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Getting Started with Grunt(PACKT,2014)
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In recent times, modern web browsers have become the application platform of choice. Grunt, along with its wide range of plugins, provides a simple way of managing the large number of build tasks required to maintain a sophisticated web application. Getting Started with Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner provides you with all the information you need to become an effective Grunt power-user. You will quickly learn how to install, configure, and run Grunt. You will go on to understand how to use third-party Grunt and then create your own Grunt tasks that cater to your particular needs.

Getting Started with Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
Copyright © 2014 Packt Publishing
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First published: January 2014
Production Reference: 1170114
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78398-062-8
The cover image is trademarked Bocoup LLC

Jaime Pillora
Peter deHaan
Arnaud Tanielian
Acquisition Editors
Kartikey Pandey
Meeta Rajani
Lead Technical Editor
Sruthi Kutty
Technical Editors
Shashank Desai
Aman Preet Singh
Anand Singh
Project Coordinator
Aboli Ambardekar
Lauren Harkins
Monica Ajmera Mehta
Production Coordinator
Alwin Roy
Cover Work
Alwin Roy

About the Author
Jaime Pillora is a passionate full-stack JavaScript developer, an open source
advocate and contributor, and is currently the CTO of Luma Networks, a well-
funded networking startup in Sydney, Australia.
Jaime has always been interested in all things computer science, and from a young
age, he began to devote his time and effort to learning and perfecting his knowledge
in the eld. Jaime holds a Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of
New South Wales. In all of his work, Jaime strives to reduce technical debt while
maintaining maximum efciency; this is done through software engineering best
practices, combined with using the best tools for the given situation. Grunt is one
such tool, which is utilized in every frontend project. Jaime's interest in Grunt began
early on in his development career and he has since become a renowned expert.
Jaime has been working as a frontend JavaScript developer since 2008, and a backend
JavaScript developer utilizing Node.js since 2011. Currently, Jaime leads all software
development at Luma Networks, who is implementing software-dened networking
on commodity hardware utilizing JavaScript.
I would like to thank my loving partner, Jilarra, for her support
during the many hours put into this book, and her contribution to
the proofreading and editing of the nal drafts.

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