=== Shoptimizer ===
Requires at least: 6
Tested up to: 6.5
Version: 2.8.3
License: GPLv3
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
Tags: e-commerce, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-images, full-width-template, threaded-comments, accessibility-ready, rtl-language-support, footer-widgets, sticky-post, theme-options
Shoptimizer is the perfect theme for your next WooCommerce project designed around speed and conversions.
== Description ==
For more information about Shoptimizer please go to https://www.commercegurus.com/shoptimizer/
== Installation ==
See: Appearance > Shoptimizer Help. Or visit: https://www.commercegurus.com/docs/shoptimizer-theme/
== Copyright ==
This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL.
Use it to make something cool, have fun, and share what you've learned with others.
Shoptimizer is based on Underscores http://underscores.me/
Resetting and rebuilding styles have been helped along thanks to the fine work of
Eric Meyer http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/index.html
along with Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal http://necolas.github.com/normalize.css/
Rivolicons License: Created by Hadrien Boyer and licensed under Creative Commons 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
Images License: GNU General Public License v2 or later.
== Changelog ==
2.8.3 - 20-09-2024
Fix: Improved native WooCommerce info bar styling.
Fix: PDP gallery modal z-index issue.
Fix: Undefined array key for shoptimizer_layout_wrapper.
Fix: Germanized styling on checkout page improved.
Fix: Previous/Next on PDPs now excludes out of stock products.
Fix: Checkout heading function now includes an additional check if it exists.
Fix: RTL improvements.
2.8.2 - 18-09-2024
* Fix: Numerous CSS tweaks and improvements after the big 2.8 release.
* Tweak: PDP Cross-sells carousel now includes a call to action button.
* Accessibility: Search modal now closable by pressing the ESC key.
2.8.1 - 13-09-2024
* New: Can now hide cross-sells from the cart page.
* Fix: Improved build process for unminified theme CSS files.
* Fix: Mini cart close icon hidden in Safari.
* Fix: Mobile mini cart width fix for small viewports.
* Fix: Cart icon hidden on desktop when 'Header 5' layout selected.
* Tweak: Cross-sells PDP carousel now RTL compatible.
2.8.0 - 12-09-2024
* Major: Theme CSS completely rebuilt into modular components resulting in a 27% reduction in CSS size.
* New: Product card images are now swipeable on mobile if a second gallery image is present and hoverable on desktop.
* New: Can now display a cross-sells carousel within the buy box on a PDP.
* New: Core Woo Product category widget now has an expand/collapse option (Appearance > Customize > Layout > Sidebars)
* Fix: Font display issue after upgrading to WP 6.6+.
* Fix: When editing a PDP in Elementor Pro, core Woo gallery now displays correctly within editor.
* Fix: Native caret arrow appeared in PDP short description accordion within some browsers.
* Fix: Ensure that single product ajax JS can fire on PDPs which use the "Mix and Match Products" plugin.
* Fix: Core WooCommerce product grid block now displays with a correct number of columns.
* Fix: Elementor Pro tablet and mobile grid settings now take priority over the theme.
* Fix: Mini cart and cart page quantity buttons removed if "Sell individually" selected.
* Performance: WooCommerce Subscriptions, German Market, and MailChimp for WP specific CSS will now only load if plugin is active.
* Tweak: Cart ajax update now includes a small delay to ensure that the quantity can be changed before refresh.
* Tweak: Theme modals now closeable by clicking/tapping outside of them.
* Tweak: Updates to Shoptimizer help content within setup area.
* Tweak: RTL Improvements.
2.7.9 - 07-06-2024
* CommerceKit required version update.
2.7.8 - 07-06-2024
* Fix: Add to cart CTA on product pages now triggers the sidebar cart again.
* Fix: Allow the added_to_cart event to be emitted first before the mini cart opens.
* Fix: Jetpack site-logo hook is deprecated.
* Fix: shoptimizer-dialog.js console warning.
2.7.7 - 31-05-2024
* New: Shoptimizer cart total shortcode and Elementor widget. Can now include cart total with the slideout sidebar within a custom-built header.
