Tone Reproduction: A Perspective from Luminance-Driven Perceptual Grouping 75
illumination from an HDR image (Kimmel et al., 2003;
Tumblin et al., 1999). Since the estimated illumination
usually has a wider dynamic range, a displayable im-
age can be obtained by reducing the dynamic range via
compressing the illumination, and then by recombin-
ing the compressed one with the rest of the original
HDR image.
When displaying synthesized HDR images, the
problem of extracting the layers of illumination and
surface properties is inherently solved because images
in graphics are usually rendered from illumination and
reflectance (e.g., Tumblin et al., 1999). In dealing with
images of natural scenes, Land’s Retinex theory (Land
and McCann, 1971) can be used to compute the illu-
mination, and has been implemented with multi-scale
Gaussian filters (Jobson, 1997). There are other tone-
mapping methods also using multi-scale Gaussian fil-
ters to derive the locally-averaged luminance for sim-
ulating the local adaptation effect (Ashikhmin, 2002;
Pattanaik et al., 1998), or the photographic process
(Reinhard et al., 2002). The concern here is that since
the global order of luminance is no longer guaranteed
by local tone mappings, strategies to avoid halo arti-
facts must be explicitly formulated. To gain insight into
this issue, we look at a scenario of applying a large-
scale Gaussian filter to smooth two neighboring and
monotone areas that occupy significantly different lu-
minance levels. Then, tone mapping with the resulting
over-smoothed adaptation luminance would exagger-
ate the contrast near the boundary of the two areas,
and consequently yield halos. The example suggests
that choosing an appropriate scale of the smoothing
operator is critical for computing the locally-averaged
luminance and avoiding halos. Ashikhmin (2002) and
Reinhard et al. (2002) adopt similar schemes to deter-
mine the scales of Gaussian filters. At each pixel lo-
cation, they gradually increase the scale of a Gaussian
filter until that large contrasts are encountered.
Besides multi-scale Gaussians, anisotropic diffu-
sion is another popular choice as the smoothing op-
erator for computing the locally-averaged luminance.
Tumblin and Turk (1999) establish the low curva-
ture image simplifier (LCIS) to blur an HDR image
without smearing the edges. Anisotropic diffusion can
also be implemented in the form of bilateral filtering
(Tomasi and Manduchi, 1998). Specifically, a bilat-
eral filter includes two weights (such as Gaussians):
one for the spatial domain, and the other for the range
domain to explain intensity differences between each
pixel and its neighbors. Nearby areas with dissimilar
luminance values thus yield small weights, which pre-
vent from blurring the edges. DiCarlo and Wandell
(2000) have applied this concept to HDR tone map-
ping. More recently, Durand and Dorsey (2002) de-
velop a fast bilateral filtering to efficiently compute the
locally-averaged luminance. Though seemingly differ-
ent from the methods mentioned above, the gradient-
domain approach of Fattal et al. (2002) is also a local
tone-mapping. Their formulation emphasizes attenu-
ating large gradients, and recovers the luminance by
solving a Poisson equation.
Since estimating local adaptation luminance relates
to the issues of how to separate dissimilar areas and
how to determine an adequate region for averaging,
it is worthwhile to address these problems from a seg-
mentation viewpoint (Krawczyk et al., 2004; Schlick,
1994; Yee and Pattanaik, 2003). Schlick (1994) has
proposed to divide the picture into zones of similar
intensity values and then compute the average of each
zone. He notes that although image segmentation is
itself a challenging one, the segmentation problem in
tone reproduction is a simplified case—on a gray-level
image with few regions. Schlick further suggests to
use gradient or histogram thresholding techniques to
partition the image, but concludes without elaborating
further details in Schlick (1994) that the improvement
on anti-aliasing around high contrast is imperceptible.
Yee and Pattanaik (2003) develop a multi-layer parti-
tioning and grouping algorithm to compute the local
adaptation luminance. Their method computes layers
under different intensity resolutions, i.e., to quantize
intensities by different bin widths, and then for each
intensity resolution, to collect pixels of the same bin
into a same group. Each pixel’s value in the local
adaptation luminance can be obtained by averaging the
values of all pixels from the groups in different layers
with which the underlying pixel is associated. Though
not directly related to the problem of HDR tone repro-
duction, the anchoring model proposed by Gilchrist
et al. (1999) also considers the connection between
the decomposition of an image and the perception
of lightness. They propose to decompose a complex
image into multiple local frameworks (in terms of the
Gestalt grouping principles, e.g., see Palmer, 1999,
p. 257). The perceived reflectance is estimated by
combining the local and global anchoring properties
according to the decomposed frameworks. For prac-
tically implementing the model of Gilchrist et al., the
main difficulties to be overcome include finding the
right grouping factors to reasonably explain lightness