A novel approach for the classroom or self-study, Learn to Code with Games makes coding accessible to a broad audience. Structured as a series of challenges that help you learn to code by creating a video game, each chapter expands and builds your knowledge while providing guidelines and hints to solving each challenge. The book employs a unique problem-solving approach to teach you the technical foundations of coding, including data types, variables, functions, and arrays. You will also use techniques such as pseudocode and process mapping to formulate solutions without needing to type anything into a computer, and then convert the solutions into executable code. Avoiding jargon as much as possible, Learn to Code with Games shows you how to see coding as a way of thinking and problem solving rather than a domain of obscure languages and syntaxes. Its practical hands-on approach through the context of game development enables you to easily grasp basic programming concepts. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Our Hero Is Stuck! Chapter 2: Characters and Characteristics Chapter 3: The Bounds of the World Chapter 4: Sprinting and Sneaking Chapter 5: Collectables Chapter 6: Spawning Objects Chapter 7: Taking Inventory Chapter 8: A Party of Heroes Chapter 9: Generating a Tile Map Chapter 10: Spawning Objects on a Tile Map Chapter 11: Level Generation Chapter 12: Game State Management Chapter 13: Gameplay Appendix A: Pseudocode Reference Appendix B: Process Mapping Reference
- hynOeA8e2015-12-12Learn.to.Code.with.Games.1498704689有不少例子 可以 参考,目前正需要,
- cbxsyzx2015-10-26感謝LZ收集,用起來挺方便
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