2 May, 2003
This is a new static control I created a while ago because I can't find one
after poring through the net for a long, long time. I just recently found
out that there are good and perhaps better implementations of static hyperlink
controls out there. But IMHO mine has served me well enough that I want to
share it with you.
The control is sub-classed from CStatic so it is compatible with MFC.
CHyperLink sports the following members:
GetActiveColor - Gets the color of the active link (when the link is being opened).
SetActiveColor - Sets the color of the active link.
GetHoverColor - Gets the hover color of the link (when the mouse is over the control).
SetHoverColor - Sets the hover color of the link.
GetLinkColor - Gets the link color.
SetLinkColor - Sets the link color.
GetVisitedColor - Gets the color of already visited link.
SetVisitedColor - Sets the color of already visited link.
GetBkColor - Gets the background color.
SetBkColor - Sets the background color. Automatically sets the
background mode to OPAQUE.
GetBkMode - Gets the background mode. If the mode is OPAQUE, the
background is filled first with current background color.
SetBkMode - Sets the background mode.
GetUnderline - Gets the underline mode. Values are ALWAYS = 0, ONHOVER = 1, NONE = 2.
Default is ALWAYS.
SetUnderline - Sets the underline mode.
GetToolTipText - Gets the tool tip text.
SetToolTipText - Sets the tool tip text.
GetURL - Gets the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) string.
SetURL - Sets the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) string.
GetLinkCursor - Gets the HCURSOR used as the current mouse cursor for the control.
SetLinkCursor - Sets the HCURSOR used as the current mouse cursor for the control.
To manipulate the caption, just use CWnd::GetWindowText and CWnd::SetWindowText.
CWnd::SetFont is also used for setting the font. Theoretically, the class should
work with any static control but I haven't tested it with all conceivable static
This code is provided as is without guarantee, expressed or implied, that it will
work as expected under all conditions. I will not shoulder any liabilities arising
from its use and/or misuse.
Feel free to change/improve the code. Please send me a copy if you do make
improvements. :)
Copyright (c) 2002-03 Mark Jundo P. Documento
All rights reserved.
home: http://www.angelfire.com/blues2/javeline
email: javelinexxx@yahoo.com
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在Windows编程中,静态控件通常由Windows API或特定的开发框架如MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)、WinForms或WPF提供。对于.NET开发者来说,`System.Windows.Forms.Label`控件可以模拟静态效果,而`Hyperlink`控件则专门用于创建可点击的超链接。
1. **Windows API中的静态控件**:在C++编程中,通过调用`CreateWindowEx`函数并指定`WC_STATIC`类名来创建静态控件。要实现超链接功能,开发者可能需要自定义消息处理函数,监听`WM_LBUTTONDOWN`等鼠标消息,并使用`ShellExecute`函数打开链接。
2. **MFC中的CStatic类**:MFC是微软提供的C++库,它封装了Windows API。CStatic类是MFC为静态控件提供的封装,可以扩展以支持超链接。通过重载`On_WM_LBUTTONDOWN`消息处理函数,开发者可以添加超链接行为。
3. **.NET Framework中的Hyperlink控件**:在Windows Forms和WPF中,`System.Windows.Forms.Hyperlink`控件提供了更便捷的方式创建超链接。只需设置`Text`属性为链接文本,`NavigateUri`属性为链接地址,即可实现点击后打开浏览器的功能。
4. **自定义控件**:如果标准的`Hyperlink`控件不能满足需求,开发者可以创建自定义控件,继承自`Control`或`UserControl`,并添加所需的事件处理和UI逻辑。这允许更复杂的交互,例如弹出确认对话框、在新窗口中打开链接等。
5. **样式和设计**:为了使静态超链接控件看起来像网页中的超链接,开发者可能需要设置相应的样式,如改变鼠标悬停时的文本颜色、下划线等。在.NET环境中,可以通过设置控件的样式和模板来实现。
6. **多平台支持**:随着跨平台开发的兴起,如使用Qt或Flutter等工具,实现类似功能的控件会有所不同。但基本原理相似,即监听用户输入事件并执行相应操作,比如在Qt中使用`QLabel`和信号槽机制,或在Flutter中使用`Text` widget和`GestureDetector`。
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