## English | [简体中文](./README_zh-CN.md)
### Data Structure
single-infrastructure-side # DAIR-V2X-I Dataset
├── image
├── {id}.jpg
├── velodyne
├── {id}.pcd
├── calib
├── camera_intrinsic
├── {id}.json
├── virtuallidar_to_camera
├── {id}.json
├── label
├── camera # Labeled data in Infrastructure Virtual LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in image based on image frame time
├── {id}.json
├── virtuallidar # Labeled data in Infrastructure Virtual LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in point cloud based on point cloud frame time
├── {id}.json
├── data_info.json # Relevant index information of the Infrastructure data
single-vehicle-side # DAIR-V2X-V
├── image
├── {id}.jpg
├── velodyne
├── {id}.pcd
├── calib
├── camera_intrinsic
├── {id}.json
├── lidar_to_camera
├── {id}.json
├── label
├── camera # Labeled data in Vehicle LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in image based on image frame time
├── {id}.json
├── lidar # Labeled data in Vehicle LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in point cloud based on point cloud frame time
├── {id}.json
├── data_info.json # Relevant index information of the Vehicle data
cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure # DAIR-V2X-C
├── infrastructure-side # DAIR-V2X-C-I
├── image
├── {id}.jpg
├── velodyne
├── {id}.pcd
├── calib
├── camera
├── {id}.json
├── virtuallidar_to_world
├── {id}.json
├── virtuallidar_to_camera
├── {id}.json
├── label
├── camera # Labeled data in Infrastructure Virtual LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in image based on image frame time
├── {id}.json
├── virtuallidar # Labeled data in Infrastructure Virtual LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in point cloud based on point cloud frame time
├── {id}.json
├── data_info.json # Relevant index information of Infrastructure data
├── vehicle-side # DAIR-V2X-C-V
├── image
├── {id}.jpg
├── velodyne
├── {id}.pcd
├── calib
├── camera_intrinsic
├── {id}.json
├── lidar_to_camera
├── {id}.json
├── lidar_to_novatel
├── {id}.json
├── novatel_to_world
├── {id}.json
├── label
├── camera # Labeled data in Vehicle LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in image based on image frame time
├── {id}.json
├── lidar # Labeled data in Vehicle LiDAR Coordinate System fitting objects in point cloud based on point cloud frame time
├── {id}.json
├── data_info.json # Relevant index information of the Vehicle data
├── cooperative # Coopetative Files
├── label_world # Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative (VIC) Annotation files
├── {id}.json
├── data_info.json # Relevant index information combined the Infrastructure data and the Vehicle data
### Introduction to data-info.json
#### single-infrastructure-side/data_info.json
#### single-vehicle-side/data_info.json
#### cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure/infrastructure-side/data_info.json
- Infrastructure and vehicle frame with the same "batch_id" share the same segments.
#### cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure/vehicle-side/data_info.json
##### cooperative-vehicle-infrastructure/cooperative/data_info.json
### Single-view Annotation File
"type": type,
"truncated_state": truncated_state,
"occluded_state": occluded_state,
"2d_box": {
"xmin": xmin,
"ymin": ymin,
"xmax": xmax,
"ymax": ymax
"3d_dimensions": {
"h": height,
"w": width,
"l": length
"3d_location": {
"x": x,
"y": y,
"z": z
"rotation": rotation
- 10 object classes, including: Car, Truck, Van, Bus, Pedestrian, Cyclist, Tricyclist,
Motorcyclist, Barrowlist, and TrafficCone.
### Cooperative Annotation File
"type": type,
"world_8_points": 8 corners of 3d bounding box,
"system_error_offset": {
"delta_x": delta_x,
"delta_y": delta_y,
We only consider the four class ["Car", "Truck", "Van", "Bus"] and generate 9311 annotation files.
### Statics
DAIR-V2X is the first large-scale, multi-modality, multi-view dataset for Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperative Autonomous Driving (VICAD), with 2D&3D object annotations. All data is captured from real scenarios.
- Totally 71254 LiDAR frames and 71254 Camera images:
- DAIR-V2X Cooperative Dataset (DAIR-V2X-C): 38845 LiDAR frames, 38845 Camera images
- DAIR-V2X Infrastructure Dataset (DAIR-V2X-I): 10084 LiDAR frames, 10084 Camera images
- DAIR-V2X Vehicle Dataset (DAIR-V2X-V): 22325 LiDAR frames, 22325 Camera images
We split 50%, 20% and 30% of the dataset into a training set, validation set, and testing set separately. The training set and validation set is now available, and the testing set will be released along with the subsequent challenge activities.
### Citation