* Fix: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated.
* Accessibility: Out of stock red color made slightly darker for color contrast.
* Accessibility: Improved keyboard focus states on PDPs.
* Accessibility: Theme modals (call back and search) now use native HTML <dialog> element.
* Accessibility: Cart in navigation bar now uses a <nav> element with an aria-label rather than a <ul>.
* Accessibility: Mobile filters close icon now uses a <button> element rather than a div.
* Performance: Elementor Pro, Germanized, WP Forms and YITH Filter specific CSS will now only load if plugin is active.
* Performance: Any CSS related to CommerceKit moved to the appropriate module within the plugin itself.
* Tweak: CommerceKit is now a recommended plugin rather than required.
* Tweak: General RTL improvements.
2.7.6 - 03-04-2024
* Fix: Sidebar mini cart thumbnails visibility issue when inner scroll active.
* Fix: Close icon visibility when size guides modal is active.
* Compatibility: Support for SEO Framework breadcrumbs.
* Tweak: Improved cross-sells display on mobile.
* Tweak: RTL improvements.
2.7.5 - 06-02-2024
* Tweak: Mobile left/right grid padding restored when 2-column grid is active.
* Tweak: Improved position of close icon within search modal.
* Tweak: Mobile scroll option now works within the category description area.
* Compatibility: Improved mobile grid spacing in Elementor Pro.
* Compatibility: One row header hover search color styling when Elementor Pro is active.
* Compatibility: YITH Filters plugin sidebar panel visibility on mobile.
2.7.4 - 31-01-2024
* New: Two-column mobile catalog layout (Appearance > Customize > Layout > General) now works when CommerceKit swatches are enabled on PLPs.
* New: Option to display an account icon on desktop when the header layout is set to: Logo / Navigation / Cart
* Tweak: Default WooCommerce block notifications styling improved.
* Accessibility: Search toggle icon now uses a button element rather than a link.
* Compatibility: Sidebar cart now works with the GTM4WP plugin.
2.7.3 - 15-12-2023
* Fix: Three column grid blog archive layout now displays correctly.
* Fix: Extra condition wrapped around the PLP ratings quantity so it displays only on the Shop and Catalog pages.
* Tweak: Removed the "Category:" prefix from archive titles by default.
2.7.2 - 13-12-2023
* Fix: Theme hover colors were being applied to Elementor buttons.
* Tweak: Center the rating count if product cards are center aligned.
2.7.1 - 01-12-2023
* Tweak: Adjustment to theme.json as block editor link underlines were appearing on some sites.
2.7.0 - 29-11-2023
* New: Customizer option to display reviews count next to stars on shop/catalog pages.
* New: Option to create a separate menu for mobile.
* Fix: The "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives" WC option caused the single add to cart ajax event not to work when caching was active.
* Fix: Search results sidebar not displaying on mobile.
* Fix: Empty cart page styling resolved after WC7.8.x release.
* Fix: Swiping past the add to cart button caused the mobile menu to close.
* Fix: Cannot redeclare function error when ShopEngine plugin is active.
* Fix: Mega menu dropdowns double-tap issue on large tablets.
* UX: Improved focus-visible styling when navigating with the keyboard.
* UX: Make Inter the default font for new installations rather than IBM Plex Sans.
* Tweak: Cart quantity arrows on cart page: can now enter a custom value.
* Tweak: Cart quantity arrows: improved styling in iOS devices when it becomes 16px on focus.
* Tweak: Custom no search results page now works for all use cases.
