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Practical Windows Forensics
Leverage the power of digital forensics for Windows
Ayman Shaaban
Konstantin Sapronov
Practical Windows Forensics
Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing
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First published: June 2016
Production reference: 2220616
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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ISBN 978-1-78355-409-6
Ayman Shaaban
Konstantin Sapronov
Project Coordinator
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Dr. Stilianos Vidalis
Zhouyuan Yang
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Cover Work
Arvindkumar Gupta
About the Authors
Ayman Shaaban (@aymanshaaban) has been working as a security researcher for
Kasperksy Lab since May 2014. He worked in the Egyptian national CERT as a digital
forensics engineer for 5 years. During his career, Ayman has participated in building digital
forensics labs, provided analysis for cases with national and international scopes, and
delivered training courses on digital forensics analysis for different high-profile entities.
Ayman is a certified GSEC, GCIH, GCFA, and CFCE. He also has a BSc in communication
and electronics, an information security diploma from ITI, and is working on his master's
degree in information security. Ayman can be found on LinkedIn at h t t p : / / e g . l i n k e d i n
. c o m / i n / a y m a n s h a a b a n.
I would like to thank my family and my friends for their continuous support. Also, I want
to thank all my current and past colleagues in Kaspersky Lab, EG-CERT, and Nile
University for their support and dedication.
Konstantin Sapronov works as the deputy head of the Global Emergency Response Team
at Kaspersky Lab. He joined Kaspersky Lab in 2000 and has been in his current position
since August 2011. His previous position was group manager of the virus lab in China since
2007, and he has been responsible for establishing and developing the virus lab at
Kaspersky Lab's office in China. Prior to this, he worked as a virus analyst and head of the
Non-Intel Platform Group in the virus lab at Kaspersky Lab's HQ in Moscow, specializing
in reverse engineering and the analysis of malware, exploits, and vulnerabilities. Konstantin
is the author of several analytical articles on malware for Unix and other information
security topics.
Konstantin holds degrees from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (a technical
university) and the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Information
First of all, many thanks to all my family—my parents, my wife, and my daughter, who
have always supported me. Also, I would like to thank all the people I have worked with all
these years at our company for their support, professionalism, and willingness to help.
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