# Image Quality Assessment
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This repository provides an implementation of an aesthetic and technical image quality model based on Google's research paper ["NIMA: Neural Image Assessment"](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.05424.pdf). You can find a quick introduction on their [Research Blog](https://research.googleblog.com/2017/12/introducing-nima-neural-image-assessment.html).
NIMA consists of two models that aim to predict the aesthetic and technical quality of images, respectively. The models are trained via transfer learning, where ImageNet pre-trained CNNs are used and fine-tuned for the classification task.
For more information on how we used NIMA for our specifc problem, we did a write-up on two blog posts:
* NVIDIA Developer Blog: [Deep Learning for Classifying Hotel Aesthetics Photos](https://devblogs.nvidia.com/deep-learning-hotel-aesthetics-photos/)
* Medium: [Using Deep Learning to automatically rank millions of hotel images](https://medium.com/idealo-tech-blog/using-deep-learning-to-automatically-rank-millions-of-hotel-images-c7e2d2e5cae2)
The provided code allows to use any of the pre-trained models in [Keras](https://keras.io/applications/). We further provide Docker images for local CPU training and remote GPU training on AWS EC2, as well as pre-trained models on the [AVA](https://github.com/ylogx/aesthetics/tree/master/data/ava) and [TID2013](http://www.ponomarenko.info/tid2013.htm) datasets.
Read the full documentation at: [https://idealo.github.io/image-quality-assessment/](https://idealo.github.io/image-quality-assessment/).
Image quality assessment is compatible with Python 3.6 and is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. We welcome all kinds of contributions, especially new model architectures and/or hyperparameter combinations that improve the performance of the currently published models (see [Contribute](#contribute)).
## Trained models
| <sub>Predictions from aesthetic model</sub>
| :--:
| ![](readme_figures/images_aesthetic/aesthetic1.jpg_aesthetic.svg)
| <sub>Predictions from technical model</sub>
| :--:
| ![](readme_figures/images_technical/techncial3.jpgtechnical.svg)
We provide trained models, for both aesthetic and technical classifications, that use MobileNet as the base CNN. The models and their respective config files are stored under `models/MobileNet`. They achieve the following performance
Model | Dataset | EMD | LCC | SRCC
----- | ------- | --- | --- | ----
MobileNet aesthetic | AVA | 0.071 |0.626|0.609
MobileNet technical | TID2013 | 0.107 |0.652|0.675
## Getting started
1. Install [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/)
2. Install [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/)
3. Build docker image `docker build -t nima-cpu . -f Dockerfile.cpu`
In order to train remotely on **AWS EC2**
4. Install [Docker Machine](https://docs.docker.com/machine/install-machine/)
5. Install [AWS Command Line Interface](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/installing.html)
## Predict
In order to run predictions on an image or batch of images you can run the prediction script
1. Single image file
./predict \
--docker-image nima-cpu \
--base-model-name MobileNet \
--weights-file $(pwd)/models/MobileNet/weights_mobilenet_technical_0.11.hdf5 \
--image-source $(pwd)/src/tests/test_images/42039.jpg
2. All image files in a directory
./predict \
--docker-image nima-cpu \
--base-model-name MobileNet \
--weights-file $(pwd)/models/MobileNet/weights_mobilenet_technical_0.11.hdf5 \
--image-source $(pwd)/src/tests/test_images
## Train locally on CPU
1. Download dataset (see instructions under [Datasets](#datasets))
2. Run the local training script (e.g. for TID2013 dataset)
./train-local \
--config-file $(pwd)/models/MobileNet/config_technical_cpu.json \
--samples-file $(pwd)/data/TID2013/tid_labels_train.json \
--image-dir /path/to/image/dir/local
This will start a training container from the Docker image `nima-cpu` and create a timestamp train job folder under `train_jobs`, where the trained model weights and logs will be stored. The `--image-dir` argument requires the path of the image directory on your local machine.
In order to stop the last launched container run
CONTAINER_ID=$(docker ps -l -q)
docker container stop $CONTAINER_ID
In order to stream logs from last launched container run
CONTAINER_ID=$(docker ps -l -q)
docker logs $CONTAINER_ID --follow
## Train remotely on AWS EC2
1. Configure your AWS CLI. Ensure that your account has limits for GPU instances and read/write access to the S3 bucket specified in config file [[link](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-resource-limits.html)]
aws configure
2. Launch EC2 instance with Docker Machine. Choose an Ubuntu AMI based on your region (https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/).
For example, to launch a `p2.xlarge` EC2 instance named `ec2-p2` run
(NB: change region, VPC ID and AMI ID as per your setup)
docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 \
--amazonec2-region eu-west-1 \
--amazonec2-ami ami-58d7e821 \
--amazonec2-instance-type p2.xlarge \
--amazonec2-vpc-id vpc-abc \
3. ssh into EC2 instance
docker-machine ssh ec2-p2
4. Update NVIDIA drivers and install **nvidia-docker** (see this [blog post](https://towardsdatascience.com/using-docker-to-set-up-a-deep-learning-environment-on-aws-6af37a78c551) for more details)
# update NVIDIA drivers
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-375 nvidia-settings nvidia-modprobe
# install nvidia-docker
wget -P /tmp https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker/releases/download/v1.0.1/nvidia-docker_1.0.1-1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/nvidia-docker_1.0.1-1_amd64.deb && rm /tmp/nvidia-docker_1.0.1-1_amd64.deb
5. Download dataset to EC2 instance (see instructions under [Datasets](#datasets)). We recommend to save the AMI with the downloaded data for future use.
6. Run the remote EC2 training script (e.g. for AVA dataset)
./train-ec2 \
--docker-machine ec2-p2 \
--config-file $(pwd)/models/MobileNet/config_aesthetic_gpu.json \
--samples-file $(pwd)/data/AVA/ava_labels_train.json \
--image-dir /path/to/image/dir/remote
The training progress will be streamed to your terminal. After the training has finished, the train outputs (logs and best model weights) will be stored on S3 in a timestamped folder. The S3 output bucket can be specified in the **config file**. The `--image-dir` argument requires the path of the image directory on your remote instance.
## Contribute
We welcome all kinds of contributions and will publish the performances from new models in the performance table under [Trained models](#trained-models).
For example, to train a new aesthetic NIMA model based on InceptionV3 ImageNet weights, you just have to change the `base_model_name` parameter in the config file `models/MobileNet/config_aesthetic_gpu.json` to "InceptionV3". You can also control all major hyperparameters in the config file, like learning rate, batch size, or dropout rate.
See the [Contribution](CONTRIBUTING.md) guide for more details.
## Datasets
This project uses