This definition most likely contrasts with the more anthropocentric definition that a landscape
corresponds to an area of land equal to or larger than, say, a large basin (e.g., several thousand
hectares). Indeed, Forman and Godron (1986) suggested a lower limit for landscapes at a "few
kilometers in diameter", although they recognized that most of the principles of landscape ecology
apply to ecological mosaics at any level of scale. While this may be a more pragmatic definition than
the organism-centered definition and perhaps corresponds to our human perception of the
environment, it has limited utility in managing wildlife populations if you accept the fact that each
organism scales the environment differently. From an organism-centered perspective, a landscape
could range in absolute scale from an area smaller than a single forest stand (e.g., a individual log) to
an entire ecoregion. If you accept this organism-centered definition of a landscape, a logical
consequence of this is a mandate to manage habitats across the full range of spatial scales; each scale,
whether it be the stand or watershed, or some other scale, will likely be important for a subset of
species, and each species will likely respond to more than one scale.
Key Point
It is not our intent to argue for a single definition of landscape. Rather, we wish to point out that there
are many appropriate ways to define landscape depending on the phenomenon under consideration. The
important point is that a landscape is not necessarily defined by its size; rather, it is defined by an
interacting mosaic of patches relevant to the phenomenon under consideration (at any scale). It is
incumbent upon the investigator or manager to define landscape in an appropriate manner. The essential
first step in any landscape-level research or management endeavor is to define the landscape, and this is of
course prerequisite to quantifying landscape patterns.
Classes of Landscape Pattern
Real landscapes contain complex spatial patterns in the distribution of resources that vary over time;
quantifying these patterns and their dynamics is the purview of landscape pattern analysis.
Landscape patterns can be quantified in a variety of ways depending on the type of data collected,
the manner in which it is collected, and the objectives of the investigation. Broadly considered,
landscape pattern analysis involves four basic types of spatial data corresponding to different
representations of spatial heterogeneity (or models of landscape structure), although in practice these
fundamental conceptual models of landscape structure are sometimes combined in various ways.
These basic classes of landscape pattern look rather different numerically, but they share a concern
with the characterization of spatial heterogeneity:
(1) Spatial point patterns
– Spatial point patterns represent collections of entities where the geographic
locations of the entities are of primary interest, rather than any quantitative or qualitative attribute of
the entity itself. A familiar example is a map of all trees in a forest stand, wherein the data consists of
a list of trees referenced by their geographic locations. Typically, the points would be labeled by
species, and perhaps further specified by their sizes (a marked point pattern). The goal of point
pattern analysis with such data is to determine whether the points are more or less clustered than
expected by chance and/or to find the spatial scale(s) at which the points tend to be more or less
clustered than expected by chance, and a variety of methods have been developed for this purpose
(Greig-Smith 1983, Dale 1999).
(2) Linear network patterns – Linear network patterns represent collections of linear landscape elements