Introduction Power Semiconductor Applications
Philips Semiconductors
1.2.9 Understanding the Data Sheet: PowerMOS
All manufacturers of power MOSFETs provide a data sheet
for every type produced. The purpose of the data sheet is
primarily to give an indication as to the capabilities of a
particular product. It is also useful for the purpose of
selecting device equivalents between different
manufacturers. In some cases however data on a number
of parameters may be quoted under subtly different
conditions by different manufacturers, particularly on
second order parameters such as switching times. In
addition the information contained within the data sheet
does not always appear relevant for the application. Using
data sheets and selecting device equivalents therefore
requires caution and an understanding of exactly what the
data means and how it can be interpreted. Throughout this
chapter the BUK553-100A is used as an example, this
device is a 100 V logic level MOSFET.
Information contained in the Philips data
The data sheet is divided into 8 sections as follows:
* Quick reference data
* Limiting values
* Thermal resistances
* Static characteristics
* Dynamic characteristics
* Reverse diode limiting values and characteristics
* Avalanche limiting value
* Graphical data
The information contained within each of these sections is
now described.
Quick reference data
This data is presented for the purpose of quick selection. It
lists what is considered to be the key parameters of the
device such that a designer can decide at a glance whether
the device is likely to be the correct one for the application
or not. Five parameters are listed, the two most important
are the drain-source voltage V
and drain-source on-state
resistance, R
. V
is the maximum voltage the device
will support between drain and source terminals in the
off-state. R
is the maximum on-state resistance at the
quoted gate voltage, V
, and a junction temperature of
25 ˚C. (NB R
is temperature dependent, see static
characteristics). It is these two parameters which provide
a first order indication of the devices capability.
A drain current value (I
) and a figure for total power
dissipation are also given in this section. These figures
should be treated with caution since they are quoted for
conditions that are rarely attainable in real applications.
(See limiting values.) For most applications the usable dc
current will be less than the quoted figure in the quick
reference data. Typical power dissipations that can be
tolerated by the majority of designers are less than 20 W
(for discrete devices), depending on the heatsinking
arrangement used. The junction temperature (T
) is usually
given as either 150 ˚C or 175 ˚C. It is not recommended
that the internal device temperature be allowed to exceed
this figure.
Limiting values
This table lists the absolute maximum values of six
parameters. The device may be operated right up to these
maximum levels however they must not be exceeded, to
do so may incur damage to the device.
Drain-source voltageand drain-gate voltage havethe same
value. The figure given is the maximum voltage that may
be applied between the respective terminals. Gate-source
voltage, ±V
, gives the maximum value that may be
allowed between the gate and source terminals. To exceed
this voltage, even for the shortest period can cause
permanent damage to the gate oxide. Two values for the
dc drain current, I
, are quoted, one at a mounting base
temperature of 25 ˚C and one at a mounting base
temperature of 100 ˚C. Again these currents do not
represent attainable operating levels. These currents are
the values that will cause the junction temperature to reach
its maximum value when the mounting base is held at the
quoted value. The maximum current rating is therefore a
function of the mounting base temperature and the quoted
figures are just two points on the derating curve ,see Fig.1.
The third current level quoted is the pulse peak value, I
PowerMOS devices generally speaking have a very high
peak current handling capability. It is the internal bond wires
which connect to the chip that provide the final limitation.
The pulse width for which I
can be applied depends upon
the thermal considerations (see section on calculating
currents.) The total power dissipation, P
, and maximum
junction temperature are also stated as for the quick
reference data. The P
figure is calculated from the simple
quotient given in equation 1 (see section on safe operating
area). It is quoted for the condition where the mounting base
temperature is maintained at 25 ˚C. As an example, for the
BUK553-100A the P
figure is 75 W, dissipating this
amount of power while maintaining the mounting base at
25 ˚C would be a challenge! For higher mounting base
temperatures the total power that can be dissipated is less.