU memory caches.
Such caches are useful because they’re
closer to the processor (normally in
the same die), which improves both la-
tency and bandwidth. The faster they
run, however, the smaller they must
be due mainly to energy dissipation
problems. In response, the industry
CPUs spend most of their time waiting for data to arrive. Identifying low-level bottlenecks—and how to
ameliorate them—can save hours of frustration over poor performance in apparently well-written programs.
CISE-12-2-ScientificPro.indd 68 2/8/10 2:23:25 PM
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