Key Features Gets you up and running with Swift programming without any prior iOS development experience. A fast paced guide showing best practices and lets you get up to speed with Swift to quickly build your own iOS applications A unique practical approach to make your life with Swift easy. Book Description Swift was considered one of the biggest innovations last year, and certainly with Swift 2 announced at WWDC in 2015, this segment of the developer space will continue to be hot and dominating. This is a fast-paced guide to provide an overview of Swift programming and then walks you through in detail how to write iOS applications. Progress through chapters on custom views, networking, parsing and build a complete application as a Git repository, all by using Swift as the core language What you will learn Dive into Swift and explore its innovative and powerful syntax Work with Swift in Xcode to get a unique and productive approach to development Find out how to create complete iOS applications Discover rapid prototyping with a Swift playground Get to know how to use the Swift storyboard to develop multi-page applications Get to grips with parsing JSON and XML data from network sources Build a network client for GitHub repositories, with full source code on GitHub Table of Contents Chapter 1. Exploring Swift Chapter 2. Playing with Swift Chapter 3. Creating an iOS Swift App Chapter 4. Storyboard Applications with Swift and iOS Chapter 5. Creating Custom Views in Swift Chapter 6. Parsing Networked Data Chapter 7. Building a Repository Browser Chapter 8. Adding Watch Support
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- dianeylee2016-04-21书好像是epub转的
- cxch12016-09-23正在学iOS app开发,感谢分享。
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