discrimination. Here, we discuss the two lines of work most
related to this paper: weakly-supervised object localization
and visualizing the internal representation of CNNs.
Weakly-supervised object localization: There have
been a number of recent works exploring weakly-
supervised object localization using CNNs [1, 16, 2, 15].
Bergamo et al [1] propose a technique for self-taught object
localization involving masking out image regions to iden-
tify the regions causing the maximal activations in order to
localize objects. Cinbis et al [2] combine multiple-instance
learning with CNN features to localize objects. Oquab et
al [15] propose a method for transferring mid-level image
representations and show that some object localization can
be achieved by evaluating the output of CNNs on multi-
ple overlapping patches. However, the authors do not ac-
tually evaluate the localization ability. On the other hand,
while these approaches yield promising results, they are not
trained end-to-end and require multiple forward passes of a
network to localize objects, making them difficult to scale
to real-world datasets. Our approach is trained end-to-end
and can localize objects in a single forward pass.
The most similar approach to ours is the work based on
global max pooling by Oquab et al [16]. Instead of global
average pooling, they apply global max pooling to localize
a point on objects. However, their localization is limited to
a point lying in the boundary of the object rather than deter-
mining the full extent of the object. We believe that while
the max and average functions are rather similar, the use
of average pooling encourages the network to identify the
complete extent of the object. The basic intuition behind
this is that the loss for average pooling benefits when the
network identifies all discriminative regions of an object as
compared to max pooling. This is explained in greater de-
tail and verified experimentally in Sec. 3.2. Furthermore,
unlike [16], we demonstrate that this localization ability is
generic and can be observed even for problems that the net-
work was not trained on.
We use class activation map to refer to the weighted acti-
vation maps generated for each image, as described in Sec-
tion 2. We would like to emphasize that while global aver-
age pooling is not a novel technique that we propose here,
the observation that it can be applied for accurate discrimi-
native localization is, to the best of our knowledge, unique
to our work. We believe that the simplicity of this tech-
nique makes it portable and can be applied to a variety of
computer vision tasks for fast and accurate localization.
Visualizing CNNs: There has been a number of recent
works [29, 14, 4, 33] that visualize the internal represen-
tation learned by CNNs in an attempt to better understand
their properties. Zeiler et al [29] use deconvolutional net-
works to visualize what patterns activate each unit. Zhou et
al. [33] show that CNNs learn object detectors while being
trained to recognize scenes, and demonstrate that the same
network can perform both scene recognition and object lo-
calization in a single forward-pass. Both of these works
only analyze the convolutional layers, ignoring the fully-
connected thereby painting an incomplete picture of the full
story. By removing the fully-connected layers and retain-
ing most of the performance, we are able to understand our
network from the beginning to the end.
Mahendran et al [14] and Dosovitskiy et al [4] analyze
the visual encoding of CNNs by inverting deep features
at different layers. While these approaches can invert the
fully-connected layers, they only show what information
is being preserved in the deep features without highlight-
ing the relative importance of this information. Unlike [14]
and [4], our approach can highlight exactly which regions
of an image are important for discrimination. Overall, our
approach provides another glimpse into the soul of CNNs.
2. Class Activation Mapping
In this section, we describe the procedure for generating
class activation maps (CAM) using global average pooling
(GAP) in CNNs. A class activation map for a particular cat-
egory indicates the discriminative image regions used by the
CNN to identify that category (e.g., Fig. 3). The procedure
for generating these maps is illustrated in Fig. 2.
We use a network architecture similar to Network in Net-
work [13] and GoogLeNet [24] - the network largely con-
sists of convolutional layers, and just before the final out-
put layer (softmax in the case of categorization), we per-
form global average pooling on the convolutional feature
maps and use those as features for a fully-connected layer
that produces the desired output (categorical or otherwise).
Given this simple connectivity structure, we can identify
the importance of the image regions by projecting back the
weights of the output layer on to the convolutional feature
maps, a technique we call class activation mapping.
As illustrated in Fig. 2, global average pooling outputs
the spatial average of the feature map of each unit at the
last convolutional layer. A weighted sum of these values is
used to generate the final output. Similarly, we compute a
weighted sum of the feature maps of the last convolutional
layer to obtain our class activation maps. We describe this
more formally below for the case of softmax. The same
technique can be applied to regression and other losses.
For a given image, let f
(x, y) represent the activation
of unit k in the last convolutional layer at spatial location
(x, y). Then, for unit k, the result of performing global
average pooling, F
(x, y). Thus, for a given
class c, the input to the softmax, S
, is
where w
is the weight corresponding to class c for unit k. Essentially,
indicates the importance of F
for class c. Finally the
output of the softmax for class c, P
is given by
Here we ignore the bias term: we explicitly set the input