Android x86 Arm NativeBridge
Houdini is an ARM translation layer for android developed by Intel and
Google to run ARM apps on x86 architecture. The project is closed source and
nowadays android x86 doesn't have it pre-installed in the system. To enable
ARM Native Bridge on android x86 you need to run
the enable_nativebridge command from the terminal, which downloads the .sfs
image file from the android x86 servers and runs the ARM activation
commands according to your device architecture.
There are mainly 3 types of libhoudini used in android x86 :-
� houdini_7_x = (x86 arm translation)
� houdini_7_y = (x86_64 arm translation)
� houdini_7_z = (x86_64 arm64 translation)
Houdini files are named according to their android version :-
� Houdini_6 series = android 6.0
� Houdini_7 series = android 7.0
� Houdini_8 series = android 8.0
� Houdini_9 series = android 9.0