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Computer-generated-hologram-accelerated computing method based o...
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Component object model technology is used to solve problems encountered when using three-dimentional (3D) objects to conduct computer-generated hologram (CGH) fast coding. MATLAB and C/C++ are combined for relevant programming under experimental conditions. The proposed method effectively reduces the time required for holographic encoding of large amounts of 3D object data. The CGHaccelerated computing method based on mixed programming is proven to be highly reliable and practical by testing the
COL 12(3), 030902(2014) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS March 10, 2014
Computer-generated-hologram-accelerated computing
method based on mixed programming
Yaping Zhang ()
, Wang Peng ( ), Hong Chen ( ), Yinhua Xu (),
Wei Chen ( ), and Wei Xu ( )
School of Science, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
Corresponding author: yaping.zhang@gmail.com
Received November 1, 2013; accepted January 15, 2014; posted online February 28, 2014
Component object model technology is used to solve problems encountered when using three-dimentional
(3D) objects to conduct computer-generated hologram (CGH) fast coding. MATLAB and C/C++ are
combined for relevant programming under experimental conditions. The proposed method effectively
reduces the time required for holographic encoding of large amounts of 3D object data. The CGH-
accelerated computing method based on mixed programming is proven to be highly reliable and practical
by testing the 3D data of different data volumes. According to the test results, the proposed method
improves the efficiency of holographic encoding. The higher the data volume is, the more significantly the
computation speed is improved.
OCIS codes: 090.1760, 090.1995.
doi: 10.3788/COL201412.030902.
With the development of computer technology and elec-
tronic display technology in recent years, computer-
generated holography has attracted attention from rel-
evant industrial sectors
. Three-dimentional (3D)
display technology based on computer-generated holog-
raphy is expected to lead to a display revolution in
the industry because of its unique advantages
computer-generated hologram (CGH) can comprehen-
sively record the amplitude and phase of light waves
and has more obvious advantages than traditional opti-
cal holography, including low noise, zero environmental
impact, and high repeatability. CGH can also record
the hologram of any existent or nonexistent object and
allow easy manual control. However, creating a CGH of
a 3D object involves two main difficulties: the large data
volume of an object and macrooperation of the holo-
gram. Large data volumes require high-speed hardware
and high display resolution. For this technology to be
practical, the problem of transmission bandwidth also
needs to be solved. Therefore, under the current con-
ditions, one method of expediting the calculation speed
of 3D holograms is improving calculation speed by us-
ing algorithms (called “soft processing”). The typical
soft processing method involves dividing the 3D object
into a polygonal mesh bin, and then using a geometric
method for conversion, rotation, and processing to im-
prove the computational efficiency of the hologram
Another method is using hardware to improve calcula-
tion speed (called “hard processing”). Hard processing
usually involves data calculation and image transmission
of large data volumes through the design of the hard-
ware circuit
. However, these two kinds of processing
modes cannot fundamentally solve the problem of low
hologram computation speed. Thus, this paper proposes
a method of accelerating computing and also provides a
reference for future studies on hologram calculation ac-
celeration. Many other methods can be used to improve
computational efficiency, such as fast Fourier transform,
simplifying the hologram encoding process, compressing
the bandwidth of the hologram, and using the “difference
method” to rapidly solve a Fresnel hologram.
This study achieves accelerated holographic encoding
of large volumes of 3D object data through mixed pro-
gramming, which takes advantage of the high efficiency
of C/C++ and makes up for the slow execution speed of
this method when displaying the resource-intensive com-
puting functions of MATLAB. This study tests different
data sizes, compares the time spent when only MATLAB
is used for computing, and reaches the conclusion that
the method based on mixed programming can signifi-
cantly improve computational efficiency. Furthermore,
the larger the data volume, the greater the improvement
in computation speed is.
A 3D shape measurement system is combined with
CGH technology to achieve a 3D holographic display. A
3D scanner manufactured by Hangzhou Conformal and
Digital Technology Limited Company is used to collect
the 3D data of static objects and create a CGH. This
system can obtain 3D information about actual objects
and is more convincing than a virtual 3D object. The
3D information obtained by the scanner is considered as
the holographic data used in this study.
Figure 1 presents a schematic diagram and physical
map of the fringe projection 3D measurement system.
The projector first projects the stripe onto the surface
of the measured object. The depth information of the
object surface modulates the amplitude and phase of the
stripe. Then, a charge coupled device camera is used
to acquire images of the deformed grating pattern after
the object surface structure is modulated. The image
capture card is then used to transmit these images to a
computer for processing. The deformed grating pattern
images carry the height information for the measured
objects. Digital image processing technology allows cer-
tain algorithms to demodulate the phase of the object
depth information contained in the images and unwrap
the phase after obtaining the decoding information and
phase value. The spatial value of the measured object
can be obtained based on the phase value that corre-
sponds to each pixel point of the image, to obtain the 3D
1671-7694/2014/030902(4) 030902-1
2014 Chinese Optics Letters
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