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Craig A. VanLengen
College of Business Administration,
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5066
(928) 523-7392
John D. Haney
College of Business Administration,
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5066
(928) 523-7352
Web services have been advertised as the answer to enterprise application
integration, reusability, and as a way to prolong the life of legacy applications.
By developing applications as Web Services they become available (exposed)
to other applications that use (consume) the service following open Web
standards. These services can be exposed and consumed over an intranet,
extranet, or the internet through standard Web technologies. These
technologies include WSDL, an XML-based description format; SOAP, an
application messaging protocol; and HTTP, a collection and transport protocol.
We introduce our students to Web services with some simple examples
developed using ASP.NET technology. The Web Service applications were
created using Visual Studio .NET. The services were published to a .NET
server. A Web application was developed using Visual Studio .NET to
consume the previously created Web Services. The students are then assigned
to develop a similar system to create and consume a Web service. A definition
of Web Services and descriptions of the technology that is used to create,
expose, and consume the Web Services will be provided.
First we will start with some definitions of Web services and Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA) and the technologies that are used. Web services are a set of standard
technologies [4] that allow applications to expose and consume functionality independent
of operating system, programming language, and hardware. Interfaces are built using