Apache HBase [1] is an open-source, distributed, versioned, column-oriented
store modeled after Google' Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for
Structured Data by Chang et al.[2] Just as Bigtable leverages the distributed
data storage provided by the Google File System, HBase provides Bigtable-like
capabilities on top of Apache Hadoop [3].
To get started using HBase, the full documentation for this release can be
found under the doc/ directory that accompanies this README. Using a browser,
open the docs/index.html to view the project home page (or browse to [1]).
The hbase 'book' at http://hbase.apache.org/book.html has a 'quick start'
section and is where you should being your exploration of the hbase project.
The latest HBase can be downloaded from an Apache Mirror [4].
The source code can be found at [5]
The HBase issue tracker is at [6]
Apache HBase is made available under the Apache License, version 2.0 [7]
The HBase mailing lists and archives are listed here [8].
The HBase distribution includes cryptographic software. See the export control
notice here [9].
1. http://hbase.apache.org
2. http://research.google.com/archive/bigtable.html
3. http://hadoop.apache.org
4. http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/hbase/
5. https://hbase.apache.org/source-repository.html
6. https://hbase.apache.org/issue-tracking.html
7. http://hbase.apache.org/license.html
8. http://hbase.apache.org/mail-lists.html
9. https://hbase.apache.org/export_control.html
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ambari-2.7.5 编译过程中四个大包下载很慢,所以需要提前下载,包含:hbase- ,hadoop- , grafana-6.4.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz ,phoenix-
hbase- (412个子文件)
hbase.cmd 14KB
hbase-env.cmd 4KB
hbase-config.cmd 2KB
start-hbase.cmd 2KB
stop-hbase.cmd 2KB
bootstrap.css 117KB
bootstrap.min.css 95KB
bootstrap-theme.css 17KB
bootstrap-theme.min.css 15KB
hbase.css 1KB
glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot 14KB
hbase_logo_med.gif 4KB
hbase 18KB
hbase-jruby 876B
index.html 876B
index.html 873B
index.html 872B
index.html 871B
aws-java-sdk-bundle-1.11.375.jar 94.16MB
jruby-complete- 21.79MB
hbase-server- 8MB
hbase-protocol-shaded- 5.75MB
hadoop-hdfs- 5.48MB
hadoop-hdfs-client- 4.76MB
hbase-server- 4.53MB
hbase-shaded-netty-2.2.0.jar 3.94MB
hbase-shaded-miscellaneous-2.2.0.jar 3.91MB
hadoop-common- 3.86MB
hbase-protocol- 3.07MB
hadoop-yarn-api- 2.96MB
hbase-it- 2.75MB
hadoop-yarn-common- 2.71MB
hbase-thrift- 2.71MB
guava-28.0-jre.jar 2.62MB
curator-client-4.0.0.jar 2.53MB
netty-all-4.0.52.Final.jar 2.17MB
commons-math3-3.6.1.jar 2.11MB
hadoop-yarn-server-resourcemanager- 2.09MB
hbase-client- 1.69MB
org.eclipse.jdt.core-3.8.2.v20130121.jar 1.68MB
ehcache-3.3.1.jar 1.65MB
hadoop-mapreduce-client-core- 1.58MB
jcodings-1.0.18.jar 1.53MB
hbase-shaded-protobuf-2.2.0.jar 1.44MB
htrace-core4-4.2.0-incubating.jar 1.44MB
htrace-core-3.2.0-incubating.jar 1.42MB
jackson-databind- 1.29MB
hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager- 1.28MB
hadoop-yarn-server-common- 1.27MB
snappy-java-1.0.5.jar 1.19MB
leveldbjni-all-1.8.jar 1021KB
jersey-guava-2.25.1.jar 949KB
jersey-server-2.25.1.jar 919KB
jaxb-impl-2.2.3-1.jar 869KB
zookeeper- 820KB
hbase-spark- 794KB
hadoop-mapreduce-client-common- 785KB
mssql-jdbc-6.2.1.jre7.jar 774KB
jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13.jar 762KB
hbase-common- 755KB
javassist-3.20.0-GA.jar 733KB
httpclient-4.5.3.jar 730KB
jersey-common-2.25.1.jar 699KB
guice-4.0.jar 653KB
commons-configuration2-2.1.1.jar 602KB
hadoop-mapreduce-client-app- 598KB
commons-collections-3.2.2.jar 575KB
javax.servlet.jsp-2.3.2.jar 535KB
protobuf-java-2.5.0.jar 521KB
jetty-server-9.3.27.v20190418.jar 516KB
woodstox-core-5.0.3.jar 501KB
hbase-mapreduce- 496KB
commons-lang3-3.6.jar 483KB
log4j-1.2.17.jar 478KB
hadoop-aws- 462KB
spymemcached-2.12.2.jar 462KB
hbase-rest- 452KB
jetty-util-9.3.27.v20190418.jar 451KB
jackson-module-scala_2.11-2.9.9.jar 444KB
hbase-endpoint- 432KB
avro-1.7.7.jar 426KB
hbase-mapreduce- 397KB
javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.2.jar 396KB
fst-2.50.jar 379KB
hbase-rsgroup- 329KB
okhttp-2.7.5.jar 323KB
jackson-core-2.9.9.jar 318KB
httpcore-4.4.6.jar 316KB
hbase-common- 308KB
junit-4.12.jar 308KB
dnsjava-2.1.7.jar 300KB
commons-net-3.6.jar 300KB
curator-framework-4.0.0.jar 300KB
hadoop-yarn-client- 296KB
nimbus-jose-jwt-4.41.1.jar 292KB
hadoop-yarn-server-applicationhistoryservice- 288KB
curator-recipes-4.0.0.jar 287KB
commons-lang-2.6.jar 278KB
commons-codec-1.10.jar 278KB
jsch-0.1.54.jar 274KB
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