* Tweak: Sidebar mini cart quantity JS impro
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24) Shoptimizer - 优化 WooCommerce 商店 v2.8.3.zip
0 下载量 57 浏览量
收藏 1.32MB ZIP 举报
Shoptimizer - 优化 WooCommerce 商店 v2.8.3 具有以下特点: 一、性能优化方面 提升加载速度:可能通过优化代码、图像压缩等方式,加快 WooCommerce 商店的页面加载速度,提供更好的用户体验,减少用户等待时间,降低跳出率。 高效的资源管理:合理管理脚本和样式表,避免不必要的加载,提高网站的性能表现。 二、设计与布局 专业的商店外观:提供时尚、现代且吸引人的设计模板,使 WooCommerce 商店在视觉上更具吸引力,增强品牌形象。 响应式设计:确保商店在各种设备上都能完美显示,包括手机、平板和电脑,满足不同用户的购物需求。 三、功能增强 购物体验优化:可能包括优化购物车流程、简化结账步骤等,提高用户购买转化率。 产品展示优化:更好地展示商品图片、描述和规格等信息,帮助用户做出购买决策。 与 WooCommerce 深度集成:充分利用 WooCommerce 的功能,同时提供额外的定制选项和扩展功能。 四、易用性 易于安装和设置:方便用户快速部署主题,无需复杂的技术操作。 自定义选项丰富:允许用户根据自己的品牌和业务需求进行个性化设置,打造独特的商店风格。 总之,Shoptimizer - 优化 WooCommerce 商店 v2.8.3 是一个强大的工具,可以帮助用户提升 WooCommerce 商店的性能、外观和用户体验,从而增加销售和客户满意度。
24) Shoptimizer - 优化 WooCommerce 商店 v2.8.3.zip (252个子文件)
main.css 143KB
main.min.css 107KB
fontawesome-all.css 67KB
fontawesome-all.min.css 54KB
cart-checkout.css 37KB
rtl.css 31KB
cart-checkout.min.css 30KB
product.css 29KB
product.css 26KB
product.min.css 25KB
customizer.css 19KB
my-account.css 18KB
my-account.css 18KB
select2.css 17KB
my-account.min.css 16KB
checkout.css 15KB
select2.min.css 15KB
navigation-desktop.css 13KB
cart.css 13KB
product-card.css 12KB
plp.css 10KB
yith-quick-view.css 10KB
help.css 10KB
mini-cart.css 9KB
widgets.css 9KB
blocks.css 9KB
blocks.css 9KB
navigation-mobile.css 9KB
blog.css 8KB
blog.css 8KB
comments.css 8KB
comments.css 8KB
header-desktop.css 8KB
blocks.min.css 7KB
order-confirmation.css 7KB
quantity.css 7KB
yith-wishlist.css 7KB
comments.min.css 7KB
blog.min.css 6KB
modal.css 6KB
modal.css 6KB
rivolicons.css 6KB
rivolicons.css 6KB
dokan.css 5KB
forms.css 5KB
modal.min.css 5KB
wc-quote.css 5KB
icons.css 5KB
page-templates.css 5KB
reset-extended.css 4KB
header-mobile.css 4KB
legacy-sticky-atc.css 4KB
legacy-sticky-atc.css 4KB
pagination.css 4KB
footer.css 4KB
notices.css 4KB
styleguide.css 4KB
star-rating.css 3KB
yith-filter.css 3KB
notices.css 3KB
buttons.css 3KB
commercegurus-product-filters.css 3KB
elementor-pro.css 3KB
breadcrumb.css 3KB
wpforms.css 3KB
cross-sells-carousel.css 3KB
cross-sells-carousel.css 3KB
reset.css 3KB
product-grid.css 2KB
progress-bar.css 2KB
top-bar.css 2KB
header-cart.css 2KB
germanized.css 2KB
style.css 2KB
homepage.css 2KB
product-carousel.css 2KB
navigation-secondary.css 2KB
woocommerce-product-bundles.css 1KB
search-results.css 1KB
main.css 1KB
wc-product-categories-toggle.css 1KB
wc-product-categories-toggle.css 1KB
gutenberg.css 1KB
gutenberg.css 1KB
woocommerce-composite-products.css 1KB
wc-quick-view.css 1KB
jetpack.css 824B
mailchimp-wp.css 790B
sendy.css 744B
woocommerce-product-videos.css 717B
demo-store.css 710B
keyboard.css 640B
below-header.css 579B
woocommerce-subscriptions.css 561B
utilities.css 466B
woocommerce-360-image.css 439B
german-market.css 390B
judgeme.css 355B
about.css 354B
metaboxes.css 297B
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