FILE: Projections.java
NOTES: ---
AUTHOR: Antonello Andrea
EMAIL: andrea.antonello@hydrologis.com
COMPANY: HydroloGIS / Engineering, University of Trento / CUDAM
COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2004 HydroloGIS / University of Trento / CUDAM, ITALY, GPL
VERSION: $version$
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
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1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
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2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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package org.proj4;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
* superclass of all the projections the main proj methods are held here
public abstract class Projections
double degtorad = .0174532925199432958;
double radtodeg = 57.29577951308232;
String proj = null;
* Comment for <code>projParameters</code>
* it is a hashmap that contains all the parameters that
* define the projection. Usually that can be:<BR>
* +init<BR>
* +proj<BR>
* +zone<BR>
* +ellps<BR>
* +datum<BR>
* +units<BR>
* +no_defs<BR>
* +ellps<BR>
* +towgs84<BR>
* name<BR>
* a<BR>
* e<BR>
* es<BR>
* ra<BR>
* one_es<BR>
* rone_es<BR>
* lam0<BR>
* phi0<BR>
* x0<BR>
* y0<BR>
* k0<BR>
* to_meter<BR>
* fr_meter<BR>
private LinkedHashMap projParameters = null;
* get all the projection informations needed from the
* projection code (reproduces pj_get_def() of the proj api)
* @param the proj code or options
* @return the info String
protected native String getProjInfo(String proj);
* get the ellipsoid parameters from the
* projection code
* @param the proj code or options
* @return the info String
protected native String getEllipsInfo(String proj);
* native call to the reprojections routines of proj
* @param firstCoord array of x
* @param secondCoord array of y
* @param values array of z
* @param srcCodeString source projection code or option
* @param destCodeString destination projection code or option
* @param pointcount
* @param pointoffset
protected native void transform(double[] firstCoord, double[] secondCoord,
double[] values, String srcCodeString, String destCodeString,
long pointcount, int pointoffset);
* public method to call the native getProjInfo
* @return quoting the proj api:"Returns the PROJ.4 command string that
* would produce this definition expanded as much as possible. For
* instance, +init= calls and +datum= defintions would be expanded"
public String getProjInfo()
return getProjInfo(proj);
* public method to call the native getEllispdInfo
* @return the list of ellipsoid parameters
public String getEllipseInfo()
return getEllipsInfo(proj);
* print to standard output the proj info in a nice format
public void printProjInfo()
String projinfo = getProjInfo();
System.out.println("* PROJECTION INFO:");
String[] infos = projinfo.split("\\+");
for (int i = 0; i < infos.length - 1; i++)
System.out.println("* +" + infos[i + 1].trim());
System.out.println("* ELLIPSOID INFO:");
String ellipsinfo = getEllipseInfo();
String[] ellipsoid = ellipsinfo.split(";");
for (int i = 0; i < ellipsoid.length; i++)
System.out.println("* " + ellipsoid[i].trim());
* return all the proj info into a Linked Hashmap
public LinkedHashMap mapProjInfo()
projParameters = new LinkedHashMap();
String projinfo = getProjInfo();
String[] infos = projinfo.split("\\+");
for (int i = 0; i < infos.length - 1; i++)
String[] pairs = infos[i + 1].split("=");
if (pairs.length == 1 && pairs[0].equals("no_defs"))
projParameters.put(pairs[0].trim(), "defined");
else if (pairs.length == 1 && !pairs[0].equals("no_defs"))
projParameters.put(pairs[0].trim(), "");
projParameters.put(pairs[0].trim(), pairs[1].trim());
String ellipsinfo = getEllipseInfo();
String[] ellipsoid = ellipsinfo.split(";");
for (int i = 0; i < ellipsoid.length; i++)
String[] pairs2 = ellipsoid[i].split(":");
projParameters.put(pairs2[0].trim(), pairs2[1].trim());
return projParameters;
* if there is some operation to perform on the input data, this is
* the right moment (ex. latlong from degree to radiant)
* -> i.e. do whatever is needed
* @param dataTP
public abstract void prepareData(ProjectionData dataTP);
* do the transform. The srcProjection is passed to the destination proj and
* the transformation takes place. Then the resulting transformed data
* are passed to the destProj, so that the destProj in case can take care of
* final transformation of data (ex. if the destProj is latlong, the values
* have to be set beck to degrees
* @param srcProj object holding the source projection
* @param dataTP the data set
* @param point_count
* @param point_offset
protected void doTheTransform(Projections srcProj, ProjectionData dataTP,
long point_count, int point_offset)
transform(dataTP.x, dataTP.y, dataTP.z, srcProj.proj, proj, point_count,
* this takes care that the reprojected data are in the correct format
* (ex. latlong has to be transformed back to radiant)
* @param dataTP the data set
public abstract void prepareTransformedData(ProjectionData dataTP);
* transform latitude and longitude from degree to radiant format
* @param la
* @param lo
protected void degreeToRadiant(double[] la, double[] lo)
for (int i = 0; i < la.length; i++)
la[i] = la[i] * degtorad;
lo[i] = lo[i] * degtorad;
* transform latitude and longitude from radiant to degree format
* @param la
* @param lo
protected void radiantToDegree(double[] la, double[] lo)
for (int i = 0; i < la.length; i++)
la[i] = la[i] * radtodeg;