AppWizard has created this sui application for you. This application
not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes
but is also a starting point for writing your application.
This file contains a summary of what you will find in each of the files that
make up your sui application.
This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and
is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the
project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally.
This is the main header file for the application. It includes other
project specific headers (including Resource.h) and declares the
CSuiApp application class.
This is the main application source file that contains the application
class CSuiApp.
This is a listing of all of the Microsoft Windows resources that the
program uses. It includes the icons, bitmaps, and cursors that are stored
in the RES subdirectory. This file can be directly edited in Microsoft
Visual C++.
This file contains information used by ClassWizard to edit existing
classes or add new classes. ClassWizard also uses this file to store
information needed to create and edit message maps and dialog data
maps and to create prototype member functions.
This is an icon file, which is used as the application's icon. This
icon is included by the main resource file sui.rc.
This file contains resources that are not edited by Microsoft
Visual C++. You should place all resources not editable by
the resource editor in this file.
AppWizard creates one dialog class:
suiDlg.h, suiDlg.cpp - the dialog
These files contain your CSuiDlg class. This class defines
the behavior of your application's main dialog. The dialog's
template is in sui.rc, which can be edited in Microsoft
Visual C++.
Other standard files:
StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp
These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file
named sui.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj.
This is the standard header file, which defines new resource IDs.
Microsoft Visual C++ reads and updates this file.
Other notes:
AppWizard uses "TODO:" to indicate parts of the source code you
should add to or customize.
If your application uses MFC in a shared DLL, and your application is
in a language other than the operating system's current language, you
will need to copy the corresponding localized resources MFC42XXX.DLL
from the Microsoft Visual C++ CD-ROM onto the system or system32 directory,
and rename it to be MFCLOC.DLL. ("XXX" stands for the language abbreviation.
For example, MFC42DEU.DLL contains resources translated to German.) If you
don't do this, some of the UI elements of your application will remain in the
language of the operating system.
- 粉丝: 5
- 资源: 5
- springboot基于协同过滤算法的黔醉酒业白酒销售系统_p091v--论文-springboot毕业项目,适合计算机毕-设、实训项目、大作业学习.zip
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- springboot档案管理系统_8xpgg--论文-springboot毕业项目,适合计算机毕-设、实训项目、大作业学习.zip
- nash-m-02结果.7z
- springboot+vue办公管理系统-springboot毕业项目,适合计算机毕-设、实训项目、大作业学习.zip
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- Java高校党支部党务管理系统-springboot毕业项目,适合计算机毕-设、实训项目、大作业学习.zip
- 基于龙芯的智能识别系统设计3:Python-Opencv边缘检测,输出坐标像素点
- 永磁同步电机非线性磁链观测器-示例代码 介绍: 1.该算法是对传统三段式启动方法(定位-强拖-闭环)的全新升级,可以实现零速闭环直接启动 相比三段式启动,代码大大简化 2.对于轻载启动,如风机,水
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- springboot大学生活动社团管理系统(完整运行版本)-springboot毕业项目,适合计算机毕-设、实训项目、大作业学习.zip